street fighter 2

unfortunately it doesn't work on GPengine :(

the closest you're gonna get to playing a good version of it at the moment is with the original on the SNES emulator...however, even then it's only really playable WITHOUT sound and frameskip to 2 or 3

other options are to play the handheld conversions of it (SF Alpha on GBC and SNK vs Capcom on NGPC) which retain the playability (to an extent!) but obviously, lack the graphical and sonical qualities of their 16 bit counterparts...

i too am DYING to play a decent game of Street Fighter on my GP32!
tomjack264 posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
that was only a rumour which never did, nor never will come true...
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tomjack264 posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
btw hows the neopocket emu i got loads of roms already
the neo geo pocket emu is great!

i actually own a real neo geo pocket colour too so in comparison, it is emulated very well

SNK vs Capcom is playable at more or less full speed at the moment, although it's slower if you use full screen mode....and there's no sound yet

but for now, can't complain at all!
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tomjack264 posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
what about mame 32 emulator i heard thats been worked on
everyone's still waiting for it....(same with the Megadrive, faster speed SNES, CPS1 and so on...)

it will happen when it's day...........................hopefully..!
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Out of curiosity does the SMS street fighter 2 run? I don't have the rom. If it does is the sampled speech working? I remember it had a lot of talking for an SMS game.

craigix posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
Out of curiosity does the SMS street fighter 2 run? I don't have the rom. If it does is the sampled speech working? I remember it had a lot of talking for an SMS game.

having just read your post, i did a *google search*, found the SMS SF2 and tried it....on FreezeSMS on my PC it does have sampled speech (but only on the "Round 1, Fight!" and "You Win/Lose!" bits)

however, when i tried it on the GP32 the speech wasn't emulated properly (instead it just made randomly crackly sounds on those bits)

although it is an amazing achievement for the Master System to have received a conversion of this game, this CLEARLY isn't the most playable or fun version :P (how hard is it to even do a Fireball with Ken?? :o)

the GBC SF Alpha plays better (even if it doesn't look great)

*waits with baited breath until a true 16-bit version is fully playable*
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Seems difficult since it's PRIVATE !
Or is it that you have/pretend-to-have it and like teasing other people ? Seems quite horrible a hobby !

Btw, SF2 is partially emulated by GPengine. Basically, the only real problem is the garbaged sprites (and the crash when having a ken-zangief fight in ussr)
unlucky posted on Aug 17 2003 said:
in my opinion just buy gp cinema it costs £5.40 and the divx playback is lovely you'll be amazed if you can get your encoding right
And here I was taking the hard route, attempting to port ffmpeg so that we could watch any kind of movie with any codec (as long as the CPU can handle it). :P

Seriously, it's in the works, I've got the libraries compiled, I'm just fighting with getting ffplay compiled against SDL.
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