Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed

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PSyMastR posted on Sep 16 2005 at 11:08 PM said:
I personally love it. Swing the sword in zelda. Shoot the person in fps. Did you see the TGS keynote? The trailor was so sick.
very curious....pikelney relayed it as though you thought it was retarded.
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I don't know this could be ok for some stuff.

Although you will look like a fucking idiot flapping your arms and shaking the controller at your TV :P Just hope no one looks in on you playing it :D

Then again the Rev sucks anyway, no High Def support, Meh. No more dodgy low res consoles for me, HDTV all the way!

The 360 even supports VGA monitors :)
You know something alot of thise thread is just fucking retarded.

I'm realizing this now because I thought just possibly the people on both sides of the issue could all discuss why they like or dont like the thing and people would avoid a system war style shitfest because the Nintendo isn't really against anyone but themselves really at this point. I guess i was wrong. A few people in thei thread are clear thinkers on either side and I salute you, others are expressing veiws without recognition of facts or common sense it's seriously degenerated into a system war with only one system.

Honestly think about it, the only thing stopping Nintendo from being popular is NINTENDO.

You know, I was going to maybe try to say something to try and interject a little more sense into this thread but I think I'm just going to call a mod and ask for it to be locked.
Alpha2 posted on Sep 16 2005 at 11:37 PM said:
You know something alot of thise thread is just fucking retarded.

I'm realizing this now because I thought just possibly the people on both sides of the issue could all discuss why they like or dont like the thing and people would avoid a system war style shitfest because the Nintendo isn't really against anyone but themselves really at this point. I guess i was wrong. A few people in thei thread are clear thinkers on either side and I salute you, others are expressing veiws without recognition of facts or common sense it's seriously degenerated into a system war with only one system.

Honestly think about it, the only thing stopping Nintendo from being popular is NINTENDO.

You know, I was going to maybe try to say something to try and interject a little more sense into this thread but I think I'm just going to call a mod and ask for it to be locked.
oh kay....the last bunch of posts had no system war involvement at all.
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Alpha2 posted on Sep 16 2005 at 11:42 PM said:
well no not he last couple of posts but I just finished having the same damn discussion on another forum and it's just time for it to die.
lol "die console wars" is something i hear quite ofter :lol:
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i really like the revolution controller.
Cant wait to get the console...
what i like most is the arcade feeling it brings home imo.
Fps where you movment will be brought in game. tennis, gold or baseball has to be really cool with this console :)

still we have to wait and see/fell how it really plays...
RoboJoe32 posted on Sep 16 2005 at 09:07 PM said:
We -could- flesh out zelda's storyline and add more quests, weapons, and cool easter eggs, OR WE COULD MAKE YOU SWING A CONTROLLER TO SLASH! WHICH WILL WE CHOOSE?

you're the senile old grandparent who keeps hanging around [...]
I choose the sword.

And grandparents tend to be conservative. Nintendo isn´t.

To sum up your post: EEEEWWW, im scared of new things, i want the same shit over and over again, but with more polygons plzkthx.
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Yeh real tennis is fun but how can u play on ur own? Nintendo has tried to implement a new dimension to gaming. Playing a tennis game on revolution will be like playing it for real. Personally, i believe companies (once they've had a think bout it) will easily jump on board with the idea. Anybody for a game of Virtual tiger woods? could see EA using the controller that way in both Tiger Woods and NHL games. Maybe Sega will make another Toy Commander and u can hold the controller like a plane to play as planes and such. If u think this wont get third party support ur an idiot. It wont get as much as ps3 or xbox360 but it'll definitely get more than gamecube. As its being said all over the web, if ur scared of change then stick to wat u know. This'll turn out to be like the DS. i distinctly remember people saying the DS would be shit but with nearly 5 million+ units sold worldwide i think people realised it wasnt crap. This'll happent to the revolution. Once games and other stuff are shown im sure more people will change their minds.
Surely the only thing thats worth going on ehre is the feedback given from those who have actually used the controller. Which all seems positive to me. Ill definitely be buying a revolution at launch.

