Video Freezing!


Still Fresh
Jan 2, 2006
EDIT: Solved. I'm stupid. :P

I've ran into some trouble.

I'm trying to diagnose what's wrong with my GP2X.

For some reason, whenever I try to play a movie my video freezes. I'm using really standard duracell batteries, non-rechargable. According to the "battery" screen, they're at "full", but I'm hoping(because I don't want my GP2X to be broken) that it's just a case of shitty batteries.

In either case, I wanted to run this by the forum and see what they thought.

It'll just randomly freeze during video, and I have to reboot the system.

edit: It WAS the batteries I've determined, so my question is null.
the gp2x is VERY picky about batteries. Anyone who is serious about their gp2x playing should get rechargable batteries or an AC adapter.
I just recieved my gp2x today. my video and music freeze but only when i try to skip songs or ffw my vid. do u think the batteries are also to blame in my case.
i've bought brand new duracells, but now it doesn't come on at all. all that happends is the backlight comes on and there some line across the screen. when i put the old batteries back in it works but only till the charge is gone. is there a recommended brand
I'm about get some recargables but i don't want to buy them and then it doesn't work
NomadicPredator109 posted on Feb 7 2006 at 02:20 AM said:
i've bought brand new duracells, but now it doesn't come on at all. all that happends is the backlight comes on and there some line across the screen. when i put the old batteries back in it works but only till the charge is gone. is there a recommended brand
I'm about get some recargables but i don't want to buy them and then it doesn't work
There really isn't a recommended brand issue, you just NEED rechargeables. It's that simple. Alkalines won't last longer than 1 hour, no matter how good they are.

The rechargeables I recommend are Energizer 2500mAh AA batteries. You can get them and a charger at

Direct link to batteries:

Direct link to a good charger:

There's also a deal on that charger if you order today.
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