GP2X I Was Banned From Efnet For No Reason.

God Ginrai

Nov 27, 2005
Visit site
<•18:26:33•> * [10053] Software caused connection abort
<•18:26:33•> * Disconnected
<•18:26:36•> * Connect retry #1 (6667)
<•18:26:37•> *** Looking up your hostname...
<•18:26:37•> *** Checking Ident
<•18:26:37•> *** Found your hostname
<•18:26:47•> *** No Ident response
<•18:26:48•> *** Banned drones
<•18:26:48•> Closing Link: (*** Banned )

These are my status messages about it. This makes no sense...

I can't get on the dev channel because of this. Could someone please talk to one of EfNet's IRCops or something for me?
Normally, you will only be banned from one server, and EFnet is quite a vast network. I suggest the simplest solution would be to use another server (afterall, they all go to the same place) :)

Here is a list of all the different ones to choose from. My personal favourite is
I've generally found,, irc.Prison.NET and to be pretty good too, but it sometimes takes a few tries to find a good server for you :)

It's possible someone in the same IP range as you was a drone and you got caught up in the ban or a failed identd or failed CTCP caused the ban. Still, the easiest solution is to just move onto another part of the network :)

Hope this helps
It looks like your identd failed, and EFnet is now enforcing the use of identd. This is the same reason that I cannot connect to EFnet (my computer sits behind a Windows ME machine that is acting as a gateway/firewall so identd requests can not get through to my machine).
slygamer posted on Feb 3 2006 at 02:40 AM said:
It looks like your identd failed, and EFnet is now enforcing the use of identd. This is the same reason that I cannot connect to EFnet (my computer sits behind a Windows ME machine that is acting as a gateway/firewall so identd requests can not get through to my machine).

Luckily not all servers require ident, it takes a bit of poking around but there are a few that allow connections without it.

At first glance, I can confirm these servers do not require ident:

Try connecting to one of them and you should be fine

Hope this helps :)
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God Ginrai: It happens to me on EFnet too. Don't worry it is only temporary.

i just started using TOR. Tried to connect to an EFNET server w/ Tor.

Under Firewall in Mirc i put in the following:
Hostname: localhost
Port: 9050

When i try connecting i receive a strange error msg:

[05:22pm]  « : *** Looking up your hostname...
[05:22pm]  « : *** Checking Ident
[05:22pm]  « : *** Couldn't look up your hostname
[05:22pm]  « : *** No Ident response
[05:22pm]  « : *** Banned Temporary K-line 1440 min. - DNSBL listed. Check*.230.73.* for removal. (2006/2/27 20.28)


[05:21pm]  « : *** Couldn't look up your hostname
[05:22pm]  « : *** No Ident response
[05:22pm]  « : *** Banned Temporary K-line 1440 min. - Tor exit server detected. Visit*.230.73.* for info. (2006/2/27 20.24)

So is TOR unusable for Efnet or IRC in general?

"Tor exit server detected"

hmmm... maybe all servers can "see" this, then tor is not usefull for irc...
(do a google search, maybe there is a fix for this)

anyways, i only use it for internet, when downloading "certain" files.
D.C. posted on Feb 28 2006 at 05:51 PM said:
Why, scared of B.I.G.? :P
LOL, are you from holland, or do they have that in other countries too?
They dont even monitor their own forum, everyon was saying things like "b.i.g. sucks" and stuff :lol:
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I see what you mean-- some fucking moron got my entire base banned from EFnet. Very few servers allow me to log on. I wonder what the idiot did to piss them off so much. :P
GermanKraut77 posted on Feb 28 2006 at 11:31 AM said:
So is TOR unusable for Efnet or IRC in general?

Tor is blackballed by most IRC servers already. It only took about a week between it showing up on slashdot, and the blacklist for IRC servers being formed. Some people just can't resist abusing something useful and ruining it for everyone else by being dicks. =\
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