Help the GP32 by NOT making a GBA...


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
Here's a ponder...

A fully working (or even partially working) GBA emulator for the GP32 would help it thrive exponentially in certain circles, yes...

But, would it help the GP32 thrive overall? I've been thinking about this, and I think it may actually hurt Gamepark's chances fighting against the GBA itself.

Nintendo has been rather sue-happy recently, especially in Europe. It sued retailers carrying imports of Gamecube titles (especially American imports), claiming it would negatively impact sales when ( if ) the titles were released in Europe.

What would Nintendo think about a console that looks almost exactly like the GBA, and can even EMULATE the GBA? Meaning you could ILLEGALLY download ROMs and use it on the GP32. If the GP32 started gaining popularity, I think Nintendo would flip their lid. They would claim all kinds of things, which a relatively small company like Gamepark may have problems taking all the financial blows that come with legal battles.

In fact, I think Intellecto's next release of the SNES emulator may actually hurt the GP32's chances more then help it. Not everyone's into emulation. There are still a lot of people against it. Gamepark knows this, and already has most of their Korean games translated into English (thanks InsertCredit). So, they'll be trying to push it as a handheld console with neato freeware and utilities as well.

I know you all want GBA emulation on the GP32. Hell, I would kill for it. But if you really love the GP32 and want to see it thrive, it might be best to give it up...until Nintendo comes out with the successor to the GBA, and it becomes as obselete as the SNES.
doubt it will ever really be an issue, as

A. GP32 is too low-profile for Nintendo to really give a shit about it (though it was mentioned in mainstream mag EGM recently - though no mention of "you can emulate these particular game systems" - and of course the supposedly impending European release)

B. It's been mentioned time and again that unlike Snes&previous-gen machines, GBA is still way too powerful to be emulated appropriately on GP32. Maybe a couple of the older titles could be run choppily, but nowhere near the level where Nintendo would likely consider it a threat - and that's before considering the whole RAM issue.

So I say press on with emulation of whichever systems are possible, it's cool to try to push the envelope by at least developing a GBA emulator if for no other reasons that practice and tech demonstration - but if you really want to play GBA games, as has been said, "buy a GBA"

ps - I think Nintendo WOULD be pissed if SNES emulation ever reached competent levels - I mean, no more choppiness and frame skippage... again, perhaps not pissed enough to actually do anything, but it would certainly raise some eyebrows in their camp at least.. surely Gamepark knows this.
Remember - the GP32 scene as we know it represents a market test for Gamepark. I'm talking about when Gamepark becomes really serious about pushing the GP32 as a commerical product. That's why it's low profile now. I think Gamepark may even be intentionally keeping the GP32's publicity low (especially in Europe) for the reasons I spoke of, and because they haven't gathered enough market data for their satisfaction. Going up against the GBA will cost a lot of money, if that is Gamepark's intention.
considering how many snes games have been ported over to the gba I would say that a snes emulator would pretty much give you the same satisfaction as a gba emulator. I have high hopes for the next snes9xgp. Intelico has done a fine job on it and I'm looking forward to seeing how far he can push the gp32. As for a gba emulator there are only a very few games that it would be able to run due to the ram limitations. I will admit that I did give the gba emu a shot just to see what it was like and I must say that it is very impressive from a technical stand point. It is far to slow to play games on and has no sound and low compatability (ram) I don't ever see it being capable of running at a playable speed. It would be cool to see a gba emulator come out that could be playable I figure hell if it can be done then why not do I don't see any project that can push the power of the gp32 to its limits as being a bad thing. I do however think that if the next version of snes9xgp is as fast as it has been rumored to be it will be technical break through and will turn alot of heads. I think that emulator alone could single handedly change the gp32 scene. I know a ton of people have mentioned that they want to get a gp just for snes emulation but then get turned off when they hear the state of the current emulators. Regardless each and evey project that comes out and can succesfully emulate a console to near perfection adds more fule to the fire and will give the gp more attention. Its inevitable that this scene will snow ball and become bigger and bigger as more projects are released and more attention is given to the system. Its not like that gba that came out and had instant attention and could play games that look like xxx. The gp32 has taken some time to evolve and as people work on projects it will contiue to evolve and gane more attention. Its like a totaly diffrent system now than it was when I first bought it 5 months ago which is whay its such an exciting system to own I keep getting supprized by new things and keep thinking about what it next for the gp.
Nintendo is not a company that hesitates to use lawyers, they have history of lawsuits and the toughest anti-piracy policies, it would without a doubt be in the best interest of gp32 developers to leave well alone.
good points angrypants (you raving drunk maniac!! j/k)
I agree with you, the scene keeps evolving and it's actually really fun just to watch and see what's coming down the pipe next, as fun as it is to actually play the damn games.. yes accurate SNES emulation would turn heads, as would Genesis or Mame to a lesser degree (as has been talked about at much length..) Let's put it this way, I was interested in buying a GP32 after GPEngine came out, and the Turbografx/PCE is, these days, a pretty much forgotten system to the mainstream.. Genesis and SNES far less so, if these are completed and available then a LOT more people will want to get their hands on it (remember the slashdot article + forum discussion?)

