Fenix Beta2 Released


Certified Guru
Oct 22, 2004
Madrid, Spain

I come back with a new Fenix beta which has some improvements respect to last one.

The new features are:
- Fixed bug using diagonals, now it is used Rlyeh's minilib to emulate the control.
- Swapped L and R buttons to complain with GP32 layout.
- Reduced delays in sound effects.
- Added several optimizations using floats so it is a bit faster in some cases.

It still has problems with big music files and some games don't work because of some function (I don't know exactly which is it) that breaks execution. Executing Joanvr's tests in Beta1 and Beta2 I have obtained the following results:

Test1 (Sprites)  26 fps  26 fps
Test2 (Blendings)	26 fps  26 fps
Test3 (Primitives)	13 fps  13-16 fps
Test4 (Scroll)  13 fps  16-21 fps
Test5 (Mode 7)  7 fps  13 fps

I recommend you to read the "readme.txt" file included in zip for more information.

You can download it here.

As always, sorry for my bad English :unsure:

How does the Minigame Project run, can somebody test it, please?

Thanks a lot for the update, puck, sadly I still can`t make use of it :(
How does the Minigame Project run, can somebody test it, please?

Thanks a lot for the update, puck, sadly I still can`t make use of it :(
Works perfectly fine for me, haven't experienced any slow down yet, like pausing when loading sounds on other games, but maybe I'm just an idiot but I can't figure out how to exit without switching off my 2x.
Oh and the buttons are reversed because the 2x's A and B buttons are the other way round from the the 32's, and exiting isn't quite as easy seeing as start and select are right next to eachother.
But permonance wise it's fine so far(I haven't played all of the games yet.
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Once again, thanks Puck2099 and all Fenix game developers, especially quiest.

Between this , mame, and doom2 i cant put my 2X down! Minigame project is SOOO much better in this version because of diagonals working, Squares32 is actually fun now (kinda hard when theres only 4 ways to move, version 1).

I retried it, minigame project still crashes back to the GPH menu. Can someone upload a working set somewhere?