

Still Fresh
Oct 23, 2005
is emulation built in or theoretical?
i want to play nes and snes mostly, maybe gb and gbc.
All emulators will be external programs, just like on a computer. You'll have to download them and stick them on an SD card or something.

There is no emulation built-in. Members of the community will be releasing various emulators over time. If you look on the news page of this very site, you will see a news item about a SNES emulator.
thanks. im a n00b so please cut me some slack. but thanks, i kinda figured they would be external but you never know
:) everybodies a noob on the gp2x its rumored that craigx when he releases will have a cd with it.
Didn't the master system have a game built in? Some fist-headed arsehole in wonderland job, the exact minutiae of everything escapes me always, I never had one, but I remember a friend shoving the power on switch and that coming straight on, he was destroying bricks with his head, that's all I remember. I had a vectrex when I was little, I'm sure that had some built in game, space wars or something? My dad bought it for me and my sister when he was in a generous mood :) Then sold it to my friends dad when he needed some cash quick :( We never forgave him. I still think about shagging my mother whenever I see them going for 80 quid on ebay.
Erm.. I hope he is refering to the act of getting money out of parents....

SMS had two versions, one had Sonic built in, the other is Alex Kidd.
i had no idea of that! i never take the one cart i have (outrun) out of the machine! lol, i got my sms for $2.50 EDIT: nope, no built in game, it says welcome to master system and tels you how to put the games in tho :P
Ah that explains ;)
Leave it to the english to attach different meanings to one word in such a dangerous way :P
Notice 'I hope', using it in the same context can also mean "I still think about fucking my mother"... this is why the english language can be so hard to learn sometimes....
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yeah, i remember my old friend's mastersystem having sonic built in..

what version is your mastersystem, triton?
well its the powerbase, says 1.3 up in the corner when powered on w/o a cart says model 3010 i think
well its the powerbase, says 1.3 up in the corner when powered on w/o a cart says model 3010 i think

Original master system, ie master system 1. They were the best, As you could hook them up to a tv through scart or through rgb to a monitor for great picture quality.

Same with the MegaDrive 1.

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"Alex Kidd in wonderland", apparently, according to google. I'm sorry, but I did mean penetrating my mother, freud, oedipus, nay, carol vordermans arse has a lot to answer for :)
my mothers arse has beta guilt version 1.4 and an untold peachy roundness of repression

edit: "Fortress of narzod", best vectrex game I played, bar scramble maybe
Some machines had Hang-On and somesort of shooting game... The Sega equivalent of Zapper pack. (Ligh Phaser Pack?) I think I got one of those... Then there's allways the "secret" maze game... I can still remember the music to that... :)