Help me pleaseeeeeeeeeee


GP Guru Wannabe
Mar 8, 2003
i downloaded the commodore music video from the Gp32 theartre and when i tried to play it in movie park it wouldnt work so i looked on my smartcard and it said that the music video wasnt there but it was showing up in moviepark so i deleted the folder named moviepark (not moviepark just the folder) and then it wouldnt load at all so i bought another movie park from entware and now that wont load either please help I havent got a clue what to do :(
You can put the video file anywhere in the gp32, but dont del the MPARK folder, because it contains the program
I recommend placing movies in the main SMC directory. Not only will no problems occur, but you won't have to go searching through subfolders to find your movies in Moviepark.
Ive allready bought another copy and that wont load either ive installed it all correctly and havent deleated anything from the new one but it still wont load :angry:
Ive re formated my smc and movie park still wont work and now i cant find the free launcher programe somebody please help :( PLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;)
If you got the freelauncher by official writ, go to gamepark's site, log in, and they'll let you download it again (no need to faddle around with re-registering).

I don't suppose you're using the Multi-fw? If so, make sure you load all official software (.gxe s) from the official firmware. Since they mess with the PDUID/SMCIDs that the non-official firmwares aren't good with. Just a thought.
I bought my GP32 second hand so it already had freelauncher on it now when i go to entware it says that freelauncher is no longer available please help with out freelauncher my gp32 is just a poo paperweight :(
It goes in a loop smartarse im not thick ive read all of the guides but if you go to entware theres no such thing as freeloader and if i go to the english gamepark site it just loops when i click the download tab telling me to sign in over and over again even though i sign in under two different names nothing works
If you use Opera or anything similar:
Just use your internet explorer this one time, it will work better ;)