Octavious posted on Apr 4 2004 at 04:14 PM said:
I am not cheap , you *happy* head
I am wondering if the gp32 screen size is big enough to watch movies on, and I would like to try it with the free player
Why the *laughter* are you people so stuck up. I asked for help and I get *happiness*.
Thanks to Alpha 2 who dosnt have his head 3 feet up his *flowers* for a semi desenr answer
I want to know if the screen is big enough in my mind to watch stuff on and if it isnt, then I am going to buy an AV320. AND ANYONE WHO CAN BUY AN AV320 ISNT *happily* CHEAP! I ASKED A SIMPLE QUESTION AND IF YOU DONT HAVE A *silly* ANSWER THAN SHUT THE *kittens* UP!!! I WOULD LIKE AN ANSWER AND IF YOU DONT HAVE ONE, DONT POST ANY GAY *puppy*!!
Edited by Meonlyeviler to keep a clean community
First things first....
I don't know if you noticed, but I copied and pasted the first line in my reply from your first post. Funnily enough, despite what you seem to feel, this was done in fun, hence being followed by a raspberry to try and lighten the mood a little. This was the same response as you got from trooper - i.e. meant to be taken in jest, and NOT SERIOUSLY.
Your response was totally unnecessary and over the top. There was nothing offensive meant by what either trooper or myself said, as both posts were directly referencing your original post - i.e. using this thing that was obviosly lacking from your "oh-so-witty" reposte - HUMOUR! I admit, it may not have been the height of comic genius, but it was humour none-the-less.
Please try and take things a little less seriously. This is a community of several hundered regulars here, and expecting to post something referencing starting a "gay fight" is hardly likely to go unresponded. In fact, going by currently accepted statistics, you could possibly have offended approximately 300ish of our esteemed membership (the proportion that would be gay by approximate percentage). There we go - how's that for a lack of humour.
Lets get down to it. I'm sorry if you took my post the wrong way, but you DO need to learn some etiquette, and you DO need to know that the sort of flaming that you started there will not win you any friends. Being downright shitty just makes you look like a fool. Another thing to bear in mind is that a few posts that arn't what you want won't stop people posting other answers too, so sometimes it's worth waiting before you blow your top.
I also wouldn't be suprised if you put a lot of people off posting replies because of your attitude.
The long and short of it is - Have a sense of humour, keep it friendly, get a sense of perspective, and for gawd's sake - dont blow your head off every time something doesn't quite go your way.
We just want to keep it enjoyable around here, and the odd post-for-a-laugh isn;t going to do any damage at all to that ambition.
P.S. I've got no reason to ban you - everyone has the right to the odd rant

. Again, just try and make it a little less so next time.