My Tv-out Experience


Mar 17, 2003
Last week I got my TV-out cable from but I didn't get a chance to try it out until tonight due to needing a female to female S-video connector for it. First I will say, that I did not have the same problems as most of the people here. I didn't have to hold the TV-out cable into the GP2x to get the video to work, it clicks when I plug it in and fits snuggly.

I tried the following items: Drmd, NKSNES, NKNES, Stella, Duke3D, exult, mp3 player, kobold, a visual novel, and sterm. Everything worked perfect for me except for Drmd and sterm. Sterm doesn't seem to work at all (went to a black screen and then crashed the gp2x) and Drmd works but puts the emulation on the tv two times with one screen on top and another (one that constantly blinks) at the bottom. I am able to play it but everything is slightly shrunken and and blurry due to a smaller screen at the top. I know that this is because Drmd is not using the GPH's SDL so I can understand this, and I was suprised that it worked as good as it did.

My only problem with it at this time, is the resolution caused the screen to be slightly bigger than the TV so the menu was cut off slightly off the screen. So overall I had a good experience with the TV-out and I'm happy for this feature. TV-out is one of the reasons why I got the GP2x, so I can have a portable gaming console, plus plug it in at any time and get the old 16bit gaming feeling back. So this is my small review of the TV-out feature of the GP2x and I hope that everyone else gets a similar experience as me. Happy gaming!
Cool for you :)

But the majority of us suffer from have-the-cable-but-it-doesn't-work-itus. :(
I had to put upward pressuse on mine but I fixed it by putting a little tape on the bottom of the EXT connecter of the cable. Glad to hear yours is working well though!
No it's not initially long enough, but I have 12 feet long extensions cables for both audio and video so it's just as long (if not longer) then standard console controllers.
My only problem with it at this time, is the resolution caused the screen to be slightly bigger than the TV so the menu was cut off slightly off the screen.

I would bet that is the overscan on your TV at fault there.

A lot of people don't know about bloom and overscan and all the other stuff going on in their TVs, I would suggest getting your TV adjusted.

When I got a 20" magnavox, it was so out of whack that the THX logo with the rectangle around it had one side off the edge of the screen.

I had to short the adjustment solder pad (no wonder it was out of whack, they never even bothered to put in the adjustment pin) to ground and turn it on to get the "service" adjustment menu. RCA and GE (general electric) are better, you don't even have to take off the cover, just hold down vol- and menu as you turn it on (on the front panel, the remote can only send one signal at a time) and you get a bunch of wierd numbers, that is the service menu.

Don't go screwing around in there if you haven't a clue, unless you are willing to accept the consequences, I sure won't.

So, either the GP2X gets overscan support to shrink the picture (crappy, means less pixels) or you get your TV adjusted (better, more pixels on screen).

Look at it this way, if you are buying DVD's or paying for any kind of TV service, you are letting your out of adjustment TV cheat you out of 20% of your money.
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Last week I got my TV-out cable from but I didn't get a chance to try it out until tonight due to needing a female to female S-video connector for it. First I will say, that I did not have the same problems as most of the people here. I didn't have to hold the TV-out cable into the GP2x to get the video to work, it clicks when I plug it in and fits snuggly.

I tried the following items: Drmd, NKSNES, NKNES, Stella, Duke3D, exult, mp3 player, kobold, a visual novel, and sterm. Everything worked perfect for me except for Drmd and sterm. Sterm doesn't seem to work at all (went to a black screen and then crashed the gp2x) and Drmd works but puts the emulation on the tv two times with one screen on top and another (one that constantly blinks) at the bottom. I am able to play it but everything is slightly shrunken and and blurry due to a smaller screen at the top. I know that this is because Drmd is not using the GPH's SDL so I can understand this, and I was suprised that it worked as good as it did.

My only problem with it at this time, is the resolution caused the screen to be slightly bigger than the TV so the menu was cut off slightly off the screen. So overall I had a good experience with the TV-out and I'm happy for this feature. TV-out is one of the reasons why I got the GP2x, so I can have a portable gaming console, plus plug it in at any time and get the old 16bit gaming feeling back. So this is my small review of the TV-out feature of the GP2x and I hope that everyone else gets a similar experience as me. Happy gaming!

Sounds like the TV-Out cord is worth buying. Thanks for the review.
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DivX performance of GP2X is absolutely better than PS2's. No frame skips, itches, glitches... drag, drop and play... TV-Out is working excellent with movie player. I strongly suggest you to use power supply unit and tv-out cable. All the accessories are available for Turkish GP2X users. GP2X Turkey Exclusive Distributor Web Site. B)

If you are experiencing codec problems or if you want to shrink 3 movies in 1 GB SD Card use this amazing tool :

I hope this helps. :rolleyes:

Take care all!
Don't go screwing around in there if you haven't a clue, unless you are willing to accept the consequences, I sure won't.

getting thrown across the room because you discharged a large capacitor is always fun...

I meant don't go screwing around in the service menu because you can run a setting to where the TV is broken.

The RCA and GE tv's use a menu accessible from the front panel, and it is about 95% less difficult than the PS1 swap-trick, so you don't have to open anything to get to it.
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I got my tv out today and decided to make the tv out wires longer and to solder some new AV connectors onto it which it should have in the first place. I have to apply upward pressure for it to work it doesn't fit in the ext connector fully, misses it by about 1mm. I've found though the colour on it isn't as colourful as if I was watching the TV. Has anyone else had this problem and has to turn the colour up on their tv?