Content Creators?


Scorched GP programmer
Nov 3, 2003
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I'm just wondering, are there people interested in making content for games? sprites, levels, whatever...
my sliders game could use some better graphics (better "menu" on the side to start with, loading screen,...)

I've got that metaphysic game, you can already create levels (simply edit a text file), if people are willing to make levels for it, i'll implement features and objects they can use to make their levels more interesting ^^

on the fenix forum there's a thread about a kuru kuru kururin clone htat people seem to want, i've now tried working with scrolling things a bit, and with little effort i can make a basic kuru kuru kururin gameplay :), but i'd need some sprites (well, a stick to make rotate i can make myself), but also levels (a graphic of the level, and some black/white file with in black the area you can move trough, a collision map ^^).

Just wondering if people are interested doing in such things (and i can hardly imagine i'm the only one who could use some help :) )
Contact Segata Shanshiro (sp must be definatly wrong :D) and Sonic-NKT, they already have the kuru-engine running - I think, just levels need to be made...

Also, it`s a bit sad, as most people are too selfish or lazy to make any content. Most just want to take and play...
I`m currently working on the level editor for Black Or White and I would also be astouned if there will be many usermade levels :(
Contact Segata Shanshiro (sp must be definatly wrong :D) and Sonic-NKT, they already have the kuru-engine running - I think, just levels need to be made...

Also, it`s a bit sad, as most people are too selfish or lazy to make any content. Most just want to take and play...
I`m currently working on the level editor for Black Or White and I would also be astouned if there will be many usermade levels :(
i just mean, little seems to be happening with the kuru kuru kururin project atm :s, are they still working on it ?
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As far as I remember, just the levels need to be made, and as we keep bumping the thread in the Fenix forum and neither NKT nor Segata are answering... i don`t think they are still working on it...
I`m currently working on the level editor for Black Or White and I would also be astouned if there will be many usermade levels :(

I'd definitely make lots of levels, if you improved the gameplay from the last (first) version so that it's running smoothly.

I'm also very very interested in this Kururin remake and would make levels as well. I'd also like to do gfx, but I've got so much to do at the moment, moving and loads of homework. :(

Either way Racemaniac, if you'd tell me what format and what kind of tiles you're working with, I might come up with something sooner or later (probably later).

For example, what size should the bar be? On the GBA it was 8 pixels wide and at least 10x as long or so.
And then you need lots of tiles for walls of varying angles and floor/BG tiles, I suppose. If so, what size will those tiles be? 16x16?
Or are you going for one single image for each stage? I'd prefer a tiled approach as it would be easier to edit and make the tiles. It'd be easier to program, too, I guess?
16bit or 8bit?
What format would you like the images in?

Anyway, cheers to both of you for making nice games!
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I`m currently working on the level editor for Black Or White and I would also be astouned if there will be many usermade levels :(

I'd definitely make lots of levels, if you improved the gameplay from the last (first) version so that it's running smoothly.

I'm also very very interested in this Kururin remake and would make levels as well. I'd also like to do gfx, but I've got so much to do at the moment, moving and loads of homework. :(

Either way Racemaniac, if you'd tell me what format and what kind of tiles you're working with, I might come up with something sooner or later (probably later).

For example, what size should the bar be? On the GBA it was 8 pixels wide and at least 10x as long or so.
And then you need lots of tiles for walls of varying angles and floor/BG tiles, I suppose. If so, what size will those tiles be? 16x16?
Or are you going for one single image for each stage? I'd prefer a tiled approach as it would be easier to edit and make the tiles. It'd be easier to program, too, I guess?
16bit or 8bit?
What format would you like the images in?

