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iignotus posted on Feb 5 2006 at 11:09 PM said:
Hanz™ posted on Feb 5 2006 at 04:50 PM said:
iignotus posted on Feb 5 2006 at 10:44 PM said:
Qingdan posted on Feb 5 2006 at 04:11 PM said:
little offtopic, but a point on English language ... :)

Why are people calling Roms stuff that are NOT romdumps ???

I mean , Roms can be a proper word for dumps of games on cartridges or rom memory.
but Psx used CDs , so it should be called Iso , and many computers used disks so why people call it "rom" anyway ?
CD = CD-ROM = Compact Disc Read-Only Memory. It's a rom, just not from a cartridge. Please stop this nonsense.

The only thing that's possibly exempt from being called a rom are disk images for systems such as commodore or famicom. But even then it doesn't matter, since it's still program data.

Furthermore, why should images from systems such as PSX be called ISOs? ISO is just the acronym for the International Standards Organisation, a generic technological group that makes all kinds of standards for use throughout the world. Files with an .ISO extension are just usually ripped CD files that conform with the ISO 9660 File System Standard for CD-ROMs. Looks like you got wrapped up in a little English quirk yourself, huh?
Ah yes. Fact meticuosly hidden in a mass of flame.
I don't see any flames around here... :huh: no name-calling or anything... however, I do notice that you always seem to make comments about other peoples' posts being flames. Do you have any reason for continuously attempting to incite arguments?
I admit, I am part-troll. I take it back, it sounds like nothing but a small ammount of mocking going on there.
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Someone ban this idiot... He's starting to get annoying....

why would someone want to ban someone who annoyed YOU? I thought that this community was about getting along and having nice time and no flaming hotness coming from immature people. Oh well, looks like the flamers are at it again!
GpDogg posted on Feb 5 2006 at 07:34 PM said:
Shikaku said:
Someone ban this idiot... He's starting to get annoying....
why would someone want to ban someone who annoyed YOU?

Actually, the only reason is you just posted rom links...

The annoyance is just something I wanted to say...
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I did not post rom links at all. Besides, archival educational sites are legal. You can look up anything and its fine, aslong as its not child porn of course.
Emule is also not a rom link, you can get pictures of flowers from emule, and thats not illegal. So there was nothing at all related to direct links to roms in my posts. If i had put direct links to download roms, so that the roms would be like in your face going "download me!! download me!!" then fair enough, i did wrong.

Is that the end of the flame then? im sure im not the only person who directed people to go to places slightly. Also you have yourself a guide to ripping psx games, in effect this is completely illegal in some states and countries. Where it states that you shall NOT copy ANY product, not even for archival purposes.

I wish someone would make a legality post where it shows exactly what is legal, where its legal and what isnt instead of random people saying "OOH! YOU SAID ROM !!!"
Rico posted on Feb 5 2006 at 06:53 PM said:
If you would like to SEE where not good things are got from, try and look up the mule that begins with an E aswell. if not, try contacting a burner! PLUS, you can download all the roms you want aslong as you got the game yourselves and cant be arsed to rip them or dont have a burner handy. great site, i got all my greatness from there, check it out! excellent for anything beginning with E and ending with MULATOR!

That's a site with roms...

GpDogg posted on Feb 5 2006 at 07:03 PM said:
ooh ooh! SSHHH!! Dont tell anyone this! Go to google and write in mame ftp pleasuredome and have an amazing time! :D

That's an indirect link to roms...

Besides, those burner things are scams anyway, since you can, oh, I don't know, DOWNLOAD THEM FOR FREE?
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If you dont know where to get psx roms then your seriously a computer illeterate person. Why are you here?

Roms are what the gp2x feeds on with its emulators.. and are essential to the little thing.

its called... Using a 3rd party download application~
I think the original message was badly worded. I suspect what Claym99 meant to say was:

Claym99 posted on Feb 5 2006 at 09:01 PM said:
Where does everyone get there roms for the PSX emulator? Do you get them online or are you just ripping the games?
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This thread is starting to be REALLY annoying !

Asking for romsites, roms or whatever related is forbidden by forum rules, period.

The BEST way to get PSX games for your GP2x or Playstation is to buy them from store , ebay or flea markets. PSX games worth nearly nothing nowadays, often sold for a couple euros.

@iignotus , thanks for the explanation about PSX Cdrom
That s a good point, I still would not call those "roms" but that s the way I am :P
Anyway, English is not my mother langage, and I am more use to British English , so sometimes, dont get evthing from american posters :lol:

@ the guy calling iignotus's msg a flame, I dont see it as a flame personally :)

@the guy about "torrent sites" and "educationnal purpose" , that is still bullsh*t .
Piracy is always piracy, no matter if it s "educationnal" or not ! If you dont own the original or got the written authorization by the right owner it is copyright infringment (or whatever it s called in your country)

BTW this can be a troublesome issue about games published by company no longer existing or companies which were bought by others. Sometimes the rights are transfered, sometimes they are not.

Like, "I steal the cars in my town for educational purpose, and then sell them for educational purpose, so that I understand economy ...", what the heck is this argument ? The cops and justice are going to love it !

So please ban that idiot for not complying to the forum rules ! :angry:
Shikaku posted on Feb 6 2006 at 12:55 AM said:
Besides, those burner things are scams anyway, since you can, oh, I don't know, DOWNLOAD THEM FOR FREE?
Being an ex mame romburner I take umbrage at that! The service was set up originally on to help people with slow connections to get a complete set. The burneres never charged for the service, just send sufficient blank disks and return postage and a set would be burned for you free of charge. A lot of people did a lot of good for little or no gain to help others. I'm proud that I was a part of it.

