What NES games do you recommend?

well, it was the 20th anniversary of the famicom in Japan... and gamespy had an excellent article on the famicom/nes.


it covers a bit about the actual system and then goes into detail about what the best games are on the nes. Very interesting and should help anyone who is unfamiliar with the nes!
I recommend:

Super Mario Bros III
Megaman I and II
Any of the Lolo games
Tengen Tetris (it's a trillion times better than Nintendo's version, and I haven't had any trouble controlling it B) )
River City Ransom


dragon warrior
final fantasy
mad max
bases loaded
bubble boble
altered beast
micro machines
blaster master
bomber man
kirbys adventure
and mighty bomb jack (if you like stupid games that arent fun to play)
Ok I've just listen down all the recommended games I have not played back in my day of the NES.. it's an awfully huge list, but thanks for help putting it together ;)

Just so you know, the NES games i played before were..

Mario Bros (game where you knock turtles offscreen)
Super Mario Bros 1, 2, japanese version of 2 (aka the "Lost Levels" over here) and 3
Zelda (only played some of this)
Zelda 2 (only a tiny bit of this, I havent seen much)
Little Nemo Dream Master
Carlifoina games (Little John doesnt seem to run the BMX event if you choose it in practice, apparently)
Solar Jet Man (try using one letter for the whole password and most of 'em work, like for example try typing H throughout the password space given :D)
Turtles 1 (i somehow love playing that game a lot)
Turtles 2 and 3 (didnt play much o them at the time, I'll try playing them more on Little John
Kirby's Adventure(!)
Metroid (actually i never did play this in the NES days, but i unlocked it as a minigame in Metroid Prime.. :P)
Duck Hunt :)
Low G Man (damn why dont a lot of NES emulators run this game fully? :()

..I think that's about it.. :)
Battle Toads & Double Dragon
Castlevania II
Castlevania III
Caveman Games
Donkey Kong
Double Dragon
Double Dragon II
Double Dragon III
Dragon Warrior IV
Duck Hunt
Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Karate Kid
Marble Madness
Megaman II
Megaman III
Megaman IV
Megaman V
Megaman VI
Metal Gear
Mike Tyson's Punchout
Super Mario Brothers
Super Mario Brothers 2
Super Mario Brothers 3
Ultima: Exodus
OK, I compiled an alphabetical list of all the suggested games to date (including

my personal suggestions). Games that got more than one vote have a # after them

for each additional vote. If you have any games to add, post them and I'll update

the list after there's enough new games to make it worth the trouble.


1943 ##
Altered Beast
Arkanoid #
Arkanoid 2
Bases Loaded
Battle Toads & Double Dragon #
Blaster Master ##
Boy and his Blob
Bubble Bobble
California Games ##
Castlevania ##
Castlevania II ###
Castlevania III ##
Caveman Games
Contra ###
Dig Dug
Digger T Rock
Donkey Kong ##
Donkey Kong 3
Donkey Kong Jr
Double Dragon
Double Dragon II #
Double Dragon III
Dr Mario #
Dragon Warrior
Dragon Warrior III
Dragon Warrior IV #
Die Hard
Duck Hunt
Earthbound 0
Elite #
Final Fantasy ##
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III ###
Gauntlet #
Ice Climber #
Karate Kid
Kickle Cubicle
Kid Icarus #
Kirby's Adventure ####
Little Nemo the Dream Master
Mad MAx
Maniac Mansion #
Marble Madness
Mario Brothers
Megaman ####
Megaman II ####
Megaman III ###
Megaman IV ###
Megaman V ###
Megaman VI ###
Metal Gear
Metal Storm
Metroid ####
Micro Machines #
Mike Tyson's Punchout ##
Ninja Gaiden series #
Paperboy #
Rainbow Islands
RC Pro Am
River City Ransom
Skate or Die #
Ski or Die
Solar Jetman
Spy Hunter #
Startropics 1&2
Super Mario Brothers #####
Super Mario Brothers 2 ##
Super Mario Brothers 3 #######
Super Spike V'ball
Tecmo Super Bowl
Tetris ##
Tetris 2
The Last Ninja
TMNT 2 #
Ultima: Exodus
Uni rally
Wario's Woods
World Cup
Zelda ###
Zelda 2
I also suggest Journey to Silius, Shadow of the Ninja, Sweet Home and SCAT - Special Cybernetic Attack Team
Klown posted on Jul 20 2003 said:
Kickle cubicle.

Ahhh yes... I remember... NICE game!

I just didn't finish it (I couldn't do the second last level of the Special Stage... ooohhh... only two more to go and I would've finished it... daaaamn...)
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