GP32 GP32 lightgun


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
This ribbon cable rumored to be seen linked to the GP32 LCD for tv output, could it be used the other way around?

A small light gun pointed at your GP32 screen would be a shortlived but amusing novelty if possible, although it would need someone with brilliant technology skills, I think it could be done.

It was rumored (so many rumours :P ) that it was going to be done for GBA.
How can you hold a gun and a gp32 at the same time? And I'm sure, it looks really weird in public places if you shoot at a tiny handheld with a big plastic gun :D
normal lightguns rely on the tvs horizontal and vertical refresh to work, so you couldn't use one of those...
...but this is a silly idea anyway, isn't it.
I say make the light gun super scope sized, then the GP32 can just assume every hit connects and the problem is solved!
Shooting fish in a barrel? More like sticking a 12-gauge into a goldfish bowl. :D
I dont think that there is a cable so the gp32 displays on the screen from what i saw there's no cables connectiong to it what so ever so im guessing its a emu. Gamepark made the stands and the gp32 emu would be easy for them to make on a pc as they have the software and knowledge of it.

Yeah, as Mojojojo says, it relys on the correct TV scanlines. That's why a lot of lightguns won't work on 100hz TV's. If it ever would work, it would be more use for a light pen than a gun, then you could fake a touch screen.
thats what I love about forums, a crazy idea can transform into something that makes good sense. A light pen, now your talking that would be so handy.

spoony :D
spoonbender posted on Jul 31 2003 said:
thats what I love about forums, a crazy idea can transform into something that makes good sense. A light pen, now your talking that would be so handy.

spoony :D
With a light pen, the GP32 would make a Kickass Palm or Pocket PC replacement. It would then appeal to another whole market!

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Indeed. Then keyboard necessities almost go out the window, since virtual keyboards would become usable with the pen :D - roll on the modders!!!!

I've never seen a thread evolve this much and still manage to be productive.

Profound. ;)
spoonbender posted on Jul 31 2003 said:
thats what I love about forums, a crazy idea can transform into something that makes good sense. A light pen, now your talking that would be so handy.

spoony :D
I wholeheartedly agree... without outlandish and insane ideas we dont have much to look forward to..

Any spark no matter how outlandish or unthought out can light a fire of creativity.. oh and it's also hilarious to see the replies... :lol:
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yea well if i had a light pen that worked ok with my vic20 then it shouldnt be too hard to make for the gp :)

any modders, any.........

in fact why don't we club together and offer a reward? I'd put £20 in.....
how about modding the Power Glove to work with the GP32.

then you could have it detect the motion of your thumb as it presses the directional controller.
Axsyrus posted on Aug 14 2003 said:
a pen for the gp32?? wouldn't that just scratch the screen really badly? :huh:
damnation, you're right. You could use the screen protector, but even then I recon you would go through them quite quickly.

a mini graphics tablet?

hmm I am off to clutch as some more straws

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You could just put a sponge lining on the end, not covering the optics but just a lil distance from the end to protect the screen. And while we're on the subject of using tv console hardware like the lightgun, a webcam like thing would be sweet. Like the eyetoy. I got mine yesterday and its sweeeeet. I suppose it would just b like the gbcamera only maybe in colour :D. Unlikely itll ever happen tho :S