GP32 Divx v.0.3 pre alpha


btw, I think that player is awesome, much better than moviepark (haven't tried gp cinema yet)
i have encoded a movie useing movielink and when i try to use it on GP32 Divx v.0.3 pre alpha it dusent play rite.

its all crackely like the file is corupted or something can some one help me!!

and please dont tell me to get GPcinema it wont accept me card and i dunno how to use paypal so i cant get it.
Dose that player have sound working?
I'm not going to buy GPcinema either. Cuz it sux to pay for somthing that you should get free.
And credit card cux too. So there is no way i buy it.

Sooooo.. dose it have sound?
igot gpdivx working for me, no video corruptions. ALSO, there is sounds, but its really bad. You cant use mp3, but you have to use uncompressed sound, and at a very low bitrate. Any higher, and it will just sound crackly
Grinder X posted on Aug 29 2003 said:
Dose that player have sound working?
I'm not going to buy GPcinema either. Cuz it sux to pay for somthing that you should get free.
And credit card cux too. So there is no way i buy it.

Sooooo.. dose it have sound?
hmmm. Well you can pay with paypal (via mileages) so that opens up the option of a debit/switch/solo card. Also it's like a few pounds/dollars so it's hardly gonna break the bank. It's such a fantastic piece of software too.
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I don't think i will buy it anyway.. I try that Divx v.0.3 pre alpha player.

Or.. Im going to wait until there is good and free player on the net to download.
ahhh, Klown. :P

In any case, there WILL be a good, free movie player for the GP32! I'm working on it right now! It's a port of ffplay, and if you don't know what ffplay is, you can check out the list of supported codecs and see what it can do for yourself.

Don't expect every one of these codecs to work smoothly on the GP32 (since it's pretty underpowered for some of them), but expect a much better situation that we have right now.

That is, as soon as someone heads over to the development forum and helps me work out my stderr issues so I can debug the damn thing! It's SDL based, and it compiles and runs, but it produces no output at the moment so I have no idea what's wrong with it! :(

So yeah, my rant in a nutshell: if you want a good, free (as in beer and in speech) movie player, help me debug the damn thing and it'll come out sooner!
unit3 posted on Aug 30 2003 said:
That is, as soon as someone heads over to the development forum and helps me work out my stderr issues so I can debug the damn thing! It's SDL based, and it compiles and runs, but it produces no output at the moment so I have no idea what's wrong with it! :(
U3 -

Have you posted looking for help anywhere else - or gone on IRC?

HZ :ph34r:
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Hail to unit3! :P
It sure would rock if you could make a free and good movieplayer!
I have no good programing experiences, so all i can do is to wish you good luck!
Take your time making a great movieplayer.