

Certified Guru
Nov 1, 2002

I've fixed some things and implemented some other.

- key select (it's not so nice, but it works) (use 'store db' to store the settings)
- Two different rotate modes for Klax, Gauntlet, ...
- Searching for roms is faster
- Savegames should work
- Centered the screen :)

To enter the mainmenu you have to push the joystick button.

One isue:
- if you load a savegame, perhaps the game won't start. Then you have to enter the mainmenu again and push continue once more

Still to do:
- Speed up
- Sound distortion problem
- path isues
- joystick isue
Nice. I got the first download. Good to see work continuing on this. The Lynx was my first handheld and I still have fond memories of playing (and finally finishing) Rygar, Zarlor Mercenary, Blue Lightning, Electrocop, Chip's Challenge, etc. So many classic games for that system.

One thing I did notice is that Ninja Gaiden III seemed to freeze the emulator in the earlier version. Anyone else notice this?
Nice. I got the first download. Good to see work continuing on this. The Lynx was my first handheld and I still have fond memories of playing (and finally finishing) Rygar, Zarlor Mercenary, Blue Lightning, Electrocop, Chip's Challenge, etc. So many classic games for that system.

One thing I did notice is that Ninja Gaiden III seemed to freeze the emulator in the earlier version. Anyone else notice this?

Hmm, you are right :o
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Great thanks for the update, I will try this later.

As far as the joystick it actually seems pretty decent on this. Are you using the "case 2" from my chart?
Great thanks for the update, I will try this later.

As far as the joystick it actually seems pretty decent on this. Are you using the "case 2" from my chart?

Yesterday evening I looked at it. but I think I was quite tierd.. the example sourcecode was for sdl. I just use Rlyeh's-minimal-libs function for the joystick input.. I was confused and fixed some other things :) I will fix it
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One thing though. Please change the button that goes to the menu. Righ now it is the joystick center button. When you are playing a game and press too hard you keep accidently going to the menu :blink:

Maybe use a key combo instead or allow the user to assign that button too.

modified the joypad input to case 2 and 'select' brings you back to the main menu. Nothing more yet, sorry :)

modified the joypad input to case 2 and 'select' brings you back to the main menu. Nothing more yet, sorry :)

Thanks. I usually have "select" configured as lynx opt 1, and "Start" as lynx option 2. I find that much more convenient than the shoulder buttons. Is there a way I could configure the menu button to one of the shoulder buttons?

Thanks again for everything.
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I will add a config entry :)
I'm just adding the gp2x-scaling and it works + faster of course, nice :) but I still have not used the second cpu..
I will add a config entry :)
I'm just adding the gp2x-scaling and it works + faster of course, nice :) but I still have not used the second cpu..

I have tried it in vertical mode and stretching was kind of funny. You may need to stretch in the Y direction to maintain aspect. That was a good idea to be able to rotate those games like Klax though. This is becoming a great emu. I never knew that Lynx would be this good on a portable :)

Thanks again for everything, awesome work.
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- added hardware scaling. This is called "Stretched V2" and "Rotate V3"
- added mainmenu key in the keyconfig section

With the hardware scaling it runs something between 8% and 16% faster :) (with frameskip 0)

I just tried this and it is FAST! It is basically full speed with sound for most stuff. It is truly getting like a real Lynx!

At first I didn't notice much difference in speed, but then I realized and I was dumb and forgot to turn on the pixel doubling in HARDWARE, when I did it FLEW! Full speed in most games. Cool how you can use the scaler for doing the 2:1 pixel doubling.

Button config is a great feature too. I am not sure how to save the config yet.

One small thing you might want to add is that when you are adjusting the gamma have that little picture on the screen reflect the changes as you are making them so you can see the effect. Not a big deal though and that isn't important.

I got into this weird menu that has a bunch of parameters in it like FPS, helpers etc. I messed around a bit but I didn't know what I was doing but it looks like there is some neat things in there, is that some kind of debug menu?

I noticed that the sounds that seems to distort are the "white noise" effects (gunshot, crowd, water running etc). The other sine-wave type sound seems better. I hope that helps.

Thanks again for all of yor great work :)
*sigh* dammit DaveC, can't you drop all the negativism and nit-picking for 1 second?


DLing now, this should be good...
ingrin posted on Feb 1 2006 at 04:06 AM said:
*sigh* dammit DaveC, can't you drop all the negativism and nit-picking for 1 second?


DLing now, this should be good...

This is the *beta test* section. When you "beta test" you point out bugs and stuff, and even "nit-pick", or make a suggestion. Bugs are negative sometimes. If you only point out the good things then how is that helpful in testing? I am only trying to be constructive ;)

I said the emu is awesome, which it is.
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I was being facetious, and having a bit of fun with your reputation. I know you have been very supportive and complementary of Tuskanraider's work.

DL complete, going to install
ingrin posted on Feb 1 2006 at 04:14 AM said:
I was being facetious, and having a bit of fun with your reputation.  I know you have been very supportive and complementary of Tuskanraider's work.

DL complete, going to install

Ok :P

Just a note set to hardware scale v2 (3) I think it is. That increases speed alot.
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ingrin posted on Feb 1 2006 at 05:06 AM said:
*sigh* dammit DaveC, can't you drop all the negativism and nit-picking for 1 second?


DLing now, this should be good...
Well he is actually being helpful and not really negative at all right now.
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Just a note set to hardware scale v2 (3) I think it is. That increases speed alot.
Wow, looks great (alot of neat video options) plays great, and FAST, too fast sometimes, but great. Button config was nice, was able to get alot farther on Rygar now that my weapon and jump buttons aren't so far from each other. This is just great all around.

My only (very minor) complaint is the menu, its hard for me to see which selection I've highlighted without tilting the screen a bit, anyone else have this problem?
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