Sd Extremely Slow


Still Fresh
Nov 13, 2005
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I have an integral 1gb sd card from gbax, and I recently had to reformat. I reformatted once and there was a great speed increase writing to the card (using gbax provided card reader) from 500 kbs to 4mbs. Stupidly, I forgot to unmount the sd card before I pulled it out, and it got marked as a read only file system. I reformatted again, and now writing speeds are as slow as 10kbs, with a max of about 60kbs. Would a reformat do the trick, or I have completely f'ed my 40 pound SD card?
If reformatted twice since my last post, and its resulted in no speed increase or decrease. Does anyone know of a parameter in mkdosfs that I mightn't be specifying that I should?
No, as I have no other card reader, but it runs slowly on the gp2x as well. Loading takes longler, and DrMD has been rendered almost unuseable.
it could be the card reader.
i also recieved a free one with my 2x from gbax and it would only read my integral card as 'read only'.would not allow me to format it or anything on a windows pc and my mac.
put the card in a different card reader and it worked straight away.
perhaps the 1gb cards are too big for the card reader?
I would also try a different USB slot on your computer, preferably one in the back because they usally are the best. Also try unplugging all of your other USB devices, because it could just be that your USB bus is overloaded. Its worth a try.
have you ever tried to move the lock in the sd card to the read/write position? o.0

I don't think you could even right to the card when the lock is on, that is the point of the lock right?

Well you could always flip it down then up, just to reset it. It won't hurt it, but probally won't help.
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it could be the card reader.
i also recieved a free one with my 2x from gbax and it would only read my integral card as 'read only'.would not allow me to format it or anything on a windows pc and my mac.

:o mine is exactly the same!

I would have returned it, but i've lost the cap , and all my machines have card readers built it, except my powerbook. :(
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