How To (not) Break A Gp32

Dryer Lint

May 15, 2005
OK, this topic serves several purposes:

1. Tell other people how you (accidentally, or while trying to mess with the HW) broke your beloved GP32. If you don't get pity, at least you'll make someone laugh. ;-)

2. I'm trying to find out how sturdy the GP is. Because... I really really love my GP32 and would probably get a heart attack if I ever dropped it or something.
So, what cruel things did you (accidentally?) do to your poor GP that didn't break it? Is it as indestructable as the classic gameboy, or fragile as a PSP?

Since I just got my GP32 for a few weeks now and have been very careful, I don't have much to tell, so I'm hoping for a lot of participation in this topic.

Go on, tell everybody how you fried your GP while trying to overclock it or how it survived being submerged in water for 3 minutes (OK, that's pretty unlikely ;-) )!
when i first started trolling the boards about a year and a half ago, there was a guy that stuck his GP32 in the freezer, which made it overclock higher for a while and then killed his GP32, so don't do that.

I dropped my NLU once on concrete and it didn't even scratch the plastic, let alone damage anything else, so it's pretty sturdy.

what is HW? do you mean FW for firmware?
my gp32 hit the ground and it still works,
i did it again and still no querks,
how ever water for it,
so if you water it your a twit,
the flu light some times not working,
so i just go and pickle some gerkins,
when i come back,
because it has a nack,
the flu light is once again working
KickinWing posted on Jul 1 2005 at 06:58 PM said:
when i first started trolling the boards about a year and a half ago, there was a guy that stuck his GP32 in the freezer, which made it overclock higher for a while and then killed his GP32, so don't do that.

I dropped my NLU once on concrete and it didn't even scratch the plastic, let alone damage anything else, so it's pretty sturdy.

what is HW? do you mean FW for firmware?
he mans by modding the Hard Ware and that freezer thing was a joke.
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sam fisher posted on Jul 1 2005 at 07:00 PM said:
my gp32 hit the ground and it still works,
i did it again and still no querks,
how ever water for it,
so if you water it your a twit,
the flu light some times not working,
so i just go and pickle some gerkins,
when i come back,
because it has a nack,
the flu light is once again working
My gp32 hit the ground and it still works,
I did it again but still no querks,
However water for it,
So if you water it you're a twit,
The flu light sometimes is not working,
So I just go and pickle some gherkins,
When I come back,
'Cos it has a knack,
The flu light is once again working
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sam fisher posted on Jul 1 2005 at 07:09 PM said:
i not grammer man big like lord goity!
I'm not the grammar man like The Amazingly Terrific Overlord Goitatious Goity
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Goity posted on Jul 1 2005 at 07:19 PM said:
sam fisher posted on Jul 1 2005 at 07:09 PM said:
i not grammer man big like lord goity!
I'm not the grammar man like The Amazingly Terrific Overlord Goitatious Goity

You really could Spam your way out of a paper-bag, no?

The GP32 is pretty sturdy. Far more sturdy than you would first think.
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actually the gp32 is surpriseing sturdy, only yesterday i was involved in a real life fight in a spar (This is a true story, I bruises to prove). There was a man/kid about 17/18 who was trying to smuggle 8 cans of blackthron out of the shop. He couldnt open the door and asked if i could help. knowing he was stealing I replied "no". He was very drunk and started mouthing to me and my mate. Before I knew what happened my mate stoved into him. Unfortunately I would have helped but my beloved GP32 was in my pocket, fearing the worst for its safety I watched my mate beat him to glory. How ever he got back up and no longer wanted a piece of my mate. He obviously thought I was a bit of a pussy because I kept telling I wasnt gonna fight him (worried for the safety of my gp32). However he pushed it abit to far and in the end I asked a customer in the shop if they would hold on to it because he was hitting me at the time. However in the transaction/comotion the gp32 fell a good 5ft to a marble floor, smashing the battery cover off, recharables still not recovered. I was by this time stoveing in to this plonker while still very concerned about my gp32. So I brought the kiddie to a quick end with a uppercut to his face, splitting his nose. I then ran to the aid of my gp32, replaced the battery (haveing been in a shop). I though and behold not a scratch (shame I cant say the same about the kids nose I broke - he will learn a lesson from this hopefully).

I know this sounds far fetched but this truely did happen yesterday, makes me think it might have something to do with the kids in high school/college haveing holiday around this point. Well I never acted like that at his age !!
nothing is more sturdy than a gc, its amazing what you can do to it without harming it :-)
but gp comes someware right after, at least nlu/blu, flu likes to get various problems, but nothing tobad.
I was glass screen modding my NLU, when I snapped the grey frame around the screen. In my wisdom I got the trusty super glue out and stuck it together and put it back on my GP32. The next day I was surprised to see that some bubbles had appeared on the LCD surface. It seems that the fumes from the super glue effected the coating on the LCD and buggered it up :(. Oh well lucky I have my BLU :)

So remember kids, super glue and LCDs do not mix!
Well, I sure am relieved to hear the good old gp32_console is so sturdy. :-D

That glue thing sounds nasty!
Don't use the red plastic bag (the one with the airbags) your GP32 comes with for protection to carry it around in your bag.

It somehow managed to make a lot of really strange small scratches on the plastic screen cover of my NLU.
It really is quite bad :(
I haven't gotten a glass replacement yet, but I am seriously considering it.
Julius posted on Jul 1 2005 at 10:00 PM said:
Don't use the red plastic bag (the one with the airbags) your GP32 comes with for protection to carry it around in your bag.

It somehow managed to make a lot of really strange small scratches on the plastic screen cover of my NLU.
It really is quite bad :(
I haven't gotten a glass replacement yet, but I am seriously considering it.


I'm doing exactly that! Thanks for the info. I was thinking about getting a GBA or Camera case for it anyway.
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Droped my donw about 23 stairs it bounced on every other on then went like 5 feet from the stairs. stillworked after that and no cracks.
droped it from about 3 feet up on to concreat still works.

Ran my link cable through the wash got all nice an clean and it still works.

DemonStar55 posted on Jul 1 2005 at 10:26 PM said:
I say we experiment w/ what it can go through....

Good idea... Did you just volunteer for the first experiment? ;-)

I say we try my water-idea... Or find out how the GP32 handles microwaves.
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