Pleasuredome offer lots of complete romsets but you have to do a significant amount of work to get them, and you have to share them back or you get banned, this filters most of the leechers.

emule has a lot of gp2x stuff (quite a bit of it with my name on)

None of these things are direct or even indirect links to roms, thats like saying you can't mention or even outlook express (as it has a newsreading component and most roms can be got from alt.binaries.emulators.* and most isp's offer a newsserver)

Forgot to mention that you can buy lots of roms for various systems on eBay. Anyone want to tell me that we can't mention eBay cos you can get roms from there?
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YES! Thank you very much empyre! He hit the nail exactly on the head there which is what i was trying to explain!
I did not say at all "i go round stealing cars for educational purposes" so bad quote from you! I meant to mean that you can go on a rom site and have a look, thats not illegal. The reason why forums do not like links to roms is because they do not wish to be affiliated with downloading roms. I.E if you write download mame roms in google, and you get a link to a post in this forum... thats bad. However, i was suggesting for people to go and have a look, not directly go and download from there!
You can legally watch people stealing cars in a street, but if you participate then its wrong. HECK, you can watch videos of people like bank robbers and car chases on tv, and thats not illegal. So looking at rom sites is not either. Also take a look at this

It might definately get someones attention on what is legal and what isnt!
If you have psx games, but do not have a burner handy, then you can of course get a rom of a game which you already have, so this is not illegal at all!!! Also, FTP is not illegal either. When i supposedly indirectly "told" people to get roms on emule, which i didnt btw. You can of course go on emule and have a look at what you can share, if you download its up to you to know if you already have the game in your possesion!

I think that in some form or another that a sticky should be made for legality of roms, especially since the gp2x is all about roms and copies of things. You can of course make a copy of a film onto avi, and roms i.e videogames are in exactly the same copyright laws as are music and movies. You cannot play a videogame in a massive public gathering without permision of the creator, same as a movie. It is illegal for you to get a gp2x and hook it up to a projector and play it on a big screen in your local college, you arent supposed to do that with games OR movies.

I hate it when people get the power surge and say "ban this idiot" because i mentioned roms or places where people usually go to download roms. Roms are legal, which is why the gp2x is still here!! When nintendo come out with the super retro backwards compatible revolution, they ARE going to crack down on their games, because the games are being put back into purchasing, back on the market.
You can legally archive out of date software, such as mame for example. Not everyone wants to put their beloved pac man machine on all day when they are collecting it and preserving it. So mame is built specifically for the preservation of games.

People take advantage of this however, and download everything. Its up to them to do that, i am not suggesting in any way to download something that you do not have. HOWEVER you can legally share games/roms and download them, which is why there are so many active rom sites!!! providing that you have the game yourself and wish to keep it preserved!
I for one have collected a MASSIVE amount of games in my time and im almost getting all of every sega megadrive, mamster system and game gear game avaliable. So if i asked where to get sega roms, its my prirogative to go and download things i already have at home. So im safe and dry with that.
As for mame, i personally own metal slug 1 2 3 4 5 x, shock troopers 1 and 2 and sonic wings 2 original arcade versions, all for my supergun! However, i cannot play them on my gp2x, so i go download the rom, of something i already own!

I have in no way said to anyone to do anything illegal! So i dont appreciate that people call me idiot and ask to ban me. Im trying to point in the right direction here with a bit of joke, if people didnt understand and thought i was being sneaky i apologise. I certainly hope that people understand the legality of roms, and not be so anal about people mentioning roms...

Thanks empyre for understanding what i am saying :)

For the guy who wants psx roms, i hope that you already own the games you are looking for roms for, and also it is legal to download them if you already own the game but do not have a burner, or have resources to do that kind of thing, feel free to download them!

For this sFORUM, i discourage actual physical links to roms sites which offer other bad things which arent strictly legal. But contacting a burner for archival purposes, or going on ebay to buy a set of roms (the disc they are on, not the actual roms mind) as people should not profit from roms EVER. I discourage actual links to bad sites with warez (i.e cracks, keygens and things like that) but things like homebrew which you can get on emule and archival roms which you can get where i directed is up to you to know what you got to have a rom of. I discourage again talking bout bad sites with warez and roms because it would give this forum a bad name.
But i think emule ebay etc is ok :)
i will be happy to trade my other wife for some crack and could i perhaps borrow your car for some back seat fun with my younger wife?
GpDogg posted on Feb 6 2006 at 07:23 PM said:

Mind you, laws and such are different in different countries. I'm no expert, but I'd think, even if you own a cartridge, you are not in any way entitled to download a rom of that cartridge, because you allready own a copy of the program, on your cartridge. :)

Of course, the view on copying roms is different, if you happen to be a user, corporate lawyer or gov official...

"You can legally watch people stealing cars in a street, but if you participate then its wrong."

This I have problem with. ;) I seem to recall there being something about negligence in most laws. Of course, if some thugs steal a car, you don't want to go vigilante on them. Bud I'd think you are supposed to find a police-officer, or call one to the scene. Or at least take a really good look on the perps, for identification.
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lucoxade posted on Feb 6 2006 at 06:49 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Feb 6 2006 at 06:40 PM said:
And I'd like to steal your car for educational purposes, if that's alright with you.
I'll swap you my neighbour's car for some crack?
Are you going to use the crack for educational purposes?
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GpDogg posted on Feb 6 2006 at 12:23 PM said:
the gp2x is all about roms and copies of things

Not for everybody. I for one never owned a Playstation or a Super Nintendo whatchacallit or any "real" arcade games, so except for some old Amiga 1000 games (only a couple of which I actually liked that much anyway), there's not much I can emulate legally.

For me, the gp2x is about openness, especially ports of open source software and hopefully a growing amount of homebrew stuff made possible by the ease of development.
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