Psp Downgrading Possible Soon

i cant play the file for some reason i keep getting:

Windows Media Player cannot play this file. Connect to the Internet or insert the removable media on which the file is located, and then try to play the file again.

i have 1.5 already but im just interested to see the downgrade in action.
Shadow of Chaos posted on Sep 10 2005 at 01:04 AM said:
Alpha2 posted on Sep 10 2005 at 04:18 AM said:
As in file trading ....not trading Memsticks... that'd just be silly.

That wouldnt make much sense either, their just as easy to obtain elsewhere.. so why would he bother risking doing that?

Just saying people get them form somewhere he could have just been someone who had them on his server. But anyway the point is moot as this wasnt the reason so let's drop it and continue to wonder if this ever gets released sometime soon. ;)
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finty posted on Sep 12 2005 at 08:41 PM said:
That new Hi-res video is a fake, not released by WAB or PSP-Dev.


The Official WAB site released that video.... ;) ;) ;)

Quote from the WAB site -

3- It's was not fake to justify that downgrader wont be release ( it will, watch out the news Hi rez video !! shitty talkers can now shut their mouth...)Here or Here

(The "Here or Here" bit at the end are links to the video..)

;) ;)
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That quote is not from the WAB site and it has been proven that the latest video (Not the 2.0 one when the AC adapter isn't present) is a fake.

Thats what I'm hearing anyway, sounds about right too.

EDIT: I think you might be talking about the last video, but the latest in circulation is definitly fake, and that quote is not on WAB's site.

WAB are milking it anyway, they want teh $$.
Okay the more I read about it the more I think "what's the point":

-It won't downgrade 2.0 after all.
-Dont we already have the 1.5x hack to make games play that want a later FW?
-all the controversy involved is a complete turn off to following it's progress.
-too many rumors not enough fact.

It's not that I don't apprciate that there are people trying to break the PSP but seriously, it's getting to the point where I'm about to say screw it and upgrade. PSP homebrew be damned.
finty posted on Sep 13 2005 at 10:44 PM said:
That quote is not from the WAB site and it has been proven that the latest video (Not the 2.0 one when the AC adapter isn't present) is a fake.

Thats what I'm hearing anyway, sounds about right too.

EDIT: I think you might be talking about the last video, but the latest in circulation is definitly fake, and that quote is not on WAB's site.

WAB are milking it anyway, they want teh $$.

Finty, they had that quate on their site, I`m 100% sure on that.
Don`t know why they edited the news post.

And the psp community sucks, so many assholes and kiddies there... did anyone read the posts where they were blaming Yoshi for stealing /blaming him for not releasing this thing just because of some rumours some people put on that board?

Just stupid.
Rlyeh would be flamed to death by now for not letting fday happen yet :D :D
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Because they're the first to start doing some serious stuff with the PSP they're developing a god complex, very childish.

I just hope it passes soon and they start getting on with it. If it doesn't downgrade 2.0 I'm gonna be miffed, and to think I nearly donated the other day.
finty posted on Sep 13 2005 at 08:44 PM said:
That quote is not from the WAB site


Read it on the site aas well :P -

10-09-2005 : AloneTrio is Back Home
To avoid fuckin rumours here is some little details:

1- Thanx to my Bro to make the news to let you know i was arrested ( in case if it was psp related).

2- It was not psp related or hacking related, little personal affair.

3- It's was not fake to justify that downgrader wont be release ( it will soon with cooperation of the mega mighty psp-dev team from spain)

4- It was not fake to ask more donnation, ppl that want to make Donnation can use the link in the menu, those who doesn't want do it, doesn't do it !

5- Stop saying bullshit about downgrader fake, about yoshihiro, about wab at all... We roxx this is a fact and thx all for your support...
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They had a link to that video on their site , but now its gone... so it must have been genuine..?

However, this starts being cheesy... they said the downgrader is 99% ready, just needs to be tested and bugfixed. And that was 3 weeks ago now. I wonder if we´ll ever see tis app for real... :angry:

Edit: Wow, the wab site is down. The cheesyness is growing...
"PSP-Dev has posted the below message on their website, stating that the downgrader project has been canceled without success. PSP-Dev seems to imply that a degrading relationship between PSP-Dev and Wab was responsible for the cancelation. No word from Wab yet on if they are canceling the project on their end or not. Here is what PSP-Dev had to say:

We want to announce that the colaboration between the two groups has been completly finished without success. We also want to announce that WAB has been disolved. The relatioship between the two groups were vanishing days ago (some of our members were banned from their server) and there is no progress with the colaboration.

In addition, the downgrader project (never finished) is immediatelly cancelled (it is not an excuse, we can't explain our reasons, but are enough to do this)."


To be expected, a money making scam imo.

So maybe its still being worked on :D :D :D

Also, there must be a way to get Homebrew running on teh 1.52.... why would Sony put a note in with all PSP's saying you need to upgrade to version 2.0 with the demo disc and why tell the retailers to tell you you have to upgrade to 2.0 with the demo disc to get it to work properly??
I think I mentioned a few pages back that I thought the videos were fake despite the source due to the fact that when the console reset it did not behave the way a psp does when the firmware has been changed. Fake firmware or straight downgrading there is no reason why it should change all of a sudden.
That movie was a corrupt dl that just fucks with your system. I had to delete it with dos, as it would crash doze whenever i tried to open it or click it to delete it, or highlight it to delete it. Actually, it crashed doze when i had that folder open... Piece of shit fake files!
PSyMastR posted on Sep 21 2005 at 12:34 AM said:
That movie was a corrupt dl that just fucks with your system. I had to delete it with dos, as it would crash doze whenever i tried to open it or click it to delete it, or highlight it to delete it. Actually, it crashed doze when i had that folder open... Piece of shit fake files!

I think thats more your problem than the video's. Everyone else downloaded and watched it no problem.
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