Anyway, cheers to both of you for making nice games!
well, since i haven't actually started makin it yet, i don't know about those details yet... (at least for the kuru kuru kururin remake)
as i see it now, i'd use one single large map, but using tiles is also a valid option, i'd just make a loader that assembles the map from al lthe tiles, and make one big picture to scroll that may, shouldn't be too hard (i'm only not sure about how long this'll take, loading times might become too long...)
and dunno, 8 bit seems the best for speed, but 16 bit can make a much more lively envirenoment, will all come down to wether the gp32 can handle 16 bit at good enough speed i guess....
and there's also the issue of the springs in the levels, i could hardcode them in the game, but that would be pretty useless, i'd probably use a text file or so so you can insert springs into levels :), and perhaps i can also use the textfiles for things such as resting points and start/finish, cause i don't think you can have animation in a scrolling thing, then you can have some animated things on the level (although i don't know how heavy the impact will be on performance...)

and size of the tiles/bar: you tell me, whatever makes it playable on the gp32 :P
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well, since i haven't actually started makin it yet, i don't know about those details yet... (at least for the kuru kuru kururin remake)
as i see it now, i'd use one single large map, but using tiles is also a valid option, i'd just make a loader that assembles the map from al lthe tiles, and make one big picture to scroll that may, shouldn't be too hard (i'm only not sure about how long this'll take, loading times might become too long...)
and dunno, 8 bit seems the best for speed, but 16 bit can make a much more lively envirenoment, will all come down to wether the gp32 can handle 16 bit at good enough speed i guess....
and there's also the issue of the springs in the levels, i could hardcode them in the game, but that would be pretty useless, i'd probably use a text file or so so you can insert springs into levels :), and perhaps i can also use the textfiles for things such as resting points and start/finish, cause i don't think you can have animation in a scrolling thing, then you can have some animated things on the level (although i don't know how heavy the impact will be on performance...)

and size of the tiles/bar: you tell me, whatever makes it playable on the gp32 :P

I think the tiled version will be much faster than the fullstage-bitmap version! The tileset will be ridiculously small compared to the bitmap of a whole stage, it'll fit completely in the memory. Especially since I'd recommend to start with 8bit mode.

Another useful aspect of tilesets: You can completely re-skin a level easily. I'm already thinking of different stage/world themes.

As for the objects and important areas, a file or something with the exact type and coordinates of them should do the trick.

As for the size of things, the GP32 has twice the resolution of the GBA, but I'd say we only increase the resolution of everything slightly, so more of the stage is visible on the screen.

I'm currently messing around with 10x10 tiles and it seems like the right size to me.
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I'm just wondering, are there people interested in making content for games? sprites, levels, whatever...
my sliders game could use some better graphics (better "menu" on the side to start with, loading screen,...)

I've got that metaphysic game, you can already create levels (simply edit a text file), if people are willing to make levels for it, i'll implement features and objects they can use to make their levels more interesting ^^

on the fenix forum there's a thread about a kuru kuru kururin clone htat people seem to want, i've now tried working with scrolling things a bit, and with little effort i can make a basic kuru kuru kururin gameplay :), but i'd need some sprites (well, a stick to make rotate i can make myself), but also levels (a graphic of the level, and some black/white file with in black the area you can move trough, a collision map ^^).

Just wondering if people are interested doing in such things (and i can hardly imagine i'm the only one who could use some help :) )

Very much interested, I very much like to create pixel art.
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well, since i haven't actually started makin it yet, i don't know about those details yet... (at least for the kuru kuru kururin remake)
as i see it now, i'd use one single large map, but using tiles is also a valid option, i'd just make a loader that assembles the map from al lthe tiles, and make one big picture to scroll that may, shouldn't be too hard (i'm only not sure about how long this'll take, loading times might become too long...)
and dunno, 8 bit seems the best for speed, but 16 bit can make a much more lively envirenoment, will all come down to wether the gp32 can handle 16 bit at good enough speed i guess....
and there's also the issue of the springs in the levels, i could hardcode them in the game, but that would be pretty useless, i'd probably use a text file or so so you can insert springs into levels :), and perhaps i can also use the textfiles for things such as resting points and start/finish, cause i don't think you can have animation in a scrolling thing, then you can have some animated things on the level (although i don't know how heavy the impact will be on performance...)

and size of the tiles/bar: you tell me, whatever makes it playable on the gp32 :P

I think the tiled version will be much faster than the fullstage-bitmap version! The tileset will be ridiculously small compared to the bitmap of a whole stage, it'll fit completely in the memory. Especially since I'd recommend to start with 8bit mode.

