I would imagine that they would be in english. I figure that it would be pointless to release a role playing game like ASR in korean that a majority of the market would not be able to play. I hope the translation of ASR is good and that it can later be purchased off of joyGP. I live in the states so it will still be a trick to try to get ahold of games in the boxes.
I remember a month or 2 ago on another thread, everyone was very negative about the european release ever becoming a reality. At the time I was one of the minority BELIEVING it would happen. KNOWING it would happen. Of course....nearly everyone argued with me. NOW....I can say....
Actually, a month ago it was confirmed by IDG that the GP32 will be distributed in Sweden (by the company Dexter). For some reason it was never mentioned on any GP32 site, but if you understand Swedish you can read about it here: http://www.idg.se/ArticlePages/200306/06/2..._TST134.dbp.asp
It will be released during the summer/early fall in Sweden.
I wonder where they will sell GP32's? I would imagine Ninendo getting upset if they were sold alongside the GBA, I know that Nintendo get very funny about that and have been known to refuse to give supplies to shops that had its rivel on sale.
Other than that this is great news and sure to promote more interest in the console and maybe some games will be made that are worth buying (apart from Pinball ).