Release PSX files

gastrictitan said:
right, i've managed to get a 700mb bin and cue file and just testing it in epsxe, but I keep getting a not responding error, any thoughts? Sorry if this is totally off topic or against forum rules

You need to have the playstation bios file and plugins etc to make epsxe work. Google around a bit.
if you read the help file of the emu it gives you the exact search phrase to look for .. :> i wont link atm cause i dont know this communitys polocies .. but honestly its plastered everywere on the net :> wont be hard and depending on witch version of esxpe you got you may need a few plugins...
has plenty of info if needed just dont ask for bioses or roms in thier forums itll get ya banned for not reading the faq if someones havent bad hair day .. (they Usually let it slide once but.... :>
guys, correct me if i'm wrong but if you had an image in a non-compatible format, couldn't you just burn it to cd and re-rip it if you couldn't find the right conversion tool.
thts a maybe :> for the most part yea and there are converters too out there :>
but if the game was one of the few that had CDA and you have an iso its hit or miss weather the timeing of tracks will be right, some software gets it right some dosnt even put the info in the iso ...

the only format ive found to work 100% with those cds is the bin,cue but if you have a proper image file you can actualy write the cue by hand if you have the source disc.
bartleby said:
what's the best way to rip bin/cue files from actual psx cd-roms?
Alchohol 120% for me :)
Or download AutoPopStation 4, an app for the PC used to rip and convert PSX games into PSP format; luckily, the ripping the iso part and the converting to PSP format part are 2 separate tasks, and so you can just rip the ISO and voila!
what i use is Alcohol 120% but thats a personal pref

blindwrite and nero both support bin/cue

if you go to emuholics forums or im sure some of the others out there there are some good tutorials on proper settings and file formats for backing up different console medias.

isos do workwith esxpe the vast majority of psx games did not uses cda but there are some out there was mostly just a FYI that it could be an issue.

oh and the final fantasy games have some extra technical stuff where you realy need to use either alcohol , blindwrite or a dedicated psx ripper to get a fully playable backup.
MartinStatic said:
Or download AutoPopStation 4, an app for the PC used to rip and convert PSX games into PSP format; luckily, the ripping the iso part and the converting to PSP format part are 2 separate tasks, and so you can just rip the ISO and voila!
thanks, i just tried isoproducer, the ripping tool that comes with autopopstation - and it seems to be working fine!

mmalficia said:
blindwrite and nero both support bin/cue
really? how? i can't seem to find an option in nero to get bin/cue from a cd - the image writer only offers to save a nrg file. how do i make it save bin/cue files instead?

oh well, as long as that isoproducer thing is working fine, i guess i won't need bin/cue anyway...
Watch out guys! The Pandora emulator will not support CDDA audio in the form of .bin+.cue files (yet). I think, IIRC, the eboot format will be supported fully, and that can contain the CDDA information.

Tinnus would be handy right about now. ;)
Tinnus already answered this question several times on the other forum:
As stated, psx4all supports .Z (PocketISO) files and will support PSP eboot-converted images as well. Personally I'd trust more in the eboot format because .Z support is a bit unstable, and there are numerous utilities to convert games to the PSP eboot format out there.
Since both ISO and BIN/CUE are also supported, and both of them can be converted into Eboot, you're pretty much covered no matter what. This thread, though very long, contains every bit of information you could possibly want about the PSX4Pandora port.
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Handy Tinn(u)s coming :P

CDDA audio is not supported at all, but if (when) we add it I hope it will be by playing MP3s instead, to save (a lot of) space. Anyway for now I'm just responsible for the GPU and eventually adding PSP EBOOT (**NOT** PSP games) support :) (just for reading the image, mind you, if the CDDA would get used or not is another thing completely)
that would be cool Tinnus i realy hope to see some form a cda support in the futer and even better if its mp3 then one could add OST to your playlist :> very cool ...

Either way props to anyone codeing any EMU's thats way outa my league of abilitys so ill be happy with whatever runs well and plays at good speeds from any of the porters/emu devs :>

Wouldn't Mame CHD's be a better format to contain PSX data, you gain the ability to compress the data, while still being able to recreate the original image later on if need be.

I mean you retain original data and audio quality...
i recently encountered yet another file format for psx rom images: it consists of three files, one .img, one .ccd and one .sub. i've seen .img before, but what are the .ccd and .sub files for? will this rom format be supported by psx4pandora as well?
think thats nero or cdrwin not sure off the top of my head atm ... but the .sub is a substitution its a way of getting around physical issues on a cd (some forms of copy protection ) not sure if it has any other uses. its not realy all that popular any more as theres better programs for those discs (alcohol ect) now.

as far as CHD's now you realy dont want to do that IMHO even the mame devs are working on a way to move away from thier current implementation of them(probably will have same extension just a diferent format) they work fine if your only reading the data once but if you need to constantly read and search from a CHD its horridly slow.

and truthfully all these less than wide use formats realy shouldnt be an issue at least for starters it be better to work off common standards then branch out if its needed..

ide love CDA but from what im reading its not priority 1 witch is fine get the emu rocking first , then come back to it if need be..
Will it be possible to play games using an external CDROM drive and the actual original discs?
Catch23 said:
Will it be possible to play games using an external CDROM drive and the actual original discs?
Not for the moment and I honestly think it's a very bad idea. A CD-ROM drive is bulky and eats too much energy to be used on a portable, so you'd need to be plugged in anyways, in which case I'd just use a laptop instead. (even for TV playing)
You're is more convienient to have images...but I have a battery powered external (USB) laptop drive so if I'm feeling lazy I might consider it...