MAGUS: the power glove failed for two reasons: firstly, it was an add on, not the main contorller used for games, and therefore it was difficult for games to be designed for it specifically on a widespread bassis. Secondly, NES games werent advanced enough to use in to its full potnential, whereas modern 3d gaming makes for a much more suitable environment. Frankly, your constant stream of insults and emotive lanuage throught this thread has been laughable.

Sorry if thats badly put or uneloquent, im knackered.
To sum up your post: EEEEWWW, im scared of new things, i want the same shit over and over again, but with more polygons plzkthx.

No, I could care less if the revolution could only do NES and N64 graphics, I want -more- game to play, more content, more quality. I'm not saying developing with the features of the controller would mean lower quality or less content, but having to bend the game to the function may take more development time and there's less time for content.

To sum up your post in the same manner you've done. : I CAN'T UNDERSTAND ANTHING THAT'S NOT BLACK OR WHITE IN DECISION OR IDEA. :ph34r:
Ganepark32 posted on Sep 17 2005 at 10:28 AM said:
Yeh real tennis is fun but how can u play on ur own?

Against a brick wall...

Your obviously a ninty fanboi and will keep going to the death so I chose not to comment on this system any more after this post. I will let my wallet do the talking when the time comes and avoid this system. I will not make the same mistake a third time, I have a gamecube and DS both never get used... Nintendo is dead to me.
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RoboJoe32 posted on Sep 17 2005 at 11:45 AM said:
No, I could care less if the revolution could only do NES and N64 graphics, I want -more- game to play, more content, more quality. I'm not saying developing with the features of the controller would mean lower quality or less content, but having to bend the game to the function may take more development time and there's less time for content.
You say you want the same games you already know, but with more content. That´s not a bad thing, but: Isn´t that just a "souped up" game experience? This is hardly considered a innovation or even a "Revolution", is it? Always bear in mind what Nintedo wants to do: Revolutionize gaming. This isn´t done by producing always the same Zeldas, Final Fantasies or FPSes with more levels, items and nicer gfx.

And that´s why your "bending" comment is ridiculous: Games get made for the system and for its capabilities. That means we will get games that are completely new and unique, far away from the old genres. If that scares you, oh well, there are other systems...
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Fishbong posted on Sep 17 2005 at 10:37 AM said:
To sum up your post: EEEEWWW, im scared of new things, i want the same shit over and over again, but with more polygons plzkthx.

Yet we all know Mario Sunshine, Zelda:TWW, Zelda:TTP, Pokemon XD, Pokemon Colosseum, Pokemon *insert colour here*, Mario Golf, Smash Bros: Melee, Animal Crossing (it was on the N64), F-Zero GX , Mario Advance 1,2,3 and most other games from Nintendo this generation have been SOOO different.

plzkthx to you too.
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Fishbong posted on Sep 17 2005 at 09:57 AM said:
That´s exactly why the revolution controller might be a great thing. It enforces innovation in games.
the ds forced innovation in games and no good came from poking yoshi on the touch screen :lol:

nuff said
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Fishbong posted on Sep 17 2005 at 01:57 PM said:
That´s exactly why the revolution controller might be a great thing. It enforces innovation in games.

And that is why the rev will fail. Thank you for pointing this out. It forces innovation in NINTENDO MADE GAMES. 3rd parties are not going to code specifically around a controller unless it's fiscal. No more are you seeing any real system exclusives, except for nintendo. Most 3rd parties are making their games and making them for each system. Now if you have a company making a 3d adventure, it cost them $1000 a day to code for the PS3 and XBOX 360 and $5,000 a day for the REV because of the total revamp of code to suit the controller, which would you chose? I'd chose the one that makes me more money. Plus you can bet the REV will not be more popular than PS3 and the XBOX 360, so you have less people buying the more expensive to produce game.

Nintendo is digging their own grave. They've said before they don't care about 3rd party support and obviously it shows because instead of making it easy, they're going to make it harder. And the only reason why the REV is going to sell millions of units like the DS is because of their large loyalty base. If this was NOT a nintendo system, it would likely not live through the first month.
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