
Vic-20 on a gp2x ... awesome. Never did complete 'Perils Of Willy', and jetpac ... oh, jetpac.

To think of the space that my 6 vics take up stored around the house compared to the gp2x.

Anyway, you rule big time. Good onya.

great news, awesome. thanks for this port :)
i absolutely love the C64 and frodo left a few games unemulated.

anyone tried "Fort Apokalypse" yet?

thanks snaff and merry christmas :)
My Fort Apocalypse is trained ... so I need N and Y keyboard support to try it.

Legacy of the Ancients boots - but controls seem to lock up. Still, its farther than Frodo takes it. Thank God ... all the old EA games are drag under Frodo.

Ultimate Wizard boots (slow as hell ... damn I'd forgotten what 1541 emulation was REALLY like) and plays - but its frameskipping like MAD .. I'll have to try it OCed to 250 (my max). Maybe try non-1541 emulation if I can figure the script out :)

Amazing job. Are you taking donations, snaff? As long as its not going to an Xbox 360, I'm game to throw you some scratch :)
I have always prefered vice over frodo, vice seems to be a lot more compatable with the c64 games.
Vice and CCS64 are generally regarded as the best PC c64 emulators. I would say that Vice is my personal favourite after years of use. There are no favourite games of mine that won't run on Vice with almost perfect SID while several run on CCS64 but Sid always seems a bit off.

I can't wait till this really gets rolling on the Gp2X..amazing stuff. Great work!
Oh man, this is AMAZING news! I was always secretely hoping Vice would be ported, that's jolly amazing!

That alone, is worth a Gp2x purchase my friends!
Lol...yep and at 23lbs the SX-64 sure stretches the term portable doesn't it? :)

I've always wanted to add one of these to my retro computer collection, something I still might do one day.

In the meantime we have this!
Fantastic news - if my wife did'nt pick up on all my hints about GP2X the order will be placed tomorrow!!!

Please get the Vic 20 going soon - I feel a Llamasoft retroblast coming on!

Merry Christmas to all.

alpha1 release now at

Now including all machines:

* C64
* C128
* Plus4
* Vic20

There's now a simple loading menu and virtual keyboards for c64, plus4 and vic20. Zip file support is about half way there. Mind the option for true drive emulation in the preferences, it's backwards or something.
wow! i just tried it and it is absolutely playable.
absolutely great!
this means very compatible C64 gaming on our little GP2X :)

only the colors are a bit washed out, i guess it's because of your early, too bright dev-unit.

thank you very very much.
Posible to add better zip file support, i zipped over 1.4gb of C64/C16 files, frodo managed to run the zip files very well, but vice (deffo the better of the 2) struggles with the Zipped files and fails to load a large amount.

Snaff - The VIC20 is great.

I have been playing Abductor, Gridrunner and Metagalactic Llamas Battle at the Edge of Time and nothing else.

How do I get memory expansion on the VIC20 in VICE?

How do I get speech marks to enable me to load someting manually?

Great work and many thanks.

Do you have paypal so I can make a donation?