
YOUR AUSSIE GP32 GURU!!!!!!!!&#3
May 30, 2003
Melbourne, Australia
As you all know SNK is dead god rest its great soul (altho i heard the usa branch is still working)

I'm wondering if the Neo Geo Pocket roms are legal to download now?

I'm not asking for any roms i have every ngpc rom out there :P

But cause SNK is dead would these games be legal?

Um SNK is not dead I could be wrong on some of this but playmore bought out alot of the SNK titles and has many of the original SNK team working for them now. They are acctually bringing back the SNK name so the next version of king of fighters and metal slug will have that old SNK logo at the begining of the game with a little playmore logo as well. True its not exactly like it was but the SNK brand is coming back and the rights to those games are still owned by a company that is very activly creating games with them. The neo-geo pocket games are not public domain so just keep that in mind.
SNK is not dead but NGPC is dead.
Personally, i use NGPC roms because i'm so short in money that i can't buy other machines :( That's why i was hoping there was an emulator GBA !
I know warez is bad but i don't have money (i'm 15) so....
And look at the price of GBA games: 40€ (39£) for a poor game, it's a little too much...
There are still games being released in Japan for the NGPC. Although "game" is a big word for the pachinko rubbish they are putting out. So technically the system is not dead.

Would SNK lose money if you use a downloaded rom? No, because here in the west SNK isn't selling the games anymore.

Is it legal to use a downloaded ROM? No, the rights now belong to Playmore.

Should I use downloaded roms? That's your decision.
There isn't new NGPC games coming out, who knows where you read that @_@

There isn't really a good excuse not to buy a NGPC, they are so cheap on ebay, and so are the games. Fair enough if your 15 and can't afford, but there is such thing as a paper route or whatever.
I was talking of GBA ^ ^
I have the intention to buy a NGPC for Christmas but i can't wait to play those games !!!
(like Chrono Trigger, it's better to play t on SNES than on GP32 or on computer).
No i wasn't thinking cause its not in stores its not copyrighted thats just stupid logic :rolleyes:

but last i hear (which was a while ago) SNK was dead in japan and i remember a site saying that the copyright of neogeo games was stopped but you can never trust video game websites :P thats why i asked here i didnt say anything about thinking they were legal

I'm wondering if the Neo Geo Pocket roms are legal to download now?

If there's not a message from the company saying "these games are now free," then they're not free.

Epyx filed bankruptcy and was dissolved in 1989, and it's still not legal to copy THEIR games. It's not legal to copy and distribute Atari 2600 roms. If you didn't write it, and the author didn't say you could give it away, then it's not legal.
I will say for the record that I regard to the NGPC as a failed console that screwed over a -lot- of people who bought it (including some friends of fine). I couldn't care less if ROMs were traded for it, as the same thing happens for NES, Spectrum, and so on.

However: GP32X does not allow direct links to roms or rom sites, as this could get us into trouble. But I won't object if such stuff is discussed.
If there's not a message from the company saying "these games are now free," then they're not free

If you read what i said you would if seen this

a site saying that the copyright of neogeo games was stopped

They sayed that neogeo licence was dead but i said i didn't believe it thats why i asked here :P

NiN^_^NiN posted on Aug 8 2003 said:
a site saying that the copyright of neogeo games was stopped

They sayed that neogeo licence was dead but i said i didn't believe it thats why i asked here :P

If you didn't see it on NeoGeo's site, don't believe it.
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SNK Playmore are still very much alive, but only releasing games on MVS, Dreamcast, PS2, GBA... in fact Capcom Vs SNK Chaos has been released in the arcades and is rumoured to be released on the DC (and metal slug is being released on the GBA in sept.)

However I think they have completely dropped support on the NeoGeo Pocket , they might never have taken anything to do with the NGP during the buyout of SNK...

Check out some of the hubs on Direct Connect, especially the classic sega one, they might have some kicking around....
Last time I heard about copyright laws is that they stay intact no matter what (unless the product is freely given away) for 75 years. Thats it. Maybe you can download some charlie chaplin movies for free :rolleyes:
It says in the 10 myths about copywriting thingy that they stay there for eternity (or until the world is taken over by a dictator, me, and changes all the laws, MUHAHAHA)
those are the copyright laws in the states (where they increased the copyright length from 50 years to 75 years which was heavily pushed by Disney who's Mickey Mouse is reaching that age... ;) )

Most countries in the world follow similar rules but there are some that have no copyright laws at all. For example, Iraq, until recently although Hilary Rosen is behind the new legislations in Iraq which look amazingly like the US ones....

So at the moment, claim you live in Iraq !!!! lol