Talking Smack About Other Console. And Other Fourm

Ive grown into a big Ninty fanboy myself - but with good reason, they are never about 'best graphics' they are always about 'most fun'.... touch up the graphics later.

I loved the PSP becuase I got it with Hot Shots golf, and the homebrew thing drew me in - then after 2 weeks I realised pretty much every other game is shit :P and driving games outnumber everything else 10:1 -_-. I have the same prob with PS2 and XB, initially they are awsome because you get to play the best games, then you realise pretty much everything else is shit (come on, if Fable or Kotor are your best RPGs youre in trouble)

I wont even touch any other of the home consoles except the Rev simply becuase all they are doing is rehashing with better gfx, and I'm insanely bored of generic racer/shooter/etc.. game X.

GP attracts me becuase of the massive possibilities behind it... the docking station plans pretty much blew me away - the community really is excellent, and seems supportive (PSP homebrew scene is *so* fecking bitchy is incredible)

Anyone who thinks a PSP is the best portaconsole ever is either a)trying to be trendy b)sony fanboy c)graphics whore d) under 15 years old.

Take your pick ¬_¬
Mr Doctor,

Another note, anyone who loves PSP is also very patient. I however, refuse to sit and wait 5 minutes for the console to boot and another 10 to play a game (i know it is an exageration... but c'mon you can't say it has good loading times!)
DS is t3h r0xx0rz!
You can't tell me that Castlevania DoS is not one of the coolest portable games ever! or that Mario Kart sucks and ANimal Crossing is kiddie...
well yeah you could tell me that but... yeah... i don't see where i'm going... anyway DS is awesome!
SONY posted on Dec 22 2005 at 01:41 PM said:
geniv posted on Dec 22 2005 at 10:46 AM said:
I do notice alot of user talking smack about other portable consoles.

especially the Gizmondo and PSP 
I'm also guilty of talking smack about the Jiz.

I do notice people here have some good regards to the Zodiac and the Nintendo DS.

just wondering what do people from other forums say about the gp2x/gp32?

say people from the ,PSP, JIZ, ZODIAC, DS forums?

I'm guilty for talking smack about the NDS on the other forum I visit.
But I do not talk smack about the Zodiac and especially the GP2X, because there's nothing bad to talk about them.
As for the Giz, well I don't want to talk or hear about it, till the Giz WS comes out.

Oh, by the way, in the other forum I visit, I want to talk about the Zodiac 2 and GP2X, but nobody knows what they are. :( But then again, I am in Australia now and we are retarded here. ;)

That's an over generalisation. Being retarded is much more localised then the country you live in, or even more the the room you are currently in.
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timbobsteve posted on Dec 22 2005 at 03:37 AM said:
Lol with comments like this, its no wonder we have stupid fat americans on our T.V's making fun of us! (I am refering to the terrible channel 10 adds about "Australia's Biggest Loser")

Odd when i've not seen a single show over here in america making fun of you, and most of the stereotypes are more because of the crocadile hunter then anything else. I always was a fan of australlia, even if you were englands alcatraz :P .
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Yeah over here Australian stereotypes are becoming less common...
Honestly, who would say "Crikey" or "G'day" anyway?
fireball87: True about the TV in US making fun of us (or lack of). It would seem that Australians are the worst cuplrits at stereotyping australians. :P

Anyways... was just having a laugh. On a much more serious note.... PSP SUX!
Steve Irwin

I still won't accept that NOBODY says it, cause i see proof that atleast one person does :P
We had an import Aussie when I was working at EAC, and he would indeed greet us with "g'day mate!' from time to time, but now I wonder if he wasn't merely mocking us...


But we do end most every sentance with 'eh' that much is true. :)
Jurrasic posted on Dec 22 2005 at 06:03 AM said:
But we do end most every sentance with 'eh' that much is true. :)

So do I, whats your point :P. As for american steriotypes, too many to count, but i don't think i'd qualify as your standard hickish kansan, nor am i in black and white! Nor is my dog one of those annoying stupid yappy dogs. I really hate that movie!
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timbobsteve posted on Dec 22 2005 at 02:07 PM said:
And for the record: NO ONE SAYS "G'day Mate" !!!!! GET OVER IT !!!!!

my 2cents :angry:

It's better than that movie that stereotypes us southerners...
"Deliverance" I believe it was called...

I thought it was called Forrest Gump :P
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I don't have my GP2X yet, so it can't dethrone the Turbo Express portable as my "ultimate" handheld. The Sega Nomad is a close second, then the NGPC, then the PSP.

But seeing as I will be able to play Genesis and TG16 games on the GP2X, I can't see how I couldn't switch. Once Neo Geo, SNES and NES are running, I'll be a one handheld kind of guy.
timbobsteve posted on Dec 22 2005 at 02:37 PM said:
SONY posted on Dec 22 2005 at 12:41 PM said:
geniv posted on Dec 22 2005 at 10:46 AM said:
I do notice alot of user talking smack about other portable consoles.

especially the Gizmondo and PSP 
I'm also guilty of talking smack about the Jiz.

I do notice people here have some good regards to the Zodiac and the Nintendo DS.

just wondering what do people from other forums say about the gp2x/gp32?

say people from the ,PSP, JIZ, ZODIAC, DS forums?

I'm guilty for talking smack about the NDS on the other forum I visit.
But I do not talk smack about the Zodiac and especially the GP2X, because there's nothing bad to talk about them.
As for the Giz, well I don't want to talk or hear about it, till the Giz WS comes out.

Oh, by the way, in the other forum I visit, I want to talk about the Zodiac 2 and GP2X, but nobody knows what they are. :( But then again, I am in Australia now and we are retarded here. ;)

I'm in Oz... and I don't think I am a retard.... or do I... maybe I do... I might go ride a kangaroo for a while, drink some Fosters and fight some celebrities and get back to you on it!!!

Lol with comments like this, its no wonder we have stupid fat americans on our T.V's making fun of us! (I am refering to the terrible channel 10 adds about "Australia's Biggest Loser") What a joke that shit is.

And for the record: NO ONE SAYS "G'day Mate" !!!!! GET OVER IT !!!!!

my 2cents
G'day mate, how's it going? lolz :ph34r:
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FFNoir posted on Dec 22 2005 at 06:20 AM said:
It's better than that movie that stereotypes us southerners...
"Deliverance" I believe it was called...

Yeah, but southerners = Bush voters. I hate Bush.
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I say g'day but I have noticed that no one says Bonza anymore, I blame it on the education system
DaveC posted on Dec 22 2005 at 07:10 PM said:
Yeah, but southerners = Bush voters. I hate Bush.

I hate bush too, but, heck, as i see it, he was the lesser of two evils...
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Might i add, im Scottish, and we do say 'aboot'. South Park nicked that from us and simply transferred it to canadians. For example "Whit the hells that movie all aboot?" With a heavy scots accent of course.

But canadians ending sentences with 'eh' just cracks me up, reminds me of that special school in the simpsons.. "I'm from caanaadaa and i'm a bit"