Intellivision Emu


Still Fresh
Aug 9, 2005
i'm looking for an intellivision emu for the GP32. I see that it has Coleco and Atari, but wheres intellivision?
Cristallis posted on Aug 18 2005 at 05:22 PM said:
Its just disturbing that there isn't an EMU that can play them...

Not realy its disturbing that you would say that :blink: . Any emu and i mean any emu for the gp32 was made by people on there free time, (well mame is a streach but :unsure: it kinda was andl now is on his free time ) its what the coder wanted to do they dont just take a list and go ok ill do this one then cuz that one is done we need that one over there(besides we dont have the cards to slip over the buttons on the gp32 :D ). If there is an emu that does coleco and atari that means nothing :huh: except u can play thoes games.

Shit if we use your reasoning then there should be a n64 emu cuz we got a ps1 emu ;) ohhh then x-box and ps2.

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there is really a lack of love in here.

I do recognize that some questions may look dumb to some of you , but not all of you.

And I am 100% sure that people who just attack another on these boards are totally uncapable of doing it in real life. I am not calling nobody a coward , but I think most of us don't forget all good education we might have learned from our families just because this is "virtual" .

How many of you would be so agressive in real life? Why can't we just leave things that we don't like alone? Or why don't we think about doing things so we can help other people and ourselves , by being nice to everyone?

I think this scene is too harsh , and need a serious re-think on its purposes. Wanna a closed "club" ? Is this what the "scene" wants? Like it or not , the world is not what you want it to be , it is what you do. Flaming people does not help anyone .
Thanks, i also wouldn't ask a question if i knew. That's why i ask. Don't make fun of me for not knowing. Thats how you learned. My Quake WAD got deleted off my PC by accident. I still got the emu, but i'm missing the wad. Any help of where i can get it again? I bought the GP32 with it on it and the backup disk only had the FXE...
my point is that it's easier to look for it yourself, it's not too hard to click on "downloads" from the front page, then "emulators." If you don't see one, it doesn't exist.
It's all self explanitory.

I wouldn't have said anything except he's waisted 2 front page posts asking 2 stupid questions. Then saying that there's a coleco emulator and atari emulator and why no Intellivision. That's just silly.

I'm just waiting on another topic that asks why SNES isn't fullspeed...

Thanks, i also wouldn't ask a question if i knew. That's why i ask. Don't make fun of me for not knowing. Thats how you learned.

Most of us learned by reading the faqs and looking for info ourselves.

My Quake WAD got deleted off my PC by accident. I still got the emu, but i'm missing the wad. Any help of where i can get it again? I bought the GP32 with it on it and the backup disk only had the FXE...

Google is your best friend
type in Quake shareware download
Cristallis posted on Aug 18 2005 at 08:12 PM said:
i dowloaded the shareware but there was no WAD file for quake... help
its in the rules no one can discuss where to get romz or warez. Ill go out on a limb and *cop2pugh* i got a cold :P you could go to ebay and buy the game.

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to get the quake .pak file you have to run the install file and then attempt to run the game. It will then unpack the files. I had the same trouble.
BobBorakovitz posted on Aug 18 2005 at 09:16 PM said:
well, in his defense, he was talking about the shareware files, which is legal.
If he meant where is the full version, flame away...
it want a flame it was a shove towards the sticky and a little bit of help :P.

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Ahh, but an nice Intellivision emulator would be fine.

Or better still, a dual Intellivision/2600 emulator that forces you to play equal time on the other half of the emulator! It could be called the "George Plimpton -vs- Alan Alda" emulator!!!


As an aside, I think the Nintendo DS would be a perfect system for Intellivision emulation, the second screen could be the keypad with keypad overlays for graphics, and the wireless connect coould handle the many great two player Intellivision games.

Anyone remember the issue of Electronic Games that had a letter from an executive from Intel complaining they should refer to Intellivision as 'Intel' for short, since there was a company named that... brand recognition certainly changed since then...

Anyone here as old as me?
BobBorakovitz posted on Aug 19 2005 at 02:45 AM said:
my point is that it's easier to look for it yourself, it's not too hard to click on "downloads" from the front page, then "emulators." If you don't see one, it doesn't exist.
It's all self explanitory.

Well, usually, I'd agree with you here, because I do know I looked hard for every program that's in the File Archive.

However, how can a newbie know the Download Archive is pretty complete?
There may still be some stuff that isn't in the archive (in fact there is, I still have about 100 old files to sort and upload!)
And sometimes I'm quite surprised myself that I accidentally stumble across something that Google didn't find and that I never heard of.

So, his question is NOT silly.
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