Best 'movie' Conversion/homage Games


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Heres a question for all you emu nutcases ;)

What are the best of breed for movie adaptations, across any and all platforms?

ie: I thought Batman (the movie) was pretty good on the ST, but you already know I'm biased. Any Gremlins, Superman, X-Men fans? (Wolverine Adamantium Rage seems pretty slick on the Genesis, but I'm not far into it.)

Spiderman for the Atari 2600 .. you know, I was hooked, but I can't give it more than 5 minutes nowadays ;)

(Alright, only a matter of time until Goldeneye N64 comes up.)

License to Kill on the ST was very good. (Theres a few James Bond games, but the one I'm thinking of is a top-down shooter, where you move Mr. Bond along and try and pick off carefully placed enemies. Very slick.)

Batman Returns on snes was a pretty fun beatemup (genesis version is trash though)
007 for gameboy mono was decent
xmen games on genesis- most of them were pretty solid
can't think of many others atm; I'm sure you know of the quality of most movie based games :P
The original Star Wars arcade game by Atari was an excellent re-creation of the Death Star section. It still looks, plays and sounds good too.
Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures (SNES)
Scooby Doo Mysteries (Genesis & SNES) (Both different)
Batman (NES)
Yo! Noid (NES)
Ren & Stimpy - Quest for the Shaven Yak (GameGear)
Spiderman vs. Kingpin (Genesis)
X-Men Mutant Apocalypse (SNES)
X-Men 1 & 2 (Genesis)

a ton others I just can't think of, but those are some of my favs :)

Good topics lately, Skeezix!! :D
Hate to sound anal, but most X-men and Marvel games are based on comics, not movies :ph34r:

Anyway, I think Robocop 3 on the Amiga deserves a mention for being one of the few videogames that's actually far and away superior to its 'source' material.
huxley -- you're right; In my brain I was thinking 'superhero' and not 'movie', so I sort of lumped them all together :)

Bob - I do try and amuse or challenge in my posts ;)

Rather than hit folks with the "name your top 20 for every platform" (too much work), I figured I'd pare it down into smaller more digestible chunks.

Alien on the Spectrum, C64........

It might have bad graphics but there have been few games to match the suppense with the tracker beeping away......

and then

the Alien appears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never been so scared playing a computer game :)
I'm going to go with robocop3 too - so far ahead of its time! Full 3d FPS and driving game.

Damn I loved that game. It even had mouse look!

i will get shit for this, but this is the by far the most hated game of all time. It was hailed as the worst game ever and it was so bad that the company in question buried its overstock in the Arizona desert.

The game in question if anybody has actually played it is actually quite enjoyable and a fun game to play. This game is

E.T. for the 2600
You're not the only one -- my wife used to love that game and was able to beat it.

I had no clue what was going on, and it just stinkered :)

Die Hard Triology for PSX... pretty good and solid multi game.

And, because i don't want to sound like a psx gen :P , The Goonies for Amstrad CPC or Spectrum.

From this generation, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay for XBOX is outstanding.

probally....the tron games (all of them, the arcade one,atari,pc,gba ones ect) all kicked ass and the snes and nes star wars titles (and that crappy e.t. game for the atari lol)
Batman & Robin on the SNES really captured the feel of the TV show.

Gameboy (B&W) Batman was good too.

Untouchables on c64.

I played Atari 2600 Superman a lot, but the memories of it being great could be down to a kid's wonderment.

You mentioned 'homage,' I guess c64/ZX The Great Escape game fits into that category (not an official conversion). Into the Eagles Nest (c64/Amiga) would fit that too.

The Fourth Protocol on c64, way way ahead of its time.

Hook adventure game on Amiga/St. Not as good as SCUMM games, but a solid title.

True Lies on SNES, nice top-down shooter but very hard.
Maximum Carnage on SNES/Genesis... Spiderman kicking ass to music by green jello

There's probably others (some possibly better) but that's one that sticks out in my mind as a favorite superhero/movie based game that I played alot.