Genesis Emulater

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Still Fresh
Aug 8, 2003
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At the british meet-up I will exclusivly let everyone there get my genesis emulater
so to every one thats going bring roms for it. After the meet-up I will be releasing it publicly.
ps:axeman This might get a hell of a lot more people there,remember to bring your own roms
hmm i'm suddenly interested but then im' only 15 but do live in the uk what kind of state is it in hehehe genesis is just an fabulous console !
Wow, this is great news. :P B) :D :)

How well is the emulator running? (if you don't mind me asking.)
I also forgot to mention ive tested 10 roms on it and only 7/10 had worked so its not that good yet but hey its still a genesis emulater
I'm interested in this
I might pop along to the bath meeting as well
it would be great to compare emu's!
Excellent! :D

I can see it now, Thunder force iv, Sonic and knuckles and populous on the move. :D

Breaks out into song with the sonic tune (Daaa, D Da, Da, etc) :P

Your Genesis emulator, whats it written in, what compiler did you use, what 68k core have you used? How have you handled interlaced mode with the gp32 screen?

Please answer these questions with details so we all know this isn't just a windup.

(wishing I was a Brit, so I could be present) -- ahh that's great news, this is turning out to be a banner week for GP32 news...!

waiting patiently to see what's next..
well craigix you are going arent you, youll find out there oh yeah just to tell im skilled with many different languages but i most skilled at c++ if that satisfies your need for information if you want further detail i will e-mail it to you rather than post it
This could be veeeery interesting. Well, before I was probably going to go, now I'll do my best to get there. But we'll see. :)
yeah man it would be cool to finally get a genesis emu but - you can't blame people for being a bit skeptical when someone posts such things on a board like this one for the very first time, noting that they've got a WIP of something which we've all been talking about for a long time - if you'd been active in the scene earlier you would have more cred of course.

not to put you on the defense of course, more power to you + I hope as everyone else does that this is the real deal. we'll just have to wait and see.
Perhaps counter is part of the interwebnet police and he wants to round up all the pirates with their genisis ROMS in a sheriff of nottinham style raid.

Or perhaps its a phil collins type genisis "emulater" that could be used to translate conkney
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