Mr Doctor
Ive grown into a big Ninty fanboy myself - but with good reason, they are never about 'best graphics' they are always about 'most fun'.... touch up the graphics later.
I loved the PSP becuase I got it with Hot Shots golf, and the homebrew thing drew me in - then after 2 weeks I realised pretty much every other game is shit
and driving games outnumber everything else 10:1 -_-. I have the same prob with PS2 and XB, initially they are awsome because you get to play the best games, then you realise pretty much everything else is shit (come on, if Fable or Kotor are your best RPGs youre in trouble)
I wont even touch any other of the home consoles except the Rev simply becuase all they are doing is rehashing with better gfx, and I'm insanely bored of generic racer/shooter/etc.. game X.
GP attracts me becuase of the massive possibilities behind it... the docking station plans pretty much blew me away - the community really is excellent, and seems supportive (PSP homebrew scene is *so* fecking bitchy is incredible)
Anyone who thinks a PSP is the best portaconsole ever is either a)trying to be trendy b)sony fanboy c)graphics whore d) under 15 years old.
Take your pick ¬_¬
I loved the PSP becuase I got it with Hot Shots golf, and the homebrew thing drew me in - then after 2 weeks I realised pretty much every other game is shit
I wont even touch any other of the home consoles except the Rev simply becuase all they are doing is rehashing with better gfx, and I'm insanely bored of generic racer/shooter/etc.. game X.
GP attracts me becuase of the massive possibilities behind it... the docking station plans pretty much blew me away - the community really is excellent, and seems supportive (PSP homebrew scene is *so* fecking bitchy is incredible)
Anyone who thinks a PSP is the best portaconsole ever is either a)trying to be trendy b)sony fanboy c)graphics whore d) under 15 years old.
Take your pick ¬_¬