Oldest Version Of Mario


Still Fresh
Jan 16, 2006
dear friends i need the old version os mario, that version which we played as video games,consists of 8 stages each containing 4 leves, and at the end mario gets his princes back.please help me friends i need it badly.
hmm, well the oldest mario game, would be DONKEY KONG

but the first mario game called "mario bros" was second!

u may be refuring to donkey kong... but im not sure :P
Even without a translation, I believe this is a rom request! I suggest you read the forum rules arnab_dustu.
He/she was refering to "Super Mario Bros 1" for the NES
Rom requests are not allowed on this forum. However it shouldn't be too hard to Google it.

edit: too slow
I don't read it as asking for a rom, I see it as asking if anyone can name the game he/she is trying to describe. People always think the worst.
I don't read it as asking for a rom, I see it as asking if anyone can name the game he/she is trying to describe. People always think the worst.

yeah, not really asking for a rom! but maybe he could of found the info online (mario game timeline?) or something :P and note its not the first mario game ;)
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There is a super rare flip screen version of mario, like super mario but without scrolling, instead it flips screens dizzy style, anyone rememer what that was on?
ya, i know DIZZY :D:D mod on yolkfolk mate ;) going of topic and sorry but on the matter on dizzy, my brother on the forum said i could maybe do a review for the dizzy games??

anyway, i havent seen this version! sounds intresting, is it nes format? or made for pc only
ya, i know DIZZY :D:D mod on yolkfolk mate ;) going of topic and sorry but on the matter on dizzy, my brother on the forum said i could maybe do a review for the dizzy games??

anyway, i havent seen this version! sounds intresting, is it nes format? or made for pc only

I had Fantastic Dizzy for Genesis.

Isnt it really popular in the UK?
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it got largley popular when relased in USA on nes! and over here too, but like mario for nintendo, and sonic for sega, dizzy was for speccy :)

you didnt have to own it, but you had to know it ;)
Dizzy was huge in the UK, at least among Speccy owners, back in the day. Ah, we were
so young, but Dizzy showed us the way... never could finish b^%$£"d Spellbound Dizzy, though.
I think Dizzy was released for some other platforms, but the (many, many) sequels were the crown of the Spectrum. The one NES release was good, but Dizzy was already on its way out by then.
For more, check out the site (I think it's yolkfolk.com or something), you wouldn't believe how many homebrew Dizzy games are out there.
dear friends i need the old version os mario, that version which we played as video games,consists of 8 stages each containing 4 leves, and at the end mario gets his princes back.please help me friends i need it badly.

actually, at the end of super mario bros., mario does not "get his princess" so much as she reveals that she has another quest prepared for him, implying that she was actually the creator of the first quest!

who knows how many times mario has "finished" the quest only to stare in the black eyes of the princess demon and remember - just for an instant - that he is the sisyphus (or bill murray) of the video game world, trapped in a repetitive existentialist hell. only then is he sent back to the title screen, where in his newfound ignorance he determines to "save the princess".
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The Dizzy games were massive in the UK, especially with Spectrum owners. I had a dabble with them but never really understood it myself. Still I never had a speccy. And yes, I know there are versions for C64 / ST / NES etc.

I don't know of this old mario game, could it be this one I remember on the Atari 800?:


I remember a mario game on the Atari 800. It was not a platformer. You and luigi were at a factory, and you stood in the same place pressing buttons to keep the production going.

I remember not liking it.
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