Another useful aspect of tilesets: You can completely re-skin a level easily. I'm already thinking of different stage/world themes.

As for the objects and important areas, a file or something with the exact type and coordinates of them should do the trick.

As for the size of things, the GP32 has twice the resolution of the GBA, but I'd say we only increase the resolution of everything slightly, so more of the stage is visible on the screen.

I'm currently messing around with 10x10 tiles and it seems like the right size to me.
well, the main issue is not the memory use here, but how fenix works. programming fenix to simply show the tiles and have them move around is pretty easy, however it would be very heavy, and would never ever work fluently on the gp32... i'll have to make a big map in the memory of the level anyhow, however if for the creators it's easier to work in tiles, i can simply have fenix assemble the big map from the tiles, shouldn't be too hard :)
one thing that does come to mind is how to create levels and store them? can someone perhaps make a basic tileset i can experiment with?

and how to handle animated things? we could try to add some eyecandy, but again i have no clue how performance will be, since to begin with it'll have to be seperate objects! you can't animate whatever is scrolling (i think :P ) a few things that are animated would be kewl though ^^
ah well, we'll see :), i'l perhaps have a go now at a working level assemblage thingy ^^
i'll see what i can whip up if we'll use 10x10 tiles...
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well, the main issue is not the memory use here, but how fenix works. programming fenix to simply show the tiles and have them move around is pretty easy, however it would be very heavy, and would never ever work fluently on the gp32... i'll have to make a big map in the memory of the level anyhow,

No problem! As long as it's only temporary and not every level has to be saved as several 800*600 bitmaps on the SMC, I have no objections! ;-)

one thing that does come to mind is how to create levels and store them? can someone perhaps make a basic tileset i can experiment with?

I'm almost done with the prelimenary ( = ugly) tileset. It's just to show how the pieces go together and as a templete to make fancier tiles. ;-)
As for how to
and how to handle animated things? we could try to add some eyecandy, but again i have no clue how performance will be, since to begin with it'll have to be seperate objects! you can't animate whatever is scrolling (i think :P ) a few things that are animated would be kewl though ^^

Eye-candy = Yes!

Well, just start with the basic engine and keep adding fancy effects until the framerate drops too much. ;-)
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I dont mind helping people with graphics Im not amazingly good in Photoshop but Ive been looking for ways to help out for awhile. If you give me some kind of idea of what you want I will help in anyway I can :)
I dont mind helping people with graphics Im not amazingly good in Photoshop but Ive been looking for ways to help out for awhile. If you give me some kind of idea of what you want I will help in anyway I can :)
well, if you want to, sliders 32 could use some help, a new menu bar (80 pixels wide, 240 pixels high), the positions of the numbers may change, no problem :), i'll change the program :)
and you could also make a splashscreen for it, and perhaps some nice pics to puzzle with :)
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and i've just made a VERY BASIC techdemo of using tiles to build a level, and "playing" the level ^^
you could use it on the gp32, but you'll have to pick an fxe yourself and set things up yourself (and most important, copy the level to the view program after you saved it...)
i advise if you want to see it to just install flamebird and open the project and first run the level program, then the playtest program...

quick explanation (in case someone would like to check it): you'll get a 1000x1000 pixels area you can edit (with blocks of 10x10 pixels, that's 100x100 blocks), move around the cursor with the directional pad (arrows on the pc), A is inserting the currently selected tile (ctrl on the pc), b is moving faster(alt on the pc), L/R(backspace/tab) is choosing another tile to place (no more than empty (black), full(white) and 4 diagonal tiles).
you save the map with select (spacebar)

the playtest program will open the saved map, and will have a rotating stick on screen you can move around your map.
you'll also see a number in the center of the screen, if it's 0 you're not colliding with the level, if it isn't 0 you are ^^

just some extremely basic things, but if you look at it, you can make a level, save it,open it, move around in it with a rotating stick, and the program can tell you if you're hitting a wall or not ^^.

to whomever wants it:
If any one can come up with code for an easy interface for Black Or White, that would be nice also... I`m still trying to find the best controls for ingame and I for the hell cannot come up with a good solution for taking back moves, etc... :D

Any Fenix coders interested? :)
OK, here's a really minimalistic tileset (only 48 10x10 pixel tiles):


In the area with the red border are unique tiles only, there are no duplicates.
Above that area is a small example of part of a possible level using these tiles (the stick would have to be quite small and rotate counter-clockwise... oh, and that last part would be pretty much impossible to pass! :-D ).

