Makes Me Sad

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Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
Visit site
seeing the front page.... not a sign of any gp32 news.

I wish this site had stuck to gp32 and made a sister site for the gp2x, but that's progress I guess. Now any gp32 news won't last long before it's bumped off by gp2x news.....


is it on it's way out I wonder
seeing the front page.... not a sign of any gp32 news.

I wish this site had stuck to gp32 and made a sister site for the gp2x, but that's progress I guess. Now any gp32 news won't last long before it's bumped off by gp2x news.....


is it on it's way out I wonder

Well, so far they've been existing together. The GP32 news has been bumping off the GP2X news anyway, not the other way around :-)
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Maybe a system could be implemented where you can click on an option to just see GP32, GP2X news or news for both.

I see sometyhing like that has been tried with previous news, but it doesn't seem to work.
seeing the front page.... not a sign of any gp32 news.

I wish this site had stuck to gp32 and made a sister site for the gp2x, but that's progress I guess. Now any gp32 news won't last long before it's bumped off by gp2x news.....


is it on it's way out I wonder

I hope the GP32 is not on it's way out. I will still use my GP32 for the emulators that work on both. The GP32 BLU has a better screen than the GP2X (no diagonal noise lines or contrast shadowing), a much better joystick and battery life that is still practical, STEREO sound out of the speakers, better build quality etc. I have a feeling that many devs will come back to the GP32 after playing with the GP2X for awhile because of the above issues.
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From the screenshots, it looks like rlyeh will have simultaneous releases of his fday emus for GP2x + GP32, so that's something MASSIVE to look forward to!!!
You can absolutely trust DaveC.

You can be sure to know exactly what he will do.

Spread FUD everywhere.

Craigix says 45 out of all the units he tested had problems.

45 out of ALL

please DaveC be more positive.

Besides that people with the v1.01 firmware claim no screen problems.
You can absolutely trust DaveC.

You can be sure to know exactly what he will do.

Spread FUD everywhere.

Craigix says 45 out of all the units he tested had problems.

45 out of ALL

please DaveC be more positive.

Besides that people with the v1.01 firmware claim no screen problems.

Well then I guess he sent me one of those 45. I should send it back, sounds like I have a duff unit then.
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If you think it's bad send it back and get another.

If you got a bad one I am sure they can get you a good one.

I sure hope I don't get a bad one :)
And I`m still working on my gp32, too, so just be patient, there will still be gp32 releases in the future.
Before the 2X started shipping there was like the heaviest flood of updates for the GP32 I've ever seen, it's not dead it's just being over shadowed right now while people play with their shiny new toys. Granted I suspect after a while the power of the 2X and the age of the 32 will eventually make the 32 go away but it wont be immediate as not everone will have the 2X just yet.
Shouldn't this site change it's name to something like GPXtreme, so it's not GP32 specific? Then it's covered the GP32, GPX2 and XGP. At the moment you would really expect GP32Xtreme to be mainly about the GP32 anyway. All the new mascot stuff still says GP32...

Well, to write about GP32 releases we actually need... let me guess... yep ... gp32 releases. Without them what do you expect us to post about ? :)))
Anyway, is curently under hard redesign and new version of site'll features option to display GP32 or GP2X or GP32 & GP2X news. I hope it'll make all "GP32 Only" users happy.
And no, we do not want abbandon support for GP32. As long as there would be any release for GP32 we'll support it with news or hosting or support forums etc.
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You can absolutely trust DaveC.

You can be sure to know exactly what he will do.

Spread FUD everywhere.

Craigix says 45 out of all the units he tested had problems.

45 out of ALL

please DaveC be more positive.

Besides that people with the v1.01 firmware claim no screen problems.

Well then I guess he sent me one of those 45. I should send it back, sounds like I have a duff unit then.

It's not beyond the realms of possibilty. He might have known if you got one that was OK you would find it unsettling having to be positive. ;)
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i like to see the mixture of the two, more than any other systems usually mentioned on this forum (GBA, zodiac, PSP) the GP32 and GP2X are definitely "linked" -- and I'd like to believe that development for one will spur on some for the other. for the time being it's nice to see LOTS of sudden developments/ports etc popping up for GP2X left and right. I didn't expect to see so much activity, so fast!! I haven't a unti and likely won't upgrade for along time (at least a year or so) but it's fun to watch.

and as long as GP32 doesn't shrivel up and die so damned fast I will be supportive of it..
Just a bit of downtime right now. It's happened many times prior to the GP2X release. I'm sure we'll see some new stuff for the GP32 soon enough.

With that said though, I have no doubt that sometime the GP32 releases will dry up.
Well then I guess he sent me one of those 45. I should send it back, sounds like I have a duff unit then.
It's not beyond the realms of possibilty. He might have known if you got one that was OK you would find it unsettling having to be positive. ;)
It's not beyond the realms of possibilty that DaveC would have negative comments about any unit he recieved, even a 'perfect' one. He's one of those people who complain about having nothing to complain about.
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Just a bit of downtime right now. It's happened many times prior to the GP2X release. I'm sure we'll see some new stuff for the GP32 soon enough.

With that said though, I have no doubt that sometime the GP32 releases will dry up.

Hey, people are still releasing stuff for the c64, and even the atari 2600 ;)
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GP32 will only die when nobody owns one.

And it will only be possible for nobody to own one when there is a fullspeed GP32 emulator for the GP2X.

So don't go abandoning you hopes, GP32 users!
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