How Many Different Gp2x ?


:3 :3 :3
Mar 3, 2003
french S/W
i have an old GP32 ,
not old enough to be overcklocking to 166 or 200mhz like the first batch, or not recent to do it again like the last ones,

it has also no light , the FLU, and then the BLU got out after ...

so shortly said i had NO luck at all :D

so of course , what's bugging me is "what if the same thing happens again..." if the GP2x has future evolutions and get USB HOST, a wifi chip, or whatever ,

what do you think ? :D
I think gamepark said soemthing about future upgrades.... such as a harddrive or a wifi thingy.

it is called the GP2x - F100 so im gussing there'll be an f-200 or f-150 or whatever
Well they aint gonna make the first gp2xs obsolete, otherwise then it would be the gp3x ;)
Deleted User posted on Oct 22 2005 at 05:10 PM said:
I think gamepark said soemthing about future upgrades.... such as a harddrive or a wifi thingy.

it is called the GP2x - F100 so im gussing there'll be an f-200 or f-150 or whatever

well, if that's "upgrades" as i understand it (i mean upgrade my olg GP2x :D ) then ok , no problem,

but if that's "new models" if you have no other way than buying a second machine to have the "upgrades" then i'd like to know what will be the future models before to buy the first one :D
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Deleted User posted on Oct 22 2005 at 05:19 PM said:
Well they aint gonna make the first gp2xs obsolete, otherwise then it would be the gp3x ;)

aren't the lightless GP32's obsolete? :ph34r:
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They have said the only updates besides the firmware upgrades will be for the next version of the hardware meaning the next GP3X, 4X etc.

The FLU and BLU only came about as a fix for the low visibility of the original display, this is obviously not going to be a problemwith the 2X's sweet screen. NLU are no more obsolete than a FLU, they're just without a light mod. Over clocking wasnt a feature so much as it was a "happy accident" which is why they don't all do it so chances are the same that might be the same with this system but to a lesser extent but I personally dont fear it being an issue.

The Host ability was stated not to be due to the amount of battery power being an issue, I think it's not that it isnt going to get enough from the batteries but more that it would exhaust them faster. As would a harddrive.
If I understand correctly, the USB host would be simple to get working, if they so chose. Thus, if advancement in battery tech should give us 5000+ mah during the next few years, I could see some later models having an upgraded PCB, and powered USB.

Wifi could be more problematic, as it would be a whole new component. Allthough, I believe we will get a good solution wrt wifi from add-ons, like SDIO-wifi...
Jarska333 posted on Oct 22 2005 at 06:05 PM said:
If I understand correctly, the USB host would be simple to get working, if they so chose. Thus, if advancement in battery tech should give us 5000+ mah during the next few years, I could see some later models having an upgraded PCB, and powered USB.

no need to power the usb to be host, some USB devices are working on non-powered USB hubs , because having a battery or an external power supply (usb mass storage compatible MP3 jukeboxes for example ;) )

but with other devices, there is a way too because you can also use an externally powered hub! ;)

the power is not the usb host's problem to my mind ;)

(and don't forget the XGP IS host from what i read , so a small technology migration from the xgp to the gp2x would not be impossible .. )

alpla2: mods and accidents are a part of my worries too ;)
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Jarska333 posted on Oct 22 2005 at 06:21 PM said:
Would you rather carry around a powered USB-hub? Than not?

i personally have a 30Go self powered UMS device as my mp3 player ;)
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Jarska333 posted on Oct 22 2005 at 06:24 PM said:
Ah, but can you use USB-wifi trough that? Hmmm? :)

nah i'll have my future 200 bucks SDIO card for that :D

(but seriously like i said on another topic the mp3 player i'm talking about has an host mode too, and i succesfully used a 2.5 hdd on it via a usb->ide interface, and it runs fine without any external power! ;) so a WIFI key would not need a bigger battery i guess ;) i don't know if battery-powered usb hubs exist or not ? )
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Nobody can set in stone wether or not they will come out with an update. Heck look at the GBA line, GBA, GBA SP, GBA SP+ (It has a brighter front light) and the GBA micro. But the one thing they all have in common is they are all still supported, so don't worry about your gp2x. Its just how tech advances.
It's a small small company, even smaller than the regular GamePark so it's a very very very slim chance they're going to make much of a change to it untill they get large enough to afford it.

The want to get the first product out and make as much money off it rather than worry about an SP version when it's hard enough to sell the first version and make decent profits in this day and age.

In four or five years they might make a new model but it's more likely to be the 3X or something by then.
actually the sp+ is backlight if i remember right and i hope we can use hostmode on the 2x even if it isnt powered
I don't really understand the logistics, but apart from the low level stuff all the linux stuff is futureproofed.

I don't see why becuase its a small company(I know economies of scale)

they can't introduce added features and evolve the handheld.

1) 640x480 screen
2) more buttons
3) extra card slot/alternative
4) more memory
etc etc..

as these things get cheaper. or more functionality as more is added to cheap chips.
why not a new version every 6 months.

I know this may well be rubbish.
Slightly off topic: Everybody is always complaining about lack of wifi and how it could be added. Wouldn't bluetooth make more sense for wireless linking? Bluetooth uses smaller hardware and requires much less power than wifi. I believe it is also easier to implement, needing less of a software frontend. Bluetooth is slower and has a shorter range, but the speed and range are still fine for multiplayer games and sharing average sized files. You're generally not going to be more than 30 feet from somebody if you're playing against them. The only major advantage of wifi is that you would be able to take advantage of public hotspots for internet access. While it seems like a cool idea, it would be fairly difficult to create a usable web browser for the GP2X's limited controls.

I don't think the RF-link sold well for the GP32, so I won't hold my breath for one for the GP2X. Considering the open nature of the platform, it is possible that somebody could make a dongle for wireless multiplayer / file sharing. If somebody does attempt a project like this, bluetooth seems like the better protocol. If I'm completely off base, let me know.
triton posted on Oct 22 2005 at 06:58 PM said:
actually the sp+ is backlight if i remember right

yes it is, with a bigger version of the gba micro's screen! ;)

(and for chip: i personally don't care of wifi at all ! :D )
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