I've just got my driving licence!

/Pearls of wisdom enable

the best advice i can give you is to only buy a cheap car to drive for your 1st 6 months of driving as me and a few (all) friends have regretted buying new cars (rolled, ditched, blown engines, volvo drivers and farm animals) best example was mikey brand new vw polo (mummy & daddy buy him everything) rolled just after he finished bodykitting, lowering, nitrous oxide and all the other stuff he spent five grand on

/Pearls of wisdom disable
:D So pleaze tell me where you wanna drive, coz i won't get out of my house :D Remember: Safety First *rofl*
ow yeah if someone didn't understand, I was just joking
What I meant was : drive safely !!! :o
Ah, yeah, and don't forget:

Don't drive and play ;)

(although that's hard if you have a GP32 lying beneath ;))
NeoAP posted on Aug 27 2003 said:
No, I'll be carefull, and I got an old little car when I turned 18, so it's ok with small bumps. But I don't want to crash like you did, Axeman! Ouch! :unsure:
Unsure? About what? Wanting to crash?
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generalnmx posted on Aug 27 2003 said:
Oh, and EvilDragon - Has anyone told you that you look pretty evil with that pose in your avatar?
Nope, nobody told me that :)
I do?
Oh, geez, thanks a bunch, that's what I wanted to hear
(cause I'm eeevil, harharhar :P )

BTW: Those adapters aren't too good for your car radio, so please only use them if you either have a degauss-tape at home or if it's a pretty cheap radio :)
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I've been using one for about year without trouble. My car radio is casette, so yeah it's rather cheap, and it's also rather useless without the adapter.

And about your avatar...well, what did you expect? You have that long, unkempt hair (very evil), that sinister grin, and the shadows covering most of the right side of your face. I thought that is what you were going for ;)
The quality of the sound gets worse... but only after 3-4 years using it ;)

Hell, you figured out what I was going for with my avatar ;)

Problem is: Most people who know me don't believe I'm evil... so I took this picture for them as a prove.
And I liked it that much that I now use it as an avatar :)