Ngpc Backlight


Still Fresh
Sep 19, 2005
I've been wanting to get one of these things to play the SNK vs. Capcom series. I've seen that the price for this console has dropped.. a lot.. But the big turn off is the lack of a back light. I just got a GB Micro so back light is really important to me now haha. So if anyone could tell me where I could get a kit, or get it modded.. please link me :)! Thanks!
a company called MashMods used to have a front lit mod for it that you could send your console to and they'd do it. Not sure if they still do or not.
The problem is I think Mashmods is gone and there are no more afterburners as the company all but vanished when the GBA SP was released.
:(! I really wanted to get one of those too.. oh well.. maybe someone will sell one.