Gamepark Named Newgp32 Xgp ?

C16 posted on Jul 12 2005 at 05:17 PM said:
OMG a new GP story and its not a hoax :D

Am so happy, just like a pig in a mud bath playing on a gp32_console


:blink: Uh, how does that work? No thumbs and all that? Thought control?

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You could build yourself a portable N64, PS2, or Dreamcast but yeah it'd be a bit bulky and not everyone could do it but it'd be great to have a single handheld capable of all that or something, though I'd assume the PSP would be capable of emulating some of those already. I did see a portable Dreamcast at some website and I'm considering building one myself though I probably wouldn't unless I had another Dreamcast because I don't wanna risk destroying it.. But a portable Dreamcast would be neat, SA2 on the go anyone? B)

But back on topic, hopefully the next GP system will have more official games developed for it and not only mostly emulation perposes as I haven't seen many GP32 games out there.
I would wait to see the specs before freaking out. While it would certainly be more powerful there are many things that could keep it from being a good GP32 replacement. If it isn't well thought out it could be another Gizmondo.

Will it be Backwards compatible? If not it will take years to get the kind of emus and homebrew that we have now.

Is it open? or they have some restrictive DRM where every app needs signing by them to run?

Is the screen a higher resolution? If so and it is something goofy like 480 x 320 emulating systems that work well at 320 x 240 will need to be scaled to an odd scale factor which looks like crap. Stuf looks much sharper in its native resolution.

Does it use some special hardwired in LiIon battery? If so you would need to rely on Gamepark to stay in business to get a replacement. That would be scary.

How large will the screen be and will it be 4:3? If it is like the PSP and is 16:9 emus will all look squashed and distorted because of the stretching. If it is like the Giz it will be smaller than what we have now.

Will the controller be good? If they go with some fancy analog it would be poor for emus.

Will it be easy to mod and put in a glass screen? or will it have a fancy case that is not moddable leaving you with a plastic screen that is easy to scratch?

Will it be designed so that the system can be played vertically like the GP32 with MAME games (Pacman, 1942 etc)? If it is some sort of clamshell design (DS) vertical play would be cumbersome, if not impossible.

There are so many variables here. I would like to see what they do first before getting too excited. It may be good if it is released and they make the right choices, we shall see.
DaveC posted on Jul 12 2005 at 07:45 PM said:
Is it open? or they have some restrictive DRM where every app needs signing by them to run?
I think a GP without homebrew is like a Game Boy without Batteries.
(It cant work!)
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The portable dreamcast is called Treamcast, you can get a glimpse of it at

Its doubtful if you'll ever find one to purchase though.

Back on topic, as fun as speculating is its still way too early to do so.

The only one (there maybe others) who knows anything is Craigix who's lips are tightly sealed.

On which note Craig, my sister says she'll spend the night with you if give us all some details, she's ugly as sin, but she makes up for it with effort.

How about it?
What is known about the new GP32?
Specs, release data, game support?

First: the name newgp32 makes this sound like a fake news, because it's a bad choice, abviously.

I would like to buy games for my GP32 and I even bought 4 or 5 items. But there are no games. I would at least expect a 3D game, but only 2D stuff. For a good racing game I would pay a lot of money.....this giro racing game is cool, with more tracks and stuff this title would easily become a quality commercial title.
DaveC posted on Jul 12 2005 at 07:45 PM said:
How large will the screen be and will it be 4:3? If it is like the PSP and is 16:9 emus will all look squashed and distorted because of the stretching. If it is like the Giz it will be smaller than what we have now.

I've never understood why they need to be stretched? Why not have the extra width used for something, like statistics.

Atleast GB games look nice on GP32.
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He said "I did see one at some website..." so why not remind of what website it probably was and perhaps he may even get some inspirationi if he does decide to risk his dreamcast?

One wonders how long GP have been developing this new handheld, if they're at that stage, I only bought my gp32_console last year, it'd be nice to get some more use out of it.
Anbu_2 posted on Jul 12 2005 at 06:33 PM said:
On which note Craig, my sister says she'll spend the night with you if give us all some details, she's ugly as sin, but she makes up for it with effort.

How about it?

:P Love it
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Thanks Craig

Knowing there is a NDA is better than guessing games

I don't suppose you can get GamePark to release a mockup picture or something -can you tell them we are dying out here - we need some hints

Zorn posted on Jul 12 2005 at 12:00 PM said:
Hanz™ posted on Jul 12 2005 at 08:27 AM said:
Awesome - I dunno what I want more, a Ninja or a XGP?

Please tell me whats a Ninja handheld?? :blink:
searched google but could find something ....


Look at page two of General talk
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Anbu_2 posted on Jul 12 2005 at 09:39 PM said:
He said "I did see one at some website..." so why not remind of what website it probably was and perhaps he may even get some inspirationi if he does decide to risk his dreamcast?

One wonders how long GP have been developing this new handheld, if they're at that stage, I only bought my gp32_console last year, it'd be nice to get some more use out of it.

Doomportables used to be nice, but is gone now... :(
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Errrrm, guys, wait a second.

I, myself, got an eMail from GamePark a few weeks ago.

Yes, they are currently developing a new handheld.
Yes, I already do have the specs - and the name (and it isn't XGP).

However, Mr. Hong told me not to release any infos yet (they plan to make
the infos public in August, and maybe release it in October / November).

So I don't know how accurate the source is (we had lots of sources with GP64 or whatsover the last months), I do think my source is accurate (GamePark ;)), though we do not know what GamePark does - maybe they changed all this in the last weeks.

Well, sorry I can't tell you more.
Give info in August and release it in October? That's only a short period. Wouldn't it make more sense, if they would give more infos earlier?
Not really, they might not be entirely sure exactly what the system will look like or what its exact specs will be yet, and they might not want to keep changing their story or say one thing and then have it be different. Well, like I said before, I don't care if their new system is called the Steaming Pile of Shit, I'm just glad that there's another one coming out. Hopefully perfect handheld SNES emulation will be around the corner. I hope they can get some decent 3rd party support this time around for commercial games, but it should still be open source.
hm i think its a good move...

everyone will be waiting for the specs and then, just a short time after they told us the specs they are releasing the handheld while everyone is still talking about it.

if they released the specs to early everyone would already know the specs and there wouldnt be so much talk about it when the system actually gets released :P

oktober/november is a good date :P i should get my first payment in oktober ;P
According to Mr. Hong from GamePark, they will release the first public informations August / September.
Please: No questions until then (yes, I have the same NDA as craig ;))
Well, don't bet on it... all may still change. That's probably why there's nothing public yet.