Corporate games suck.
I'm just trying to decide whether I should put you on my ignore list... :blink:blargh
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I'm just trying to decide whether I should put you on my ignore list... :blink:blargh
The most ideal solutions needs to be in software As not everyone is adept at sticking stuff inside a peice of technology that they have very little knowledge of. Setting up games to play with case 2 for 2D games maybe. You know while they arnt as reliant on the full range of motion, you still have to occasionally shoot diagnally. 3D games could be programed to use the controller in one of the more diagnal friendly variations.
Is this at all feasible? If so it;d be nice to get started on doing just that because playing Tilematch is a pain when half my left, right (as well as Up and down) presses go unregognised because it registeres as a diagnal.
I'm just trying to decide whether I should put you on my ignore list... :blink:blargh
TO DaveC:
2 quick things,
1st, I don't quite get the shape of the contactor hat from your picture, could you maybe get some pics of that piece from a different angle?
2nd, if we did rotate it by 45° would we be able to modify the hat with a shim or something to decrease the deadzone?
Case 2 is still an 8 way joystick. The question is can it be programed to work that way? A hardware recall for something like this would break GPH and frankly just isnt feasible to ask EVERYboby to open their system to do their own modding, that's just a receipe for disaster.
I'm not sure if I should take you serious or not but DaveC's diagram is actually pretty accurate (at least the one above). AFAIK, no one has said that it's not "physically" an 8-way joystick. But using logical connections it's really a 16-way and that's exactly what DaveC's diagram is showing. IMO, the only thing that is inaccurate is the proportion of the directions. They're not 35/35/10 but 25/45/10.LOL After reading all, and thinking its all kind of rubbish. It finally becomes clear, that DaveC's original diagram is completely off the mark.
After all the hoohaa Its just a boring 8-way joystick. well thats exacty what is needed for 90% of arcade games(all the modern ones) need.
I vote to burn DaveC's original diagram.
You have to admire someone who's gone to such lengths to prove themselves wrong
UPDATE: now have this picture as my background so I can laugh all day long
Its too late at night to tell people
Propotions are *everything* in one if 16-way is going to be used. See 3D example above and makes Jostick look really bad using mouse.
Where does soldering come in? Those are software "cases". No modification required.
Propotions are *everything* in one if 16-way is going to be used. See 3D example above and makes Jostick look really bad using mouse.
Would that be Sandalwood or Patchouli?
Software solution my ass... no software is going to limit the contacts or if you put the stick in a deadzone make it work....
You are all in denial... yes we all wish the GP2X was great, but without a RECALL it is not. I sent mine back today, and will wait until GP3X or GP2X 2nd Edition, or whatever they come out with that is right.
It is just retarded though to say its ok... sure you can get use to anything. Hell you can get use to a monkey helping you pee but honestly why would you want to? You
have rights and ability to choose... I for one will not let myself get use to something so halfass as the joystick setup on the GP2X. I had to pay a restocking fee for something that is junk!
Junk is an overstatement. Some aplications don't have much problems with it. Some ported games work pretty well with it (sprout, Duke3d, Kobo, noiz2sa, methanebrothers), some others don't (Nebulus).
There is 4 deadzones right? And I've hit each one hundreds of times in all the games you listed there. Maybe you are just so clueless or want to believe it will beok, that you refuse to see it.
Either way I am done posting here, I no longer have GP2X and will just monitor the companies news.
There is 4 deadzones right? And I've hit each one hundreds of times in all the games you listed there. Maybe you are just so clueless or want to believe it will beok, that you refuse to see it.
First the gp2x's stick should have "8" deadzones not four as there are 8 switches. Second it's very hard to not register any direction as it will rather register combination of two nearest directions than just nothing. It's easy to test using T-mode in a firmware. Third the joytest utility proves point of using software biasing very well.
So I don't how I'm clueless here? Not that I'm immune to mistakes but there are ways to improve handling of gp2x's stick in software. It will not be perfect but certainly it will be better. Not better enough for some, that's fair. But assuming that would be so for everyone is an overstatement.
Either way I am done posting here, I no longer have GP2X and will just monitor the companies news.
Thank you.
Wait a minute. Can someone clue me in on what you actually mean by "dead zone"?
Are you referring to the throw of the stick. That is the distance the stick has to bend before it makes contact with the connectors:
Or do you mean the 8 empty spaces between the connectors that make up the intermediate diagonals? :
There's a big difference between the two. So which one is the "dead zone"? :unsure: