Megadrive And Megacd Emulators

DRMD was an almost perfect megadrive emulator on the gp32. The only game u could ever tell that frameskipping was used in the emulator was sonic. Can't wait for the final version to be released for gp2x it'll be a perfect megadrive emulator.
Reesy posted on Dec 4 2005 at 06:31 AM said:
Basically what I'm trying to say is that DrMD is going run very very smoothly when complete. It should never drop below 60fps no matter what game you throw at it.

You mean without frame skips, or with frame skips? Those frameskip "feature" gets into way of enjoying more action-oriented games making games like laggy MMOs.
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Quiest posted on Dec 4 2005 at 04:05 PM said:
:o there is a version of Rebel Assault for the MegaCD!!! That would be awesome to play on the gp2x!

The MegaCD has a suprising amount of good games. I might just buy one ;)

Just looking on Ebay for MegaCD games and stumbled upon this: here's a link to an amazing console for sale on Ebay, Sega Nomad... what?

Off topic I know
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Nomad was crap imho, unless you had one for the correct reigon you couldnt play any other region games

i had an american one and could only play 2 games i had.

anyway, back on topic, MD emu looks amazing...absolutly cant wait
That was the thing, usually handhelds were regionless, and even though Nomad did not need NTSC output, which usually was the "reason" for region codes, it had region coding... A Genesis, plain and simple.

Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 4 2005 at 06:35 PM said:
Great, that Megadrive Emulators will bring me hours of joy :D

BTW: anyone know something about a mastersystem/GameGear Emulator?

Ask Reesy. ;)
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great news!!

and the nomad was great :P serious fun...

hey, you guys remember the movie surf ninjas with the kid that used the gamegear to fight or something?? ah i feel the need to dust off my gamegear now :D
Aah yes, I will be able to play Phantasy Star 4 yet again! spent all of boxing day on it on my gp32 last xmas! i hope this year will be the same :P
trooper posted on Dec 4 2005 at 05:40 PM said:
DrSMS ?, Who knows ?. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Excuse my rudeness, Awesome news on DrMD for the GP2x Reesy, And so bloody quick too :o.


Its only quick because of the hard work by Squidge, Rob and Rlyeh.
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I donated some money for Reesy-poo a while a go for the GP32 version betas.

Where's my new beta emulators? :P
Ninjia^ posted on Dec 4 2005 at 03:32 PM said:
The SNES version is running full speed without sound in the latest version of NKs SNES emu. :)

I didn't know that! Thanks!
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Knuckles500 posted on Dec 4 2005 at 08:09 PM said:
I donated some money for Reesy-poo a while a go for the GP32 version betas.

Where's my new beta emulators? :P
Well, if you call him poo... :ph34r:
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Ninjia^ posted on Dec 4 2005 at 03:32 PM said:
Natrius posted on Dec 4 2005 at 04:29 PM said:
Awesome!  :)

This means I'll be able to play Street Fighter, as I've seen taht there's a version of it for the Megadrive.

The SNES version is running full speed without sound in the latest version of NKs SNES emu. :)

The key words there are "without sound". DrMD runs it with sound and real smooth.

Anyone that has a GP32 knows how good the emu ran on it. Those with only a GP2X should be real pleased with it.
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I always preferred Street Fighter on the Megadrive. Super Street Fighter 2 for the Megadrive was the greatest fighting game of the 16bit generation.
DaveC posted on Dec 4 2005 at 06:58 PM said:
The key words there are "without sound". DrMD runs it with sound and real smooth.

Anyone that has a GP32 knows how good the emu ran on it. Those with only a GP2X should be real pleased with it.

Wow, DaveC said something positive about something! *claps* Unfortunately he said something bad about something else, so meh, it balances out.

Also, I forgot to mention that DaveC actually has a point there.
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