Again, this is only to see how the tile shapes work together, the gfx are butt-ugly and not intended for real use. ;-)
Also, it's a pain to piece the level together in the graphics editor, that's why I went for a small and simple example.

More angles and rounded pieces are also possible.

The green areas are "land" and the blue would be transparent and show the awesome parallax scrolling background GFX. 8-D
OK, here's a really minimalistic tileset (only 48 10x10 pixel tiles):


In the area with the red border are unique tiles only, there are no duplicates.
Above that area is a small example of part of a possible level using these tiles (the stick would have to be quite small and rotate counter-clockwise... oh, and that last part would be pretty much impossible to pass! :-D ).

Again, this is only to see how the tile shapes work together, the gfx are butt-ugly and not intended for real use. ;-)
Also, it's a pain to piece the level together in the graphics editor, that's why I went for a small and simple example.

More angles and rounded pieces are also possible.

The green areas are "land" and the blue would be transparent and show the awesome parallax scrolling background GFX. 8-D
parallax background is possible i think, but would become pretty heavy for the gp32 i'm afraid :s
we'll see ^^
btw, for use in fenix and how i intend to make it, i'll also need collisionmaps of the blocks (black whatever you can't hit, any other color what you can hit)
and keep in mind that in fenix black is transparent, so you can't use pure black, unless you want it ti be transparent
btw, how many tiles were you thinking of making? the code i currently have can support up to 256 tiles, and how will you give the tiles? one map containing all the tiles, or lots of 10x10 files? :)
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parallax background is possible i think, but would become pretty heavy for the gp32 i'm afraid :s
we'll see ^^
btw, for use in fenix and how i intend to make it, i'll also need collisionmaps of the blocks (black whatever you can't hit, any other color what you can hit)
and keep in mind that in fenix black is transparent, so you can't use pure black, unless you want it ti be transparent
btw, how many tiles were you thinking of making? the code i currently have can support up to 256 tiles, and how will you give the tiles? one map containing all the tiles, or lots of 10x10 files? :)

Collision-maps and non-blackness should be no problem.
I intend on putting all tiles in one tilemap, so it can easily be swapped with other versions of the same tiles. I would put the GFX for the objects in there as well. Or shouldn't I?

256 tiles should be enough for now, I hope.
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parallax background is possible i think, but would become pretty heavy for the gp32 i'm afraid :s
we'll see ^^
btw, for use in fenix and how i intend to make it, i'll also need collisionmaps of the blocks (black whatever you can't hit, any other color what you can hit)
and keep in mind that in fenix black is transparent, so you can't use pure black, unless you want it ti be transparent
btw, how many tiles were you thinking of making? the code i currently have can support up to 256 tiles, and how will you give the tiles? one map containing all the tiles, or lots of 10x10 files? :)

Collision-maps and non-blackness should be no problem.
I intend on putting all tiles in one tilemap, so it can easily be swapped with other versions of the same tiles. I would put the GFX for the objects in there as well. Or shouldn't I?

256 tiles should be enough for now, I hope.
gfx? do you mean things that'll be animated?
perhaps take them apart, as it's better not to do them tile per tile...

btw, i've just done some double scrolling test, in 16 bit mode 2 full screen scrollers (only that) with transparancy etc... could be rendered at 24 fps :s, in 8 bit it went up to 37 fps, but still, with all other things added i don't think that's usable :s
perhaps if i use a single scroll with the background map as background, but idon't know if i can use a parallax then :s, i think ican only make it not move or move together...

*edit* found out how that worked, no speed difference at all, so i think we better forget about parallax...
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Hey, I had a quick play around in Photoshop and made what you requested. Let me know if these ok and if you want anything changing.

Splash Screen




Also let me know what format you want them in if you need PNG, TIF etc. And I'll email them over.
