GP32 movie site


Still Fresh
Jul 27, 2003
I'm currently helping 'tdp' to make and maintain a GP32 movie site (address will be ;))

We will be concentrating on films, codec, guides, etc...

I have a few questions/requests....

What I need to know is what features you would like to see.

Your views on new movies being uploaded.

Various ways of downloading the movies (i have a few ideas, but wanna see what ones you have :D)

Would you be willing in helping the scene by uploading?

Anything else you think wopuld help out, just mention ;)

Thanks in advance ;)
30 views and still no feedback.

Come on people, throw me a fricking bone here :P
Copyrighted movies? Risky if it is. I can't see this kind of site taking off really I'm affraid isn't this near the same thing its what i seem 2 use if i cant be bothered 2 encode all it needs is people to do releases for it. It uses emule much like other websites so none of the movies are remotely hosted on the website. I would personally like to carry on with this website as it already has some movies on there
The eDonkey / eMule method is quite good. How do you link it to the site? Anyone know?
Nara posted on Aug 18 2003 said:
what about game trailers compressed for gp32? is that allowed? :)
VERY good point :D

Anyone else know of content that WOULD be allowed?
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probably TV episodes of any kind would be ok?? right??
Like Simpsons, Futurama...etc..I am not sure
TJFBryant posted on Aug 18 2003 said:
probably TV episodes of any kind would be ok?? right??
Like Simpsons, Futurama...etc..I am not sure
Haha... yeah right.... that's illegal too :)

That's all copyrighted stuff, so hosting TV episodes of any kind would be a big no no :(

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Honestly, you have to know what YOU want to do.

if you want to encode stuff without copyight -
there has been some project like that, very interesting stuff and great quality,
(too bad i forgot the name, please browse this forum for it!)
maybe you can join forces?

if you decide to live risky, please support the existing encoders / movie site,
there would be no reason for anyone to start a new one.

btw, there's a forum now on
ganjaway posted on Aug 18 2003 said:
if you decide to live risky, please support the existing encoders / movie site,
there would be no reason for anyone to start a new one.
True, but I've started such a cool design :P
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I`ll upload if you get the site up and running - Got a few cd`s already of Futurama and Simpsons Eps, plus loads of films - Drop me a line if you need em
I`ll upload them to anyone who asks me nicely! (as soon as i have 5 mins off from work and girlfriend!)
You should do a thing where you list links to a program called edonkey. sound confusing? go to and read about it! It works well on that site plus you won't get a lot of space for hosting your site! :D
andius posted on Aug 28 2003 said:
You should do a thing where you list links to a program called edonkey. sound confusing? go to and read about it! It works well on that site plus you won't get a lot of space for hosting your site! :D
then, visit
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