Gp32 Does Midi !!!!


May 28, 2005
Brussels, Belgium
This has been poo'sted already in a GP2x thread but I thought it was a huge news and deserved a topic on it"s own :)

Starpause just successfully built the serial interface that allows LittleGPTracker to output MIDI !!!

Yeah boys, this is the best news I've heard in a long time :)

more here

I probably won't be able to do anything today....
great, not very usefull, but great.
Midi IN could get usefull :-)

Not useful ? dude, since when a portable MIDI sequencer geared towards live is not useful ?

u must live in a strange world: : :)

Heh. Congrats man, looks like lil piggy tracker is bound to encourage some interest in the ol' GP32 in some circles ;)

Looking forward to seeing/hearing this nifty gadget in action. *cough* email! *cough*

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it's untested but the adapter also has MIDI in.

anyone want to write a simple midi sniffer, or does anyone have a version of CHN's synth that responds to MIDI? :ph34r: :rolleyes:
Great news! Just when I thought it had gone a liitle quiet on the piggy scene, it seems like you're too busy playing with it ;)

naaahh, I've been too busy travelling, gigging and stuff.. but now, I got a new method that involves taking the code in the bus... :blink:

fujitsu 4 effah =)

now they've got an 8" unit that's also touch screen ... good for ... god knows what =)

i can't wait till the ultraportables will fit in a metal courier clip board and ... i'd like the specs to beef up a little (everything seems around 1Ghz)
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fujitsu 4 effah =)

now they've got an 8" unit that's also touch screen ... good for ... god knows what =)

i can't wait till the ultraportables will fit in a metal courier clip board and ... i'd like the specs to beef up a little (everything seems around 1Ghz)

Haha.. u lill spoiled brat. My futjitsu is about 5 yrs old, runs on a celeron @ 450Mhz & has 128Mb of memory.. it just runs WIN98SE but is perfect for transportation purposes. Sits nicely on my laps.
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That's fantastic! Man I really should keep an eye out for this kind of thing more! I've been waiting for something like this ever since I got my GP32.