Don't know what plans Gamepark have in the long run. Their business model is far from normal, across the board. On the surface they seem to be a group of enthusiasts who don't seem terribly concerned with raking inthe $$$ or being an actual viable alternative to the GBA and other upcoming "next gen handhelds," but rather with having their own small little niche and dev scene.. or something.. It's weird, maybe it's a front or something or some rich kids who had a bunch of money to throw around. We'll never know, but one thing's for sure - it's damned interesting to watch and an interesting time in gaming history. No one knows for sure what's around the corner (between the next "big" emulator, upcoming GP32 games, it's "larger release" or even the fate of the whole company itself!) Stay tuned batfans..

ps. vicious al is a mole!! ha ha ha
Gamepark doesn't support emulation. They can't help that they have created a gamemachine that can handle emulation. If Nintendo is going to sue Gamepark because of the machine can emulate Snes and a few GBA games. They can also sue the companies that produces computers because you can use emultors on them too. I know what you mean but I doubt that Nintendo will get a suit like this trought, but you never know.
I don't think Nintendo can do anything about it too so bring on the GBA emulation.

I think that with some heavy assembly, it must be possible.

Emulation is also the only chance for this handheld to get a foot in the door with this type of gaming. Making just another handheld will just fail against the GameBoy.

Open source and emulation is what is going to get this thing moving and the more emulators, the more freaks, which means Linux freaks, which means open source freaks, which means possibly a developer, which means another person porting or developping stuff for the Gamepark.

So, roll on the GBA emulation and Genesis emulation.
(i got to stop posting and do some work but... ahhhh.)
well remember, Nintendo sued Liksang regarding the GBA flashkits - though the flashkits weren't advertised specifically for emulation, they were touted as "back-up units" or for homebrew development. but it was pretty obvious to anyone who looked at it what it was intended for. I think the same would hold true with a GP32 - it's not advertised as being intended specifically for emulation, but looking at it (and the general press surrounding it) it becomes pretty clear that it is the main purpose. Sure there's homebrew and even what some would consider a pretty half-assed commercial development support, but clearly anyone can tell that the true purpose this thing was created for was to play other emulated systems.

PCs are a different story, cause well -- they're computers! Sure you can build an emu-dedicated box, but a PC's true purpose is multifunctionality (no need to make a list here...!) Whereas with GP32, it's no PC - it's a gamepad and a screen and a USB port. The thing's designed to play games. And it's got the guts to support emulation, as opposed to say the GBA -- ok, GBA also has the guts to support emulation if only to a lesser degree - but the GBA is obviously designed with a strong commercial support in mind. GP32's seems more of an excuse.. though there are some decent games.
The GP32 is also a "multifunctionality" machine just like the PC. But you can't just sue Gamepark because they made an open source machine that has a side-effect - it can emulate Nintendo machines (and others). First the software (emulators) aren't developed by Gamepark and are not supported either. Two, the roms are illegal so it's up to the owner if he wants to use emualtors and roms. The Flash-kit isn't a Nintendo product?! :P
i dont want a GBA emulator, i dont own any roms and im not going to buy any.If people already have GBA roms then its likely/legal that they'll have a GBA to play it on.

I would only use it for novelty value. Now neopocket and genesis are a different matter :) ive lots of legal roms for those.
remember drink your milk
A car can be used to drive beyond speed limits. They can also be used to store all the things you stole when you broke into that house.
You don´t sue the car company because someone broke into your house.
I totally disagree. Intellecto next version will only help us and not hurt the gp32. I don't think that having a gba emulator will make nintendo sue gamepark. GP32 isn't mainstream. I doubt it'll happen. We should help the GP32 by making a gba emulator.
:lol: 15 000 sold GP32 isn't really a tragedy for Big N.
But i guess they'll have a damn good lawyer in case of ...
All you can get for the GBA is snes ports anyway, everything else is just crap. If you really want true GBA emulation just port Mary Kate and ashleys driving adventure or whatever it's called.

2D Playstation that's what's needed.

Think of Alundra.

y do u care whether a gba emulator is the end to GP? you'd have ur GP already and it's not like people arent gonna continue making emulators, giving you a nearly limitless videogame library. You don't work for the company so why would you care about their financial issues?
that's kind of an unsupportive thing to say.

imagine if Nintendo and Sony and etc. had their way. All the classic games that we still enjoy would be available only as they saw fit, and since they are considered largely unprofitable at this time then that means it's very hard to get your hands on legit copies of "obsolete" software or hardware (okay, there's ebay and pawn shops, but that stuff won't really be around forever...)

we have to support Gamepark and their bretheren, instead of just taking the kind of "what have you done for me lately!" stance - these little companies are obviously run by people who are passionate abotu what theiy do, they're not just in it for the $$ (otherwise the system would be more obviously designed for the mainstream and you'd NOT be seeing all these emulators + homebrews running on it!)
they're th elittle guys, the enthusiasts, and I like to think that a lot of people who are fans of this device can relate to that..