Gp Theatre Has Returned

yes thats fine. Just means the server has switched and i just need to wait for the name server's and dns to update so it will be back soon and on a fasterserver and should have no more 20kb/s probs anymore :P
Death Race 2000 - owned by UCA
D.O.A - owned by Waterfall Entertainment
Nosferatu - owned by Eureka
White Zombie - owned by Classic Entertainment
Night of the Living Dead - owned by Oracle
To Kill a Mocking Bird - owned by Universal
Master With Cracked Fingers - owned by Prism (one of the worst distrbuters I've had to work with)
Fists of Fury - the US title for 'The Big Boss' - owned by Medusa (one of the best distributers I've ever worked with)
The Little Shop of Horrors - recently bought by Waterfall Entertainment
Rumble in Hong Kong - owned by M.I.A (yuck)

The above mostly include ownership and distribution of all film editions worldwide, but some are only for Europe. If you want me to look into it further for you, I can. I've tried to give the name of the parent distributer in most cases, but the distribution arm should be enough info.

I'm pretty sure '36 Crazy Fists' is not public domain, but it was a horrific film and began life as a pirate video anyway, so no need to sweat there.

I'm not entirely sure about the Matrix shorts, as I know Warner own video distribution rights but I beleive some episodes may have been made freely available, so they might be ok.

Hope I've been of some assistance! I'd like to help the site in any way I can and will submit videos to help beef the content up if you would like?
Just briefly looking at the website which raised an eyebrow.
Although many of the films on there have at some point faced copyright expiration (to my knowledge), they have almost all been picked up since.

There is little information regarding who the company actually is other than the fact they are based in Los Angeles.

It also makes me wonder what their view of 'public domain' muct be if they are charging people for the transfers. They claim to not be a distributer (which they certainly are not, legally) but transferring from their possibly legal telecine films to another format and then selling it is more than dubious.
I've done some admin work for Medusa, who own the Hong Kong Legends label. Nothing amazing - I'm not a film producer or anything (I wish!)

I take a particular interest in DVD distribution of old, rare or foreign films so know a fair amount about small distributers and who owns rights to what etc.

Don't fear though - there are so many great things available on public domain and being an enthusiast myself, I'll give you a hand.

Whats the most conveniant way for me to submit material?
well you really want to get involved sign up in that gptheatre forum and ill give you your own ftp.

EDIT: i will remove them when files re uploaded. Bronze is there a PD database somewhere? also do you have msn? I am
Bronze: I thought that for a lot of old movies which are public domain, what eventually gets copyrighted is not the movie itself but a particular restoration of it...

Also, Sam, where do you live? Copyright laws are different in every country, so...
Actually, I'm not sure which is the important location; where YOU live or where the server you're using is located. If they're the same country then there's no problem, but if not then they may have different rules...

P.S. Old cartoons: that's a really good idea! There are some amazing early cartoons that I've heard about but haven't really seen.
sponge! i didnt know you were a member of this forum. what a coincidence :)

lol, I didn't know you were either, though I don't post a whole lot. Nin is here, too, but he's been gone lately. (here and there) do you have a gamepark?

For those that are wondering what the heck we are talking about, I know this guy from :)
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