Best 'movie' Conversion/homage Games

I find it strange that noone's mentioned the excellent Disney games from the early 90s (well, one person mentioned Aladdin).

How about "The Lion King", "The Jungle Book", "Mickey Mania", "Aladdin"? All amazing Genesis games, I think. Disney games only started to suck AFTER. ;) Oh, and "Aladdin" for the Game Gear was pretty good too ("Lion King", however, was only average).

For the record, I thought the Genesis Jurassic Park special edition game kind of sucked... sure it's cool to be a dinosaur and everything, but the level design is terrible... and it makes you go to the beginning of the level if you make a wrong step. :(
Esn posted on Oct 8 2005 at 08:42 AM said:
I find it strange that noone's mentioned the excellent Disney games from the early 90s (well, one person mentioned Aladdin).


I love World of Illusion, but it is a rip-off from multiple cartoon movies :P
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Many people mentioned Robocop 3, but have you played the C64 version? The first stage was a Op.Wolf type shooter, and 2-5 were really cool platform style levels that caught the spirit of the movie wonderfully and were really great to play.

The original Robocop on the C64 was good too, followed the movie storyline rather than the arcade game.

You mentiond Batman the movie for the ST Skeezix, have a try of the C64 version too, it's very good for an 8 bit version.

Heh, Ghostbusters, I've wasted many hours on that on the C64 too. Far better than the sequel.
Cobra on the C64 :lol:

srry skeezix, but you cannot talk about good movie to games convertion, without talking about golden eye.

Jurassic Park on Snes was pretty enjoyable too, the only thing missing was a save feature.