Dark Zone On The Left ?


:3 :3 :3
Mar 3, 2003
french S/W

i noticed i have a big darker line on the left of the screen, not visible on white or black, but VERY noticeable on orange or green, , and strangely, you see it more when you look at the screen from down, than from UP ..

is it a normal thing or is my screen weird?
try watching a movie or playing a game, also make sure to test other skins. If you still notice that then your screen might be defective, also try updating the firmware first.

Check your Serial Number(go to settings, and then to Info) it's GP2XV****** -You might have gotten one of the first 500 gp2x...
There's is a reported screen problem showing a white line on dark backgrounds. It's been fixed in a later firmware update.


But what you're descriping sounds almost like the opposite effect?
Eolair posted on Dec 5 2005 at 12:01 PM said:
There's is a reported screen problem showing a white line on dark backgrounds. It's been fixed in a later firmware update.


But what you're descriping sounds almost like the opposite effect?

yep, only on orange or green, a bit noticeable on blue but less, it's like a big dark line on white background it's totally gone black is very good too :huh:

Mr. Anderson: i have a GP2XV102 - 00000183

anyway i'm about to try to flash my firmware ...
(edit : tried and failed a few times, will try from a linux CD ... )
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My GP2X is s/n : GP2XV101 - 00000170 and is PERFECT!!!! B)
It's tested by great EvilDragon before shipping to me.
In signature there is my GP2X!!^__^
Yamcha79 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 12:46 PM said:
My GP2X is s/n : GP2XV101 - 00000170 and is PERFECT!!!! B)
It's tested by great EvilDragon before shipping to me.
In signature there is my GP2X!!^__^

great :ph34r:
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nik166 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 12:13 PM said:
Mr. Anderson: i have a GP2XV102 - 00000183

You have one from the same line as I, GP2XV102 -0000022 is mine...

The screen is equally lit and pretty vibrant/bright overall. I don't have a bright white(or dark) stripe on the right side, it's lit even and though waves only appear on the startup screen(diagonal ones) and in the standard skin movie-background(might be the strange mix of blue and green there?)... I'm wondering if I should update or not... well I guess I'll check how videos and games look first before considering an update that could make things worse(since those "wavy diagonal lines" aren't that annoying anyway.

Yamcha79 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 12:46 PM said:
My GP2X is s/n : GP2XV101 - 00000170 and is PERFECT!!!! B)
It's tested by great EvilDragon before shipping to me.
In signature there is my GP2X!!^__^

Yeah it's a relief that he tested all units he send out. Did you notice any "waves" in the startup screen or standard movie background? If so, do they appear anywhere else? I'm sure I worry for nothing, I guess this all has something to do with the scanlines and color combination of that bg...
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Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 5 2005 at 01:16 PM said:
nik166 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 12:13 PM said:
Mr. Anderson: i have a GP2XV102 - 00000183

You have one from the same line as I, GP2XV102 -0000022 is mine...

The screen is equally lit and pretty vibrant/bright overall. I don't have a bright white(or dark) stripe on the right side, it's lit even and though waves only appear on the startup screen(diagonal ones) and in the standard skin movie-background(might be the strange mix of blue and green there?)... I'm wondering if I should update or not... well I guess I'll check how videos and games look first before considering an update that could make things worse(since those "wavy diagonal lines" aren't that annoying anyway.

Yamcha79 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 12:46 PM said:
My GP2X is s/n : GP2XV101 - 00000170 and is PERFECT!!!! B)
It's tested by great EvilDragon before shipping to me.
In signature there is my GP2X!!^__^

Yeah it's a relief that he tested all units he send out. Did you notice any "waves" in the startup screen or standard movie background? If so, do they appear anywhere else? I'm sure I worry for nothing, I guess this all has something to do with the scanlines and color combination of that bg...

no. I don't have any "waves" in startup screen. After flashing firmware i have scanlines effect on screen.
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Sometimes my GP32 screen has waves, mostly at start-up, rarely during apps. I wonder if it's from the backlight.
Yeah, don't know where those diagonal lines come from.

They're only there sometimes on some gp2x and only when accessing the SD Card...


not easy to take a pic of it :P

maybe we can see it more on orange, but i think it will not be much more noticeable on picture :P

hardware or firmware? (can't flash :/ )
Mine is GP2XV100 - 00000060 and i have lot of small horizontal lines and the screen is vibrant/bright even with the last firmware. is it normal ? :s
Nik166 what kind of camera do you have there? That thing looks huge.

I am in the v102 boat and I have to say other than slight modulation in the brightness of the back light at times I am very happy. I have no need for scanlines at the moment but if that occasion ever comes up at least I know there is a firmware update that will satisfy my needs :D

Oh yeah is there supposed to be no sound in snes? Maybe my gp2x is defective and can't play repetitve mono tunes :D
Spank posted on Dec 9 2005 at 04:14 PM said:
Nik166 what kind of camera do you have there? That thing looks huge.

nope it's an old canon A40, but i have an objective converter on it ;)

but anyway has anybody seen such a dark zone on his GP2X?
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nik166 posted on Dec 9 2005 at 11:13 AM said:


not easy to take a pic of it :P

maybe we can see it more on orange, but i think it will not be much more noticeable on picture :P

hardware or firmware? (can't flash :/ )

I have that too only it doesn't seem as bad as it is on yours. Could be the camera enhancing it though. It is probably the way the LCD module is assembled that causes it, like some pressure in that area or something.
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DaveC posted on Dec 9 2005 at 06:51 PM said:
Could be the camera enhancing it though.

nope, it's the opposite, it's less on the photo :D

BUT when changing the CPU speed, it can vanish (or also come back :P ) so i wonder if i should send mine back or not .... :huh:
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nik166 posted on Dec 9 2005 at 04:52 PM said:
but anyway has anybody seen such a dark zone on his GP2X?
Yes, I also have the same problem that you.

Here you have all the history of my problem with the dark line of the left of the screen:

I'm sure that it is a Hardware issue.

I think this because...

I have run all versions of god_at_hell's utility in both Firmware versions (1.0 and 1.0.1) with all the possible combinations and values, and, after all this, it continues existing one of these two problems:

A) GP2X working in 75hz LCD --> No flicking, BUT then again appears the dark line in the left of the screen


B) GP2X working in 60hz LCD --> No vertical dark line in left screen, BUT then appears FLICKING

That is to say, that my GP2X's screen CANNOT work to 75hz without generating the annoying vertical dark line in the screen's side left.

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hmm i can manage to remove the dark thing, but i don't know the screen's freq, how do you get hz units for the screen timing??
nik166 posted on Dec 14 2005 at 01:27 PM said:
hmm i can manage to remove the dark thing, but i don't know the screen's freq, how do you get hz units for the screen timing??
Sure your screens's freq is 60hz and I also can to remove the dark line, but then FLICKING the screen... ¿and also you, true?

EDIT: If you try 75hz you will get no flicking but then you will get dark line.
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