Lets See Who Got The Lowest Serial Number.

heres an estimate, 12th july 2067.

when it does come out later this century, who will be a little aprehensive about flashing it? cos i'll shit a brick if i brick my gp2x.
x68000 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 05:38 PM said:
heres an estimate, 12th july 2067.

when it does come out later this century, who will be a little aprehensive about flashing it? cos i'll shit a brick if i brick my gp2x.
so youll shit your gp2x? :D
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lucoxade posted on Dec 5 2005 at 11:33 PM said:
Big_bazza99 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 10:23 PM said:
Version 1 #486 - dodgy flickering screen since firmware upgrade
DX or SX ? If its SX then your screwed

What is the difference between DX and SX and how would I tell?
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hehe. He's joking bazza. Your serial number is 486 and he was making the reference to the old Intel 486SX and 486DX CPUs from many years ago. The SX was the 486DX minus the floating point unit if I remember correctly.
triton posted on Dec 5 2005 at 04:57 PM said:
gp2xv101 #117 and still pretty sure im the only one in iowa with a 2x

I have a v100

so you are really out in the cold :P
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triton posted on Dec 6 2005 at 11:19 PM said:
yea, i think its about 10 degrees farenheidt outside right now, sucks!
its about 0 degrees farenheight here.

My gp2x is #00000038 but I can't remember the # before it and its not easily accessable at the moment....
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