Wolf3d Testing Needed


That Guy!
Jul 19, 2003
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Well, It's still got alot of bugs in the code (full version still crashes at level 3 of mission 1 still) but I'm trying to add support for playing Tristan Van Putten's The Final Solution also and that's atleast compiling but crashing right at the start for now (hopefully I can figure something out...) so I'm releasing a test shareware wolf3d version BUT I have squashed a few bugs off my list, or atleast I think I did so if anyone want to actually sit down and play all the way through mission 1 of the shareware version to see if it crashes or they notice anything out of the normal it would be appreciated.

As a note here are some things I know about:

-Menu fadeout is no longer to red, it goes to black but I prefer it that way so that it doesn't fade with funny pink colors all over the place and stuff. (check all the other wolf3d for gp32 versions out there and you'll know what I mean)

-Adlib music is still not in there

If you need the shareware data files they are available here

The datafiles go in gp:\GAME\SW_WOLF and just incase your wondering
TJ Hooka
The game is illegal in Germany??!?!!

Thanks Hooka... (I will test the full version if you have done anymore to that)
deadlychicken22 posted on Jul 21 2005 at 12:38 PM said:
I think thats because the game is about nazis....

korrect you should see Return to Castle Wolfenstein..no Nazis try to reanimate...uh i think is was Whilhem or so...no there are's a sect who try it.

its so stupid.

btw in movies (like Indiana Jones) there are Nazi symbols allowed...
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MIK posted on Jul 21 2005 at 02:20 PM said:
deadlychicken22 posted on Jul 21 2005 at 12:38 PM said:
I think thats because the game is about nazis....

korrect you should see Return to Castle Wolfenstein..no Nazis try to reanimate...uh i think is was Whilhem or so...no there are's a sect who try it.

its so stupid.

btw in movies (like Indiana Jones) there are Nazi symbols allowed...
Yeah well videogames are evil says the Daily Mail.
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Quit: MM_GetPtr((memptr)source, compres

Got that after activating, hum, level 5 or 6 elevator. (The error prevented me to check the floor number... :P )

Oh, and I couldn't get back from load game screen. :( No ESC button. :P

Saves work, but they did not retain the name given.

But damn that was fun! :lol: Hot Dog! Mein Leiben!

SW version, BTW. :)
Thank you Jarska333, I'll look into those :)
I'm gonna be a bit bogged down for tonight so it won't happen immediately, I'm working on catching up on my compTIA A+ certification (joined a couple weeks late... today actually) so I gotta read about 4 chapters and get ready for saturdays lesson and lab so I'm gonna get that outta the way then get back to wolf3d :)
Hi there,

Not sure if this is of interest, but I have added your version of Wolf3D to the compatibility lists.

I have also updated the GP32 section too, It not only has the GP32+ but also the standard GP32 there too. I thought that might be of use to people who wannt to know what homebrew works on whhich GP32 version!

GP32 section of the lists

Tatty bye for now,

P.S. I don't know which version (if any) of Wolf3D it is, so it's just general at the mo. If you have future version then please let me know so I can add them. Or you can beecome a user of the site and add them yourself :)
Hooka posted on Jul 25 2005 at 04:39 AM said:
It's always sad when more than a third of the posts in your topic are your own but I released some new beta's at The gpWolf3D sourceforge.net site If you want you can drop bug reports here or there... it'll be appreciated!

Well, Iplayed it trough (SW-version) without more troubles (on "Can I play GP?"-level :rolleyes: ), but I can't view the second page of the Congratulations!-text! Damn! :( :D

Also, the downmost menu item has been replaced with green d... :huh:
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DaveC: The one on sourceforge should

Should also be able to play SOD mission 2 and have it and the original SOD on the same SMC if you want :) although I doubt anyone has it...
heh, I just downloaded the new Wolf3d beta from the German sourceforge mirror, lol!
I just think that's funny that Germany won't allow an old videogame because of Nazi symbols, it's not like we're actually playing as Nazis, we're blowing them away! ;)

Anyway, I'm gonna test this out, I'll let you know how it goes later...

SOD Mission 2? Is this a real game or a hacked version of SOD? Never heard of it before... thanx for the update! ;)

::Edit:: OK, I've played the demo, it works great, albeit a little too fast (the blue guards with the automatics run too fast, which makes it too hard IMO)
Also, the sounds are a little off, but not bad enough to want to turn it down, fortunately!
I'll try the full one when i can find it...everything's still packed up, atm. Great stuff! :D
I bought the Spear of Destiny Super CD Pack that was made by Formgen. It has the original SOD, SOD mission 2 and SOD mission 3... I've got ALOT of work to do to get SOD mission 3 working yet and the mission 2 .fxe up on sourceforge.net has a sound bug but I know how to fix it (in a really cheap bypass sort of way IMO)

But yes, it is official... hmm, good to know that it's running too fast, that means I have to set the CPU speed, it's probably kicking it upto 133Mhz with b2fxec and not being reset... it should run perfect at 66Mhz (more specifically 67.8Mhz)

As a note for SOD mission 2, it's weird most of the gfx are changed (although not all) and the guns are BLUE! BLUE GUNS!.... anyways, yeah.

I hope that someday I'll figure out how to add Adlib!!!