Kobodl :x


I like turtles!
Sep 2, 2004
Dteuschland ;)
Does anyone else think, that the coder of this game is a sick bastard? (j/k)

Well, mostly: I finally managed to get to level 50... and I have to say it was really really really to get there, but not impossible. BUT I don`t have the slightest chance to win the 50th level. No chance in hell.

It is so insanely hard, I get spawned fly around 10 seconds and die, it is completely impossible to dodge all those blue balls that split themselves in thousands of bullets.

I have given up now after about 30 tries.

You can`t tell me that anyone can beat that level, if anyone can bring me evidence that he beat it, I`ll praise him as the new space shooter god!
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One of the finest shooter which arrived as soon as GP2x :)

(only need one more from it: save-highscore function)

Hmm.. I doubt even I can get 50th or 40th stage eighter :)
Does anyone else think, that the coder of this game is a sick bastard? (j/k)

Ghehe, yub :D.

You can`t tell me that anyone can beat that level, if anyone can bring me evidence that he beat it, I`ll praise him as the new space shooter god!

I don't think it's possible.

I beat it, but I had to use a cheater. Took me about 60 lives to beat the level (but at a certain point I wasn't trying very hard anymore so it can probably be done in a lot less :)).

I think the point is for the level to be unbeatable. Afterwards, the game starts over from level 1 (but slightly more difficult).

It's a bit of an anticlimax really...
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Give me that cheater now please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

That would be unethical of me. I really don't approve of cheating :rolleyes: (well actually, I couldn't care less, but I'm always trying to convince my little brothers that cheating to win a game just doesn't give a satisfying experience).

Anyhoo, this is a PC-based cheat, so you'll need the PC version.

Download this little application. It allows you to change numbers in the memory of another process (so you can change the amount of money you have in a game, the amount of bullets, or -bingo- your number of lives).

It'll need to search over the memory a few times to lock onto the right memory address. So first search for 5, then die, then search again for 4, etc.

Eventually it'll find the address where your lives are stored and you can just lock it to 99, or whatever you want.

Happy cheating :D.
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