Name The Best/most-notable Genesis/megadrive Games


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003

Alright, I'm back at my lists of 'best ofs'.. so lets have it. Best Sega Genesis games.. bring 'em on! And not just RPGs (though thats more SNES.. I'll do SNES next and break it into RPG and non-RPGs, so you don't all just say Chronotrigger) And not just Sonic :)

So, I'll start..

Sonic Series (all of them) - action
Shining Force - RPG
Raiden - topdown shooter
Wolverine - Adamantium Rage - I like it :) side-scroller action platform.
Wardner - platformer

What are your tops?

Kid Chameleon (Our absolute favorite Genny game EVER! I STILL haven't completed it yet ... even with save states :lol:)

Sonic 1 & 2

... all I can think of off the top of my head ... but thanks to Reesy, we can now enjoy the best game on the Genesis ever (IMHO) (Kid Chameleon of course) with full speed and full sound. :D
Anything Treasure:

Dynamite Headdy
Gunstar Heroes

Eliminate down is a great shooter, with great graphics

Tecmo Superbowl is fun too
Revenge of Shinobi
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
Centrion Defender of Rome
Ghouls 'N' Ghosts
Golden Axes
Ring of Power
Street Fighter 2
Splatter House

Off the top of my head.
The Wonderboy series as on the Genesis/TG-16 are excellent.

There should be new Wonderboy's on the new systems!!!

(but hey, getting Intellivision and Card Fighters Clash on the DS
will make up for *everything*)
Phantasy star 2
Phantasy star 4
(I never really got into 1 or 3.... i'm not sure why....)

hmmm.... I'm having trouble remembering the names of games..... could be because i've been working non-stop (except for meals :P ) for about 15 hours (yea, today sucked).
Panorama Cotton - like Star Fox, but much wackier
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Phantasy Star 4
Toejam & Earl 2: Panic on Funkotron
Mickey Mania - really good overlooked platformer, especially if you're a fan of classic animation - it has levels based on old Mickey cartoons
Ristar - the shooting star
King's Bounty - similar to Heroes of Might & Magic
skeezix posted on Oct 21 2005 at 12:50 AM said:
Wardner - platformer
Oooo, Wardner for Megadrive? Loved this in the Arcade. :)
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First of all, lets have a round of applause for Reesy's DrMD, the king of GP32 emulators!

Doom Troopers 2
Sonic franchise - although the newer ones run slower and slower, and my GP only oc's up to 148MhZ I believe...
Mortal Kombat II
Vampire Killer (just like NES's Castlevania, but with much better graphics
Street Racer (awesome, try it!)
Pirates! Gold
Ghouls and Ghosts
Urban Strike
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

And there are so many tens of others. I should really keep a 128MB SMC dedicated to Genesis emulation...
i'm just going to interrupt your genesis list with a little rant devoted to it for one minute.. i remember when the genesis came out,i had been such a super-devoted NES fan. Sega Master System always seemed so half-asse dby comparison (yah the gfx were nice, but it had absolutely NO games in the league of metroid, Zelda, SMB, Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden, etc) Suddenly Geness came out and games actualy looked like they were ripped out of an arcade. The jump from 8 to 16 Bits was immense.. I became a convert right away.

When SNES came out, this solidified it even further (8-bit was history!) as it's color palette/sound chip/etc bew the fuck out of the Genesis right off the bat. SNES games still look and sound gorgeous in hindsight.. But for me, Genesis was first (by two whole years!) I will never forget when I first brought home Ghouls n Ghosts, Space Harrier II, Thunderforce II -- oging from playing fucking Anticipation and Sky Shark on the NES to these mothers was like being kicked in the teeth over and over. It wasn't just the graphics upgrade either, it seemed like Sega was finally getting some depth of gameplay a little more in line with te 8-bit NES games. It wasn't anything super-revolutionary, but enough to finally make those flickery slowdown NES games look really, well, dated.

some games which really touched me, besides those mentioned above:

Castle of Illusion (when I bought this, it was just a beautiful and tight game)
Gaiares, Musha (2 of the best shooters on any system, to this day)
Columns (I would play ti for hours, it was stupid and simple but so damned addictive)
Herzog Zwei (my favorite game of all time. EVER.)
Super Monaco GP (dated as hell by now, but at the time, the first game I played which really made driving games seem interesting, you could tell there was a lot of love put into there)
Shinobi games (like I said.. finally a comer to the quality of the Ninja Gaiden games. These games oozed production value with lots of little touches..)
Thunderforce III (the height of shooting goodness on just about any system, those soundtrack tunes still reside in my head somewhere.. I should mention IV as well but i never really gave it much of a chance, oddly enough)
ESWAT (no one talks about this game anymore, in fact it kind of showed up with little fanfare, but it seemed right in line with the Shinobi games, just a different theme. Such a great little example of what the 68000 processor was capable of, I used to lve playing through it)
Sonics of course (1 was the best, overall)
Gunstar + treasure games

Genesis is a system I kind of ran out of gas on, but I always knew there were plenty of games I could dig up and sink my teeth into still.. (TF4, dynamite headdy, some other shooters/patformers, hell maybe some of the weirder RPGS.. old EA games like Budokan..) I think I got tired of the system when the CDRom came out and it was such a shitty letdown. I am so glad I didn't buy that thing. Also the 32X was just garbage. They totally lost me at that point.

Anyway, sorry to ruin your list everybody. Feel free to continue now.
Oh, I love Toejam and Earl. I used to play it two player with my sister and friends years and years ago. I don't even want to emulate it or play it again, as it would ruin what I think of the game.
Kid Chameleon sucks.. it looks difficult.
Sonic 1 - Best!
Ristar - Weird!
Hellfire-my very first game for the system, took away hours of my time!
Gunstar Heroes-it does not get much better than this.
Thunderforce 4
Steel Empire
Gley Lancer
Eliminate Down
Comix Zone-still great
Bio-Hazard Battle-creepy.
Zero Wing
Wolf Child for some reason I liked this. I also had it for SNES, but ended up playing this one.
Super Fantasy Zone-sort of reminds me of defender.
Kid Chameleon
Dynamite Heady-Great game.
Mega Turrican-still fun.
Chuck Rock 2
Streets of Rage 2-still playing it.
Flicky-very addicting!
Panorama Cotton
Phantasy Star 4
Space Harrier 2
Earthworm Jim 2-I like to carry pigs and throw them down slides.
Shanghai 2
I know that I have probably left something out. The Genesis has so many great games. If they marketed this system today, I think that it would still sell to a new generation of gamers. It could be a handheld unit and backlit.....hmmm.....GP32 anyone? :D
darkman posted on Oct 21 2005 at 04:38 PM said:
Flicky-very addicting!
Are you kidding? That game was awful. The music was annoying as shit; the birds made the most awful noises. Apparantly, the only reason people bought it was because there's a secret to see some bikini-clad person. Whoever masturbates to 16-bit, crappy colour bikini photos of disfigured women ought to love this game.
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