To Craigix


Still Fresh
Oct 10, 2005
Visit site
I'm really sory if some post I made really offended you, but I hope you will understand that first of all I was only what you already said(jokingly) in one instance, actually being sarcastic about what someone else said in another post and lastly if I did think such bad things about gp2x I wouldn't have ordered one. If I had set out to bluntly offend you (why would I?) I would not have said It in a sarcastically taking the piss out of peoples doubts/worries about the gp2x sort of way. I guess I went over the top, but I'm not used to companies being dealt with personally If you know what I mean e.g. someone disses Bill Gates so he makes shit for them and gets offended even though they don't even know him. If you cancelled my order I ask that you reinstate it or rebate my cheque (I would prefer my order was reinstated and am sure you would also). I hope you acknoledge that it is unusual for someone to respond to annoying queries, ott jokes etc by cancelling orders and I was not aware thats how seriously things would be taken on a forum that often discusses arguably crude things (remember the anna hong topic or post a picture of your girlfriend).

Jim :)
Dont bite the hand that feeds you ...

reminds me of the new nine inch nails album... hmm...

anyways dont think Craig would cancel your order if you pissed him off, if you want to cancel then do it...

no offense, but im kinda getting cheesed with all these personal questions and such to Craig... he DOES have a company with its own site and email address... and its not and his site isnt either...
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Dont bite the hand that feeds you ...
no offense, but im kinda getting cheesed with all these personal questions and such to Craig... he DOES have a company with its own site and email address... and its not and his site isnt either...


I'm getting more fed-up with the ridiculous amounts of pissing and moaning regarding what has been (afaic) a quality service from craigix, quite frankly the childish excitement generated by the slight delay on release of this system has generated some comments and demands that make me feel embarassed for the posters. The last few weeks has seen a real decline in the general quality of posting (which I suppose I'm now adding to, having finally lost my rag and posted a useless rant.)

So Craigix if you're reading, thank you;

Lets hope that things chill out a bit round here again <_<
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don't know why people are moaning so much about the release of a new console. I ordered mine on the 14th and im willing to wait until at least december :-)
Let the peeps get on with sending the machines out and stop moaning.
don't know why people are moaning so much about the release of a new console. I ordered mine on the 14th and im willing to wait until at least december :-)
Let the peeps get on with sending the machines out and stop moaning.

Hear hear. I'm here (reading and posting on this board) because I'm waiting with bated breath for my new toy ... on which, OMG, I'll be able to play Doom and Quake! (Actually, I'm quite impressed at the prospect of playing Quake -- I wonder if Hexen II, particulary the "Portal of Praevus" mission pack, which was really excellent, will play.)

Of course, there'll be loads more for everybody to moan about when everything does arrive. (Battery life, this doesn't work, that isn't documented, the other is broken, blah blah blah.) It's new, dammit! ;)
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Well Craig doesn't seem to give a fuck so i guess this is all silly.
I do want toask one thing though, What country do you come from dude,I'm in the same country as Craig and can tell you that regardless how rich any person becomes they wont cancel an order unless there is something wrong with that order and a supplier will not cancel an order unless they can not supply it, This isn't the case here so no probs, Craig has made it more than clear that if you have a unit you are not happy with he will refud your money straight off (A replacement should be available too but that is a guess on my part).

Let me just say i think but again this is a guess, Craig is British and a few lines on a forum is certainly not going to get a Brit to be offended or do anything in particular, We brits are somewhat of a hardy race so just enjoy your GP2X when it comes and if it has probs send it back and get another, If you are falling for some of this negative bullshit that is flying around and dont actually want it anymore just cancel the order, Everything is that simple, Craig is after all in business and i expect has been very busy the last few days ;)
...yada yada yada...

I think he was referring to this quote:

Hello Everyone,

You *should* all begin recieving (en mass) confirmation emails today.

As long as the post office are able to collect all the post bags a huge amount of the preorders will be on the way when you read this (unless you are a night owl).

We hope that all recently placed ones will be clear in the following 2-3 days (depends if we can meet demand from the second shipment).

Stay cool, don't shout and get angry or it will be a swift cancel shoryuken to your order. (yeah, we really are that tired and stressed)



But then again, I though everyone knew he was joking.. ;)
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Oh so its just another "Text doesn't translate too well" problem then hehehehe, Forums are funny LOL
I have to admit that was pretty unprofessional of craigx to post such a comment, even though it was a joke. It could easily be misintepretted, especially for a board that has many ppl all over the world reading it :/ All that bashing of the guy who created this thread was totally uncalled for imo. It was a harmless mistake.
I don't think craigix is child enough to not send you your order. :P

also, does craigix ship worldwide? :huh: