

That Guy!
Jul 19, 2003
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I finally got OpenBOR running on GP32, I've been playing Rage of the Streets to test and it's working atleast (I've just played the first two levels but it doesn't seem to have any problems so far ;) )

It's got a bug with the game over sound and it has the shadow5 bug still but hopefully those'll be fixed sometime soon.

TJ Hooka

Vimacs: No real speed changes just allowed playing newer BOR mod's... and technically I can't code but still I'm trying and I've been working on wolf3d so it's taught me a little about how code works and stuff. I've gotten some coding done on wolf3d lately also but not enough to warrant a release or anything, just minor fixes and there's still alot of bugs in it.
wow, great, didnt even know you can code :-)
So you updatet squidges bor port with openbor? how much did change?
Is ther emuch speed difference? (hevent tryd yet, will later)
Thanks :)

Um ... I have the Simpsos .pak that runs fine in BORbeta6 ... but in oBOR, the controls are reversed and it gives an error msg about not being able to play sounds at 1mhz! (sound does not work).

Is there a specific set of mods I need to get? Would some kind soul provide a link?

Thanks again :)

Edit: Same issue with KillBill, but it wont run .. shadow6 error

Edit2: Hey! Thanks for this update & thread!! I was searching around and found out KillBill1 is complete!!!
Cool, I wil have to try OPENBOR when I get back from vecation. I will be lookng foward to Wolf3D being ported over as I was disapointed that I could not get past the 3rd level and would just rbeoot my GP32...
Cool Wolf 3D update :) The current version has these lines in the center of the screen on my BLU. It will be great if it is fixed.
For the shadow6 problem tobriand gave a very good explaination here as for the simpsons problem I'll have to check it out and see what I can do.

Hopefully thejuggler will get ahold of me with his source changes and I'll be able to incorporate his fixes removing the need for the shadow fix and other problems.

DaveC: for wolf3d I had wondered if it was having problems on the BLU+ but I had no way to check and nobody had mentioned it. also for people wanting to play past the second level of the first mission try using the shareware version it gets to the third level for sure.
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So much in one thread! Thanks for OpenBOR, thanks for the KillBillMod, can anyone confirm if it runs on BORbeta6? (since TelcoLou mentioned it does not work in OpenBOR)
Hooka posted on Jul 8 2005 at 04:44 AM said:
For the shadow6 problem tobriand gave a very good explaination here as for the simpsons problem I'll have to check it out and see what I can do.

Hopefully thejuggler will get ahold of me with his source changes and I'll be able to incorporate his fixes removing the need for the shadow fix and other problems.

DaveC: for wolf3d I had wondered if it was having problems on the BLU+ but I had no way to check and nobody had mentioned it. also for people wanting to play past the second level of the first mission try using the shareware version it gets to the third level for sure.

Actually the lines are vertical and run through the center on a normal BLU (haven't tried on BLU+). They are not real dark lines just a kind of "noise" that looks like if you were watching a movie with light scratches on the film running up and down.
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Quiest posted on Jul 8 2005 at 02:16 AM said:
So much in one thread! Thanks for OpenBOR, thanks for the KillBillMod, can anyone confirm if it runs on BORbeta6? (since TelcoLou mentioned it does not work in OpenBOR)

Sorry 'bout that.

YES!! It works fine in BORbeta6. I finished it around 3am, kind of short, but loads of fun :D
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How many levels are there?

Besides that, which version shall I get, PC or DC? (Didn`t download yet...)
Quiest posted on Jul 8 2005 at 06:31 PM said:
How many levels are there?

Besides that, which version shall I get, PC or DC? (Didn`t download yet...)

Urm .. 3 levels, 3 bosses (GoGo, that bald Crazy 88 guy (Played by Gordon Lui ... forgot the character's name) and final boos: O Ren Ishi)

It's basically the time where teh Bride goes to kill O-Ren in the club, stretched out into 3 sections. Very fun :)

Oh, and get the PC version :)
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allright. it works like a charm. I just don't remember how to manualy fix that shadow6 problem. It had to do with duplicating a certain file and renaming it. I just can't remember what file and how to rename it. Anyone?
Horscht: check out here Tobriand made a very good explaination of how to fix the problem ;)
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