Drmd Version 4.0

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mrdark posted on Oct 23 2005 at 07:30 PM said:
Thanks for some of you backing me up that some of us would still prefer an update to opensnes. But as I've said SEVRAL times before, I appreciate any work on any emu, since it makes things better for all of us.

However I'm tired of the attitude that we should all just be happy with what we get. When did I say I was unhappy? Everyone here has the apparent belief that I feel like nagging Reesy about the subject. Did any of you even notice that I used the term "anyone"? I'm not going to apologize for semantics and say that I SHOULD'VE said "Hey, since the poster just before me also said it was a shame that opensnes isn't as good as it can be, there's always still interest. Please don't abandon it entirely Reesy- and hey, is anyone else good at coding who could take a look at it?"

There, if I said it that way, would people still be so pissy about it? I mean man, I suppose that mentioning opensnes in a way that seems wishful or suggestive is now taboo. It should be a banned topic then, since everyone's feathers get so ruffled about it.

I don't see why I'm being singled out. Is it because I didn't say thanks or praise drmd ENOUGH? Seriously people, I don't know how many times I can do so. I don't then immediately expect ANYONE to go work on Opensnes now. And if any of you were keeping up on my posts, you'd see that several times lately I praised opensnes for being better than I even thought it would be and quite happy with it. However it can always be better, and I'm assuming you're all here on the drmd update page because you're happy that IT got better.

I can understand why some of you thought I was being a "kid on a trip", that was a fair analogy. That's not what I meant though. I know Reesy isn't stupid (obviously) but I thought I'd pop up to join the ranks who mention how nice Opensnes would be with a new sound core. It's my right to do so, and if I'm gonna be blasted because I was too "curt" or "direct" about it, then I'm amused at the hypocrisy of some of the other stuff I see either applauded or laughed at on these boards, as mentioned in this very topic earlier.

So let's wrap it up one more time:

I enjoy this community. For the most part the people here have been courteous and helpful. I acknowledge Reesy, as well as any and all programmers here, for their efforts. If I had the time, let alone the tools, I would pursue such things as well and see how difficult it surely is.

I also meant no offense. What I said was a quick statement that seems to have bothered people because either (1) I didn't phrase it more politely (in which case I'm sorry) or (2) I shouldn't have brought up the subject at all, in which case saying the damn word "opensnes" should be a litigatable offense if it's going to bother people so much. I suppose this wouldn't be taken so seriously in the opensnes board, where it wouldn't have looked so out of right field and ungrateful, which again I apologize for. But if people are gonna suppport someone who tells me to "STFU" on the basis that my own post wasn't polite, then that's too hypocritical for me to feel like defending.

Lastly, I reiterate- I'm happy with the Gp32, as well as the stuff I can get working on it. I have not once bitched that if I couldn't get something to work, it's because it sucked or was programmer error. I think I'm smart enough to understand the processes involved here, and only had the intent to mention opensnes, as have many others, in a random forum where I'd hoped it would catch the attention of someone wanting to devote the time to picking it up again, be that Reesy OR, AS STATED, anyone. Yes, Reesy isn't dumb, we all know that a better opensnes would be great. Well, then if me mentioning it is so offense because of its inherent redundancy, then I again say that we either need to ban the term or start regulating the way it's used for courtesy, which is fucking ridiculous.

I'll end as I have all along- My intent was a bit misconstrued, and I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I realize now that I need to phrase things better, lest it come off as demanding which wasn't my intent. Sorry, okay? Didn't mean to sound ungrateful. Just thought, like I'm sure several others do, that drmd is GREAT, so I was wondering if anyone involved in making it so would use that wizardy on opensnes.

That's all, sorry I mentioned it. I don't think people here should be flamed and start a war because of the way they phrased something that's been said a lot harsher from a lot less grateful sounding people, but that's how my post was taken. I can't change the way my post sounded, but I at least apologize that it wasn't taken the joking and non-aggressive or rude way it was meant, okay?
jesus. I wish my essays for school were as long as this pointless post was
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Hmm, being attacked because my short post was misconstrued as so powerfully rude, I was told to STFU.

I explain myself several times and still people complain, so then I make one final attempt at apologizing six different ways, make it LONG so people get the WHOLE damn story, and still someone bitches. "Pointless"? Because I'm trying to defend myself against overaggressive semantic police? I guess It'd be easier if I just insulted people then, since trying to explain myself or apologize doesn't work.

Some people can't ever be fucking pleased, which again I find pretty hypocritical.
mrdark posted on Oct 23 2005 at 07:36 PM said:
Hmm, being attacked because my short post was misconstrued as so powerfully rude, I was told to STFU.

I explain myself several times and still people complain, so then I make one final attempt at apologizing six different ways, make it LONG so people get the WHOLE damn story, and still someone bitches.

Some people can't ever be fucking pleased, which again I find pretty hypocritical.
how exactly was i being a hypocrite? I dont recall myself EVER being hypocritical on this thread, let alone these forums.

Mr. Dark, I mean no offense by my previous post. I opened this thread to read it, and after reading the first paragraph, I got the jist. I scrolled down to see if anyone else posted, and it appeared as though your post never ended. I was merely stating a point.

as for this being "pointless", it was. There is something you need to understand here; some people, you shouldnt even bother responding to. By responding, you make things worse, as you begin to argue with ignoramuses, thus making yourself sound like a genuine ignoramuse.

I personally felt your post (about osnes) WAS a bit rude, as you have been making posts about the emu for a while now. However, I didnt post, as I knew you meant no harm.

In the future, just be weary of what you say (and how often you say it). Other than that, just drop this osnes crap, as it's pointless :rolleyes:

hope i helped
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Thanks classic. Like I said, if someone's gonna just be fast and rude with me like that, I'm gonna argue. It's my nature.

Your post popped up before my last one, so I'll just quickly say again- if some of you are gonna jump and attack me because of semantics, then too bad, I too like the first amendment.

But for those of you who are as polite to me as I try to be, and who clearly pointed out what got people so upset in my first post, then thanks. I can respect that, and again, sorry that I made people angry. Didn't mean to. I'll drop it.

PS- The hypocrisy statement wasn't directed specifically at you classic.
Okay cool. I don't care what other newbies think, but I don't want to piss off the people who've been here for a long time or people who were here before I was (such as yourself). I never meant any disrespect and next time I'll just be more cautious about my phrasing. Sorry for bringing up opensnes the way I did, it just seemed like it was a good time to kind of keep it in the public conscious. I was wrong! :(

Again, sorry. All done.
I never do understand how people can get so upset, and be bluntly and unexplainedly rude to people. I never have felt the urge to chastise someone for such insignificant these as these. I time and time again have watched people flame innocent newbies and scare them away permanently, over things like what forum they posted in or asking a repetitive question that they would never know themselves to be repetetive, since they're n00bs. I think I am going to make an FAQ on how to not invoke the immense grouchiness that is emanating from these boards. I think maybe people should take just a LITTLE BIT of a gentler approach on such trivial things. Go ahead and blast and flame on bigger issues like people that are TOTAL jerks and are unapologetic and offenisive, and scammers, etc.

And I know what you mean, mrdark, about trying to keep things from dying, or to try to keep people aware of them.
Not wanting to dwell/drag on the opensnes subject any longer, But i think what mayhave upset a few people, Was the fact that it was brought up in a DrMD thread, Whch was started by Reesy that anounced an updated version of DrMD. Which in some ways could be taken as a bit rude or disrespectful, Hinting that an updated/improved version of opensnes would be a good idea.

Well, Thats my take on the subject anyway.

Yeah, I guess you could have at least applauded Reesy when you made that post about opensnes mrdark, and then I think it would have been totally okay. Ignoring Reesy's work just to post about other work isn't the best thing to do...
I don't see why I'm being singled out.
Sounds like someone took your first post as being very rude, called you on it (in a very disrespectful manner) and you took the bait. You're being singled out because you continued the argument. If you hadn't said anything more, it would have dissappeared and no one would remember it (probably won't anyways).

Your comment probably wouldn't have been considered rude if it hadn't been done on a DrMD thread. It kinda sound like you're spitting in Reesy's face because instead of working on osnes, which he already said he won't be working on anymore, he decided to improve his near-perfect genesis/megadrive emulator. I understand where you're coming from, just post it somewhere else. This thread is supposed to be for DrMD version 4.0, so lets just forget this ever happened and talk about DrMD.

I haven't tried this version out yet, but it sounds great. Thanks reesy, for all of your time and effort to give us a free near-perfect genesis/megadrive emulator. Sometime in the future, when I'm not broke, I hope to donate to you.
To all the people who've posted since my last post, thanks for being civil about it.

I guess I wasn't thinking it out when I made that first post that got people upset. I see now why it may have looked as if I was spitting it reesy's face (or in the face of Drmd in general), but as I said that was never my intent. I still see now why I should have phrased it differently, and though I don't feel as if I should have to, I see now how it came off rude which I didn't intend for it to.

I suppose it's because I've always thanked reesy, multiple times, and do think Drmd kicks ass. It was somewhat relevant to bring up opensnes, not to harp on reesy but again, to sort of send out the call to anybody, not just him. Again though, I see now that I should've maybe preceded it with some thanks or phrased it in a longer and more grateful looking way regardless.

I still think it's silly that defending onesself from a pretty blunt (and in my opinion a lot ruder than was called for) rebuttal caused even more angst, as if I was wrong to have tried to clarify my statement and defend against an insult. But what can I say, If someone just comes and slams me for saying something as simple as "please someone opensnes!" then I feel like talking back.

Anyway, like I've said since, aplogies to any bruised toes. Kokonut seemed to especially get the gist of my feelings- Drmd is kickass already, without question the best emu for the GP32. Why mess with it? let's hunker down and see if we can find anyone to see if opensnes can be any better. But please everyone, remember- I already think opensnes is quite great (I was surprised how easily I was able to play MKII for example!). I just wished it wouldn't be given up on. It's the developers prerogative, and I'm in no way dissatisfied when said developers move onto other things, I just wanted to bring it up again and see if anyone else thought the same way. And please don't take this opinion as a sort of "screw drmd, let's work on the emu I WANT". Believe me, I don't begrudge this or any other emu to be even more optimized. As I said before that's always a good thing, I guess I'm just surprised because I thought this particular emu was, to be honest, pretty much perfect already.

In all, that was my thought, with no ill will intended. But yeah, I'll be more careful about the way I phrase things, since people take this a lot more seriously than I thought. Thanks again to the guys who've posted since my last post, I can relate a lot more to your more objective candor.
Anyway, especially since deadlychicken brought it up, I offer a directly related Drmd question.

Since there's still some compatability issues being talked about, would it be wise to upgrade? The couple dozen roms I have at the moment play fine so I'm satisfied with Drmd as it is. Is the overall performance on all working roms noticeably better in this version?

Sure not all will be affected the same, but in general is this revision faster, better gui, etc?
if your looking to play the titles that have been affected (eathworm jim 1&2, streets of rage 3, etc), then your better of waiting for a new version of this beastly emu. Otherwise, go for it.

REESY- your work is very impressive; thank you very much for what you have done for this scene. The new version works very well with the exception of certain games not working (particulaly earthworm jim), but you already know this :)
your fucking l33t man

edit: forgot to mention- I finally got around to trying out your enhanced version of osnes, and I am most impressed; the sound is great! thanks again :wub:
Hmm, thanks for letting me know. I didn't have SOR on my card yet but was planning to. I'll keep an eye on it, but otherwise if things are pretty similar I'll stick with the regular version for now since it's all I need!
I'm still working on the problem with Earthworm Jim but I know whats causing the problem now. Its to do with the SRAM support, there is a hardware register that is written to page in/out the SRAM. For some reason Earthworm Jim is writting to this register to page in SRAM even though it does not use SRAM. The problem with this is that when SRAM is paged in, rom bank 0x200000 - 0x27FFFF is not accessable. If I disabled SRAM support then Earthworm Jim works correctly.

So I'm going to have to do a bit more research on the SRAM register and see what I've missed.

Landstalker seems to work perfectly now :) But "Street fighter 2 : special champion edition" and "Story of thor (Beyond oasis)" doesn't works any more :o (they did with DrmdV3) A really hard choice to do :ph34r:

MrDark u r incredibely Boring, congrats! B) (but please stop U act like a 13 years old gamingmasta noob :lol: )
mrdark posted on Oct 24 2005 at 11:35 AM said:
Wait, what did I do this time?

Do not get offended but you had better just watch the boards and avoid talking there, you have a good talent for causing trouble...
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