i got my gp32 and it rocks


Aug 17, 2003
Sheffield, England
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wow its better than i thought doom runs like it did on my pc back in the day and gpengine works cool and snes emu works ok and sf2 runs ok at frame skip on 5 and no sound its all so cool but is there a way to reset with out using the on off switch
if the game/emu that your playing doesnt allow you to reboot then you could remove and replace a battery
there no point in that i just dont like the way the screen looks when you swich it off I know its normal but it scares me every time lol and that sound is starting to get on my nerves
Concern for your screen is something that we all felt the first time we switched off our GP32s. :D

Welcome to the scene (from another relative newbie (3 weeks)).
That gp32 into has awful sound, and the animation when its transforming into the 3 option balls is horrible. Oh well.
If you flash your BIOS with Mr. Spiv's multiboot, it removes the silly animation and pause at bootup. It also gives you the option of booting directly into pacrom (file manager) or windups.