Certified Guru

Doesn't actually play the game yet which is why there's only a screenshot of the intro
Just thought I'd post to show how quickly some apps can be ported to the gp2x. Only had to remove all references to sdl_mixer and tweak a couple of other lines to get Duke3d running as far as loading the level (locks up at that point). This is a port of the icculus code, not my modified icculus code for the gp32. All compiler options are the same as for a normal linux port, I just changed it to use arm-linux-gcc supplied by GPH. Of course as I can't play the game yet I've got no idea how slow it may run (it's compiled with gcc 2.95 which is very, very old - the gp32 version uses gcc 4.0.1). Don't know how much more work may be involved, but I was very pleased to see how quickly and easily I could get dukey running on the 2x.
The bad news is that sdl_mixer (needed for sound) isn't currently supported in the libraries supplied by GPH and I don't know why. Hopefully it will actually work and they just didn't bother compiling it for some reason.