Xgp - First Pictures

tommymordecai posted on Aug 16 2005 at 12:02 PM said:
am i the only one whom thinks it looks pretty snazzy? its a bit 80s retro style with the shiny plastic but at least its trying something different!!

I can see it's charm, but it does look exactly like a gaming calculator you could buy on QVC that I can't find for the life of me.
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I like it, I dont think the pics will do the end product justice, only concern is THIS THING BETTER BE OPEN SOURCE, otherwise its better off dead if left in gameparks hands. They should leave all of there consoles in the hands of the homebrew scene. It will shift more consoles + if they want go commercial there no harm in trying but still leave it open source. There commercial games were not exactly the selling point of the gp32, they should know that otherwise someone pls kindly inform them they are leaveing there target market in the dark.
I just like it :) Looks nice, smart and retro in the same time ! I'm just wondering about homebrew now...
Vimacs posted on Aug 16 2005 at 12:09 PM said:
is that ut?

Don`t know for the big picture, but I can make out the UT rocketlauncher on the small pics!
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I think it has good and bad points, the screen whilst useful I fear it may break easy with the way it turns.

I think I will probably got for the GPX2 if any of these new systems, I guess we will just have to see how they turn out with regards to backing from devs.
Quiest posted on Aug 16 2005 at 02:20 PM said:
Vimacs posted on Aug 16 2005 at 12:09 PM said:
is that ut?

Don`t know for the big picture, but I can make out the UT rocketlauncher on the small pics!

Yes it's definitely UT, i can make out the mini-gun and the characters... think its ut2003/2004 but def. not a xgp game :rolleyes:
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hm it looks a little bit uncomfortable to hold.... but somehow nice...

and i think it would be pretty cool if you could turn the screen around to protect it/watch videos.

lets wait and see.... maybe i'll get both of them :P if i have the money ;P

hm looks like the xgp has some phoning features too.... but this tv thingy will be useless to anyone outside korea :( they should've build in some normal tv-tuner.
Anyone else notice that Wanna be Wizzard is advertised as coming soon at www.gxg.com which doesn't bode well for the GP32 version ever getting released :(
16:9 screen + Analog controller = bad emulation system.

Not sure why everyone is excited about this thing. But this is bad for the community. Half will go for this and half to the GPx2? this will fragment an already small community. I guess more than ever it will be better to wait it out to see which one wins with devs. I hope this doesn't win out as analog controllers suck for emus. Devs seemed to like the zodiac with its dodgy analog and screen stretching so who knows. Wait and see, until then enjoy the current GP32 which has a better screen/control layout anyway.
Looks pretty cool to me, dunno about practicality... I'll wait and see...

Would be really interesting if the screen were touch screen too... That'd make it close to a Tablet...
1. these are obvious renders much more streamline than the live pictures shown in another thread

2. Pooloo2 translated a Q&A which stated the current two designs are still in flux so the final machine could still be even more different than what we see here.

3. Yeah it is kinda awkward looking.... I mean REALLY.

4. There is no 4.

5. being that this is using a GP os that;s just an Upgraded version of the GP32's I'm suprised no one has realized that if anything is backwards compatible right out of the box it'd be this machine rather than the GPX2 since GPH isn't Gamepark.
Alpha2 posted on Aug 16 2005 at 11:03 AM said:
5. being that this is using a GP os that;s just an Upgraded version of the GP32's I'm suprised no one has realized that if anything is backwards compatible right out of the box it'd be this machine rather than the GPX2 since GPH isn't Gamepark.
That's been mentioned a few times in other threads, yes. That is interesting and could mean backwards compatiblity, but, if it's closed, they wouldn't have to include freelauncher in this Updated GPOS as it wasn't there initially.

And, DaveC, some people like to keep an open mind. ;) You're wrong though. I think everyone who plans on getting one of these plans on getting a GPx2 because that seems to be the true successor to the GP32. However, some people may just decide to get the other one, too.

As for me, I'm on the fence as to whether I want an XGP or not... I'll have to wait for more info to know.
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i just wish that 'certain people' would stop posting the same thing over and over.

It would be interesting to find out how many times the same point has been made and posted. It must be hundreds.
DaveC posted on Aug 16 2005 at 02:59 PM said:
16:9 screen + Analog controller = bad emulation system. 

It looks pretty digital to me.

Damn its a beauty and it has WiFi, tv-out. :)
But i still dont know witch one I gonna buy. :huh:
I like both of them.
Before the pictures i was pretty much on the gpx2 side but now im just confused. :angry:
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The design is really unexpected. I'm curious for what the buttons under the screen are used for. The unusual design might be disliked by few people, but Sony has shown with the Playstation that even a much uglier design can get huge customer support.

Is the game on the screen really UT 2003/2004? It look great!

I like it, but still I don't know much about both the XGP and GPX2. Not enough to make a decision which portable video game to buy.

x68000 posted on Aug 16 2005 at 04:01 PM said:
i just wish that 'certain people' would stop posting the same thing over and over.

It would be interesting to find out how many times the same point has been made and posted. It must be hundreds.
You're right, I've read the opinion of people like you, DaveC and others a thousand times.
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Looks like Dr Frankenstein is working on the XGP

Its part Mobile Phone, part PSP, part DS, part gp32

From the renders it looks easy to break that flap off.

It also looks moreexpensive to manufacture than any other console on the market both in terms of parts and construction time.

I doom this to failure. But I hope I eat my words in